Got Great News this Weekend!!
Date: Mon, 08/20/2007 - 13:43
Got Great News this Weekend!!
First off got a response from Chexsystems reguarding a dispute letter I sent them. Neg. marks on our consumer report was removed and shows nothing now!! WOOHOO!! Next got a email from the BBB and a copy of a letter they recvd. from Westbury Ventures stating Westbury will settle our account for only what I owe on the principle borrowed!! WOOHOO #2!! Also got a settlement offer from Cash Transfer Centers for only the amount left on the principle borrowed!! WOOHOO #3!! Finally after months of fighting this crap were finally getting some positive news. This was a Great Weekend for us thanks to all for your advice and support!! 2 Pdls left that we haven't heard from but both of them were overpaid already!!
Thanks Again!!
Thanks Again!!
Yippie!!! That is great news. Congratulations. The others will c
Yippie!!! That is great news. Congratulations. The others will come through. Feels good doesn't it? :-)
Congratulations! This is something to YaHoo about! YAHOOOOOO
Congratulations! This is something to YaHoo about!
That is wonderful news. Give yourself a great big applause. Yo
That is wonderful news. Give yourself a great big applause. You are doing great. Keep up the good work.