Encouraging News...
Date: Wed, 08/08/2007 - 15:16
Submitted by Morningstarr430
Wed, 08/08/2007 - 15:16
Total Replies: 10
Encouraging News...
Just thought I'd let you know that the system does work even though it takes some time and paperwork on our end. Keep filing and give it time...:)
Good for you! Just make sure you get that in writing from the p
Good for you! Just make sure you get that in writing from the pdl . . . .
[color=Blue]Congratulations! [/color]
Your AG is coming through for you! And you had all but given up hope! And - ta da - a positive response! Are you happy? Noooo. You're not happy. LOL! :lol:
I'm so very happy for you. I'll take a drink of my iced tea and smoke a cigarette right now in honor of your success! :D
Wow, that is terrific. And on the first try. Celebrate!
Wow, that is terrific. And on the first try.
Yea for You!!!! It feels good to get some relief and some progre
Yea for You!!!! It feels good to get some relief and some progress,huh!! You go girl..Karen :D