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Help w/ unitedcash, magnum, zipcash and discountadvances

Date: Sat, 08/18/2007 - 05:03

Submitted by advalanche
on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 05:03

Posts: 17 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 15

Help w/ unitedcash, magnum, zipcash and discountadvances

I live IN CT, Im dying in debit I cant take it anymore. My bank account w/ BOA was finally frozen, NO more Credits or Debits are allowed so they cant attempt to request Cash after almost $500 in NFS fee's. :cry:

I had to default on two loans so far
b/c I couldnt afford it. It was either
defaulting on PDL or being late on mortgage,
having no cash to buy food. I've been driving
since april w/o car insurance. I have 4 littles
one to think about. :?

I sent a Letter to MY AG's Office
requesting help with both of the PDL
i've defaulted on to work out a reasonable
payment plan.

ZipCAsh $500 Paid $150 in default
amount now owe $1000

Unitedcashloans $300 PAid $90 in default
amount now owe $600 ( this wasnt the first loan
from United I've had about 4-5 which were all PIF )

Loans in GOOD standing
for $500 i've paid $809.86 as of 8/17/07
How do I go about getting
to consider my loan PIF and sending me a letter stating
that my account is PIF w/o having to pay the $153.31
the state that I still owe???

Magnum Cash Advances based out of Delaware
How can I get them to settle for a less
than The amount i owe this is about the 8th loan
from this company they made $1000's off me.
By the time last paymentis due, I always had to
take out a new loan to pay other PDL and to get by.
I have a friend who defaulted on one of their loans
From Magnum and it was report to all 3 Credit

Magnum Cash advances
$600 Paid $461 as of 8/17/07
owe 2 more payments of $230.55ea.

Any Input would be greatly appreciated..

Pay day loans are prohibited in your state. Every penny that you've paid these people should have gone only towards the principle owed. Nothing else. They are totally prohibited in your state. If you can, please read the link above on this site regarding closing your bank account. You can not have these people debit your account any further. If you have any questions after reading about the bank situtation, please post. :D

You will find the Payday loan laws for Connecticut here (just select your state),


Submitted by cannr on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 05:17

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

BOA told me that if they attempt to process a transaction after I closed the account, the account would be re-open. Thats why I never closed it. Has anybody worked with Magnum and if so what are my options?? Will it be hard to work out a reasonable payment plan with Zipcash and United after defaulting on loan?? And I read that people have a letter on their Blog to send the PDL companies to get accounts marks as PIF. Where can i find the letter to fax to Thxs


Submitted by advalanche on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 05:44

( Posts: 17 | Credits: )

Close ANY account that you've given the information to a pdl. If you gave them information on only the account you've closed, you're okay since you closed it. Your new account - if you have NOT given any pdl's the information, you should be fine. However, if you've also given this new account information out, close it. Any account you have given to a pdl, close it.


Submitted by cannr on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 11:01

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

If your account info has been given to a pdl I wouldn't care what people think of me opening new accounts...Unfortunately that's the only way to stop them from debting out all your money. Just explain to the bank that a pdl has your info and you didn't understand the ramifications.

In the search box at the top of each page you can type in the name of any pdl, or info you want info on and it will bring up every thread connected to it. I have read in several spots that Magnum was easy to work with. Your first priority has to be to get your banking and money under control...then you can send letters and deal with the ipdls.


Submitted by Morningstarr430 on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 14:36

( Posts: 2329 | Credits: )

adv, don't worry about opening/closing accounts. If you've given pld's the information for both of your accounts, then you need to close both of your accounts. Okay, you already closed one. Go to another bank with just a little bit of money, open an account. Go to your other bank that you need to close, tell them you need to close your account (hell, tell them you're moving out of state). Close it if the pdl's have the account information. You need a new fresh account at a new bank and do NOT give the account number to anyone.


Submitted by cannr on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 16:34

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I received an email from one of the lenders and hopefully we can resolve this issue w/o any further damages to either party. I've closed my bank account and will keep you guys posted. :?


Submitted by advalanche on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 04:00

( Posts: 17 | Credits: )

adv, which pdl sent you an email? And, are THEY the ones that said "to come to an agreement with both parties" (or whatever they said). Just curious. If you post who the pdl is, someone has probably dealt with them and can tell you what to expect.


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 04:36

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I'm going to respect the agreement, for now
b/c this was their offer before I ever contacted them or faxed any paperwork. I'll give them props for that.
Here were my 2 choices:

1) Pay back the contract amount on this current loan with no additional fees and an extended payment plan that meets your current financial situation. This would allow you to borrow from us in the future should you have that need.
2) I will offer to pay your current loan in full as of today even though I know your payment from Friday will most likely be returned to us. You will no longer be able to borrow from our company.

So I requested before I agree to anything to

1- Send me a company's Letterhead stating that the account was PIF

2- TO refund the $230.55 that was taken out of my bank account on 8/17/2007

3- not to report to any Credit agency or telecheck companies.

They stated that I only took out 6 small loans with them and they didnt make $1000's like I stated. But
I know for a fact they made over $1000++ easy. Today I go log into My account and it was closed. No Company Letterhead, Nothing. I have to be very careful what I say b/c they read these posting. As a matter of fact they contacted me before I contacted them with this offer. I only want what's fair. I'm not asking for too much. They already think the $230.55 from 8/17/2007 is going to be return. As you can see they stated that the account would be marked PIF even thought Friday's payment will most likely be returned to them.


Submitted by advalanche on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 10:31

( Posts: 17 | Credits: )

I understand. You do what you feel is right.


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 10:34

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I have tried numerous times to get ahold of these
People, I enter my SS# and my calls are being disconnected or transfer to voice mail and cannot get ahold of CEO AL from Magnum who sent the email. I'm still going to file with my AG if he doesnt reply to my emails.


Submitted by advalanche on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 11:17

( Posts: 17 | Credits: )

adv, you'll find it's very hard to speak with an actual person at a pdl when YOU try to call. You'll get hung up on, re-routed to a different department, disconnected, etc. Of if you do get a person, they'll tell you to call a different phone number, you just go around and around. But, yet, they're there to call YOU! Drives me nuts! Email is usually the best means of communication. Plus the fact that you'll have documentation. However, if they're not answering the emails, guess that doesn't help either, does it? Hell, I would have already filed the complaints.......


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 11:46

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Just received a Letter from my AG's office
Im inquiry. recorded as Public inquiry # 232867, has been assigned to the Finanace Department within the Attorney General's Office. FULL STEAM AHEAD :)
Crooks will get what they have coming to them.


Submitted by advalanche on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 12:47

( Posts: 17 | Credits: )

You go! You're working it now! Keep us informed of what's going on! Filing complaints does work! Great job so far! :D


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 19:30

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )