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Joseph Mann & Creed

Date: Fri, 08/03/2007 - 18:01

Submitted by anonymous
on Fri, 08/03/2007 - 18:01

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 46

Joseph Mann & Creed


Any help would be appreciative. I had in the past some online uncollectable gambling debts. (just looking for advice not ethical/moral advice) I had some checks that nsf'd to an online gambling site. They turned me over to Joseph Mann & Creed. Now after MUCH MUCH studying i have the knowledge that these debts are uncollectable. I have sent them the debt validation letter that stated all correspondence must be done in writing. I received another call today (did not answer got a voicemail) from them telling me they received my letter and they can verify the debts and I must call back so we can work this out voluntarily. I have logged this call and saved the message on my voicemail for further legal action if they get out of control. What should I do now... should I send a follow up letter regarding the debt validation and remind them they can only speak in writing to me and that no further collection attempts can be made until they validate the debt, should I answer the call, or should I just ignore the calls right now and continue to log each call. Thank you all in advance and I appreciate all your help here.


You can also send a Cease and Desist letter to the collection agency asking them to cease all contact with you. After receiving such notice, a CA can only contact you in writing stating their future actions. Usually a CA will either say that they will stop contacting you or will notify you that they are taking legal actions against you.


Submitted by Good Nelly on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 05:31

( Posts: 2846 | Credits: )

morozov - welcome to the forums!

No one will make moral/ethical judgements on you here - we've all had problems financially, be it with payday lenders, collection agencies, or in your situation, online gambling. One problem is not "worse" than the others - they all lead to financial difficulty and can require the help and advice of others to resolve them! :-)

Can I ask a question though? What has led you to believe these debts are uncollectible? Just curious - if you can post that information, it might help our membership offer you advice that is tailored to your particular situation.



Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 05:53

( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

In the state of Pennsylvania gambling debts are uneforceable by state law. It is lined out in the Unlawful internet gambling act of 2006. So gambling debts that are online directly to a online csino or through a third party processer are uncollectable. Even third party processors that process transactions for csino's are in voilation of the act. An example case was a case where IGMpay was processing ach checks for Party Pker. IGMpay tried to sue for nsf money etc. The case was thrown out as they were a processor for online gambling (even though they were not a gambling establishment themselves)


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 07:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I understand now. Have you spoken to an attorney about this collection activity? If the collection asgency is violating your state law, at the very least, you should report them to your state's Attorney General and see what their take is on it.

Is it possible that they are collecting based on the NSF checks, and not based on the fact that these are gambling debts? I'm not well-versed in the issue of online gambling debts, but it seems to me that perhaps the collection agency may be trying to collect based on the NSF checks, not on the gambling debt itself.

I'm sure another one of our members will come along and post more helpful information - keep watching! :-)


Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 08:25

( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

You definitely need to send a follow up letter to jmc--with an express mail--signature required upon delivery attempt-- (signature proof of receipt)--cost approx $15 --(simple certified letters they will decline to accept) this is because they can!!!!!!! And are bucking the fdcpa system in as many ways as they know how!!!!And know that if they accept it-- is only one more debt they legally cant harrass people about--they will repeatedly tell you they haven't received any response and keep acting like you haven't sent anything to them--they will eventually send you a statement--of what you supposedley owe and give you a certain amount of time to pay in full--this will be their first actual correspondense you have received in writing from them-even tho they will state in conversations that they have sent once or twice or three times already--hang up on them if they try and talk to you verbally--send everything they send you to your state attorney general-- and to the federal trade commission--do not attempt to be nice because they will turn around and try and make you feel guilty (because you originally tried to cooperate with their illegal actions) and subsequently became upset or absolutely rude after the way they treated you!! Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed! These peops are not getting a dime!!!!!!!!If they cross the line in attempts to collect illegal debt--they loose big time and then some please do more research and be confident that info you already have is correct! Jmc hires liars!!Should be their new slogan because it is actually the truth!!!!!!!!!!!Jmc tries to collect illegal on line gambling debts and therefore are at the bottom of the rung on the collections ladder
--they are the scum scimming--do not be intimidated by this company--report their actions!!!And their employee actions!!Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that they lose on internet gambling collections--can't believe they are still trying to collect!!! Please contact me for class l.s. currently being prosessed against this co>!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 01:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

sue any company who attempts to collect on line illegal internet gambling collection--you will come out way ahead!!!!!!!!!believe me!!don't pay anything instead sue for the way they treat you trying to collect---i know you will come out way ahead becuz none opf them will treat you right they all will be forced to pay more than what you think you might owe!!!imaGINE THAT FOR A minute if ya will whoopiE!!!!on the idiots still trying to be rude and collect!!!!hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!crazy people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 01:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

if your co is actually in business of fair debt collection--think it's about time you proved it!!!you can't legally collect on gambling debts--leave these innocent people alone why don't ya??? ?I'm sure you make enough money on actual collectable debts that you don't have to act the way that you have allowed you remployees to represent your company--wow your and you guys suk to this point definiiely!!!!!hope ya all go to jail!!!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 02:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes...they are bunch of crooks ....nothing more than that. I have heard some horrific stories about them. They flatly violate fdcpa. They will contact and disturb you family, friends, neighbors and employers. But Wait..they wont stop there!!! They go one step ahead and discuss your financial situation with them. Embarrassing isn????????t it?? Fear is their No.1 weapon; they intimidate people by threatening them with dire consequences like criminal prosecution, garnishment of wages and imprisonment. Somebody PLEASE stop them


Submitted by Good Nelly on Mon, 08/06/2007 - 05:06

( Posts: 2846 | Credits: )

I am confused, does this company attempt to collect on ANYTHING other than gambling debts? Not sure how they can stay business if this is the case--and if they are a reputable company--WHY would they include these ILLEGAL collections as part of their business? Any debt collectors here on this sight have an insight as to why this might happen? From what I have seen on-line--the consensus is that jmc seems to be the main on-line gambling debt collection company--how are they allowed to do this if this is an illegal activity here in the U.S.A.? It doesn't make sense--if people who process the transactions have been arrested--why aren't people who attempt to collect on these SAME transactions being arrested? They obviously know they are collecting on line gambling debts there's no sugar coating or getting around that! Any experts on this subject here? And why does everyone seem so angry against this company? Are they really that bad?( Can't understand how they could still be in business) --aren't there some sort of government watchdogs out there that people can report them to? I just managed to get my house out of foreclosure and my wife and I have had a rough 6 months due to her medical bills but all is well now!!!! and I have been surfing this site for a couple of months--this is my first post--and I really like all the info here on the site--some of it seems so confusing and contradictory though--everyone regarding my debt that I have dealt with has went out of their way to treat me with respect and has been willing to work with my wife and I-and -after seeing how terribly many people have been treated from debt collection companies--I feel blessed that there are professionals still out there who didn't make me feel worse at a time when anything could have pushed me over the edge--there is NO reason for this behavior--and a company who exhibits this type of behavior REPEATEDLY and does nothing to remedy the problem should either be forced out of business--or some day someone will simply go Postal on them--collection companies are dealing with many desperate people who are simply at the end of their rope--(the previous post kind of tells me that this particular co. has provoked extreme negative feelings more than once)If it was me--I wouldn't try and provoke any of these people--when I was desperate and owed money--I worked with people because they treated me with respect and were willing to work with me--and it ended up to be a win-win situation--does this joseph mann and creed company understand ANYTHING about treating people with the respect and dignity that they deserve? From what I have read--NOPE NOPE and then for sure a big underlined NO-WAY-JOSE!! and then some !!!!--(maybe they should consider outsourcing their employees--especially since they seem to be collecting debts from non U.S. companies!) I'm confused on a lot of collection matters--but still can't understand how these type of companies are allowed to stay in business--I mean WHY should you have to dispute a debt and demand a debt validation letter in the 1st place? Common sense tells me that BEFORE a collection company ever contacts you verbally--you should be sent a registered debt validation letter on the matter that they will be contacting you about--why don't these collection companies have to prove something BEFORE they break the laws and attempt to intimidate and humiliate? Aren't people in America innocent until they are proven guilty? If it's an on-line gambling debt--is it listed as gambling purchase on debt validation? of course not!!(from what I have read here! ) let's start doing things the right way-- Does anyone have any response to this? thanks! (Will be sending a letter to White House this eve on subject protesting the way these companies including jmc think they can do what they want and NOT follow any U.S. law regarding legal debt collection-- and hope all who read will do the same!)--just coming out of foreclosure and knowing where I have been has made me very compassionate for others in this situation--and I think I will dedicate my life to trying to help others who have been wronged by companies like the aforementioned! have much studying to do but would appreciate any input on this subject that anyone else might have Thanks! I don't know about you but I'm tired and am not gonna take it anymore!! wrong is wrong no matter what :shock: :x :oops:


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/06/2007 - 05:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thank you for being a good nelly---these people are definitely a bunch of crooks as you yourself stated and their threats of" criminal imprisonment"--"garnishment of wages" -and "criminal prosecution"- (are as you stated absolutely horrific--none of this will happen to anyone!)--and anyone they have made these threats to needs to come forward in forces and put this company out of business!! Let's do it and let's do it now not today or tomorrow but now darn it!!!!!!! Let's take control of the way they treat treat people and pay them back come on everybody!!Let's do it now!!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/06/2007 - 06:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

While sending them another debt validation and contact via mail only should I answer the phone and while doing nothing to incriminate myself try to provoke them to get them do some illegal stuff for suit of them. And should any calls be recorded. I thought i read somewhere there is an online service you can use to record calls.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/06/2007 - 10:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

until you get proof of signed receipt of your debt dispute-(this company does everything they can not to accept your correspondence) and they will continue to insist that you haven't sent anything and that you have been uncooperative in their attempts to be amicable-- and that they have sent you many letters--then even after this company has received your dispute and someone has to sign for it--they will still act like they don't know anything about your dispute and will keep sending you invoices to "pay by a certain date" with a computer printed invoice from their company with amount you supposedly owe on it--they will say something like"this is the amount our client says you owe" and will never provide truth if it is an online gambling debt or exactly what the transactions supposedly are for--they are pros at trying to collect non-collectible gambling debts--and of course will try all their tricks to skirt around the issue--it is their business to try and deceive you into thinking you must pay or else!---don't be scared and don't cave in--and don't think you need to "provoke them into any illegal response" they do it every time they try to collect on these type of debts--don't worry about using a service to record any conversations --if you choose to speak to them--they are recording every word you have ever spoken to them without your consent--this is a fact!!!however record via pics on your phone any attempts that they make to contact you after you have proof that they have received your dispute letter--(costs them a $1,000 bucks a pop) don't forget it!!!they don't worry about breaking laws--and you shouldn't loose any sleep over their unlawful attempts at on-line internet gambling debt collections--don't worry about sending this company anything--instead CONCENTRATE on sending your correspondence to FTC state attorney general--equifax etc!!! send these agencies copies of ANY written correspondence this company sends to you regarding attempting to collect on-line gambling debt-- these are entities who will acknowledge your correspondence and be there to help you fight these crooks!!!document everything they have done and send this as well--they won't be doing this much longer--I really have a good feeling about this--don't worry be happy--u--will--win!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 21:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Get real please!!!!!!!!!We in the u.s. are fighting terrorists and have children dying for this cause in war-- whether it was justified or not!! -- we american's are still trying to justify --inflation--china taking over every aspect of manufacturing that blue collar americans ever had a decent job at - thus-- the vanishing act of the american middle class-yet! You jmc employees are representing non-american companies here in america just the same way that american companies are forced to go overseas to try and compete with wal -mart tactics?-- and you are violating any law you think you can get away with because you have an american address???? Get real!!! Your non-usa companies will never get paid--and neither will you!!!Can't believe you haven't been arrested yet--maybe it's the big bust in the waiting!!! Still waiting for what needs to happen!!Soon!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 23:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

GOOD NELLY woooo hoooooo !!!you are the best!!!!! you are here for us baby doll!!!praise the Lord and thank you!!!!!We don't have to tell these crooks anything--the U.S. court of law will tell them that!!!!!Damn baby girl--u-real?or do I need to put hex on ya?just asking to determine your life cycle? and others involved thanks p.s--no united we stand when we send our children to fight a war in iraq and real war should have been against China who has ruined our economy!!!!!!!!! but hey--we let that happen!!!!we want everythinG cheap!!! that has finally happened!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/10/2007 - 00:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Am I hearing you right? This company has ACTUALLY tried to intimidate people regarding criminal prosecution and imprisonment? (regarding on line internet gambling transactions?)Do you have proof of this? I am very familiar with several cases of people who have lost money on-line due to internet gambling--and have actually recovered from anyone who processed these transactions 3x their debt on what they actually spent!! (because whoever processed these transactions broke the law!!!) people who owe money for internet gambling are recovering MORE than what they actually spent because someone ELSE broke the law and allowed transactions!!! this is a fact!! check your websites if you don't believe it--anyone who allows internet gambling to be processed are liable big TIME--Good Nelly--if you have proof that this company has actually acted in the manner you have stated--please!!! You have the power to stop whatever horrendous type of business they are conducting!!!-they can't legally harass anyone about gambling debts--sue the pants off of this company if they are actually acting the way Good Nelly says they are--(these people are in a bunch of trouble if they are actually treating people the way Good Nelly says they are!!!!!! )If jmc has threatened anyone about internet gambling debts--sue them and recover way more than what you ever might have spent!!!! They are attempting to collect a known to them un-collectable debt and if they are using these SCARE tactics--they deserve to get BURNED for 3X more than what they tried to collect--look into this issue and don't be intimidated--if you are a u.s. citizen--you won't be liable for any on-line gambling debt EVER!!!!!!!! they are going to put you in jail?? my goodness gracious !!!WHAT a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Nelly you seem to be a real helping person on this site from your posts that I have seen--please--if you have proof of what you have stated--go forward and put this company who doesn't deserve to be in business--OUT OF BUSINESS!! NO ONE WILL BE AFRAID OF THIS JMC COMPANY AFTER READING RESEARCH_____THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO INTIMIDATE ANYONE!!!!!Good Nelly--please use info you have provided and put this company out of commission--you have power to do so on your own if what you have stated is true!!!!! Go for it!!!!(and if good nelly is simply someone who owes this co $ and angry because they didn't treat her right--it's still okay-)-other posts have proved this company needs to be shut down and it's only a matter of time--they simply can't threaten you about internet gambling debts--they can't collect and NEVER CAN!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 01:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Did you hear the response to your reply of "Embarrassing isn't it?"--Nope-- because people in debt have more rights than-- unscrupulous collections agencies--if they embarrass ya in any way whatsoever--they are the one's who have to pay big time--they should be embarrassed for conducting their business in the manner that they do and for allowing their employees to act so unproffesionally--Good Nelly--it's not as bad as u-think because anyone who has been wronged or embarassed by this particular company whether thay owe the debt or not will come out way ahead--BElIEVE me--I have been there and have stood up against the demons and came out with way more money than they said I OWED them--why? BECAUSE they don't know how to collect actual debts properly and seem to be purchasing uncollectable U.S. gambling debts to try and get some fast cash from anyone who seems to be afraid with their threats!!! These people can not collect any gambling debt that you might have made---and even if you did--they can't prove it!!! and they never will be able to prove it--because the transaction would never have been processed if it happened legally in the first place-- Good Nelly? Go forth and be a Good Girl from now on please!!! Represent the people who really need help please!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 02:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

GOOD NELLY__U 4 REAL OR NO? U jmc employee or not?? please respond before ya get attacked in a bad way!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 02:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Jmc doesnt collect debt from gambling sites they collect debt from online money merchants that provide you people up front money do to what ever you want with it. Whats happens is when the money merchants tries to get their money from which they LENT you, the money is not available in the accounts and end up being a NSF check. So basically collections NSF checks!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 14:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well actually Joe its not a NSF check since no check was written to the company. Its called an ACH debit which is different than a paper check. You can be charged criminally with a paper NSF check, you cannot be charged criminally for a denied ACH debit, even though you collectors would try and scare people to think otherwise.


Submitted by ramj70 on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 16:37

( Posts: 193 | Credits: )

of course Joe is a collector, and of course no one "Lent" the money legally as none of it is coded as gambling--GREAT !!!--- response ramji70!--my response however is to lukeskywalker and I can't believe that any children would be on this site with their parents[ unless their parents are in wheelchairs]\--but I do agree with point that the language is getting a bit out of hand here--granted--people are very angry when companies like this treat them badly--but the monitor on this site by not removing the bad language is only adding fuel to the fire and encouraging more bad language and response--I think we can all agree that everyone here comes from different walks of life--and even though I can't believe there are any children on this site--if a monitor can't monitor here--let us respect one another enough to try and not be so offensive and I think the message will sink into to more people this way! Good luck to you Joe smoe-sounds like you are very frustrated because you haven't made your commissions on your debt collecting this week--perhaps you should quit your day job and quit trying to intimidate others ?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 22:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Sorry to burst your bubble guest but I am not a "bill collector" just a 3rd party with no interest in the matter either way...It just drives me crazy when people talk alot of crap about something that truely shows they have "no idea" what they are talking about.. Maybe if you truely look into that matter you people will realize what your are complaining about has no real merit!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 05:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Sure, whatever you say Joe. So please inelighten everyone what exactly is "crap" that people are talking about. And what advice that people give on this forum have no merit? With the exception of the clown with the foul language pretty much most advice given on this site is spot on.

It is obvious that you do not know what you are talking about since you do not know the difference between an ACH debit and an check and how a NSF affects each one.


Submitted by ramj70 on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 07:19

( Posts: 193 | Credits: )

UHM joe smoe-u are 3rd party? going crazy??? (wow collector terminology dude)is it driving you crazy because people on this site are realizing they will never owe your company a penny???? you are so familiar with what jmc collects--ask a 3rd party person who is really non-concerned--if they coded the transactions as gambling? now --that's the thing that really pisses me off Joe--how companies keep allowing this even though they know it is illegal--they shouldn't provide money upfront for anyone to do something illegal with--the only reason it is allowed is because your companies that you try to collect for don't code them legally--come on joe smoe--it makes you crazy? what a joke that we here on this site are wrong?? you represent the only evil here admit it and move one Joe you must go now!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 23:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Joe--- just hope I made my point that I simply can't understand your frustration--these companies supposedly "LENT" someone money--if the money is legal it would be spent on legal transactions and not be coded as different transactions--NONE of this supposed "LENT" money you have been whining about Joe--and that people on this thread are disputing were ACTUALLY processed for legal transactions--now that's what should actually drive a person crazy--how these transactions are still going through the system and how your debt collection company thinks it's okay to threaten and intimidate others--hey JOE!! still goin crazy bout things ya keep lying bout?? come on back dude!!!! let's compare your made-up crap to real crap in the real world joe--get out of the toilet and move on to another thread that you think you can infiltrate please!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 23:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ramj, ACH debit and a physical check are the same.. The only difference is the process to transfer funds from one bank account to another. Instead of presenting a physical piece of "paper" to a financial institue you are actually presenting a cripted electronic code that states the information needed to the tell the bank from which account monies need to be transfered from and to.. Now if funds are NOT available from the account that funds need to be with drawn and transfered to then it is offically considered a "NSF" electronic money transfer instead of a "NSF" physical money transfer. ALL BANKS charged a fee for "NSF" no matter if they are "electronic" or "paper", so to rebutle your statement yes they are the SAME!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 05:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

if you are simply a 3rd party who has no interest in the matter one way or the other--(and yet you seem to think you are an authority on the subject and everyone else here is wrong)--Time Magazine recent issue just had an article about how the Feds shut down illegal online gambling on a very popular virtual reality web site--(where people invent characters yet spend real money in virtual reality)--U.S. court reality is that on-line gambling debts are un collectible with ach debits --anyone who does research will find this out--and what I can't figure out Joe is that if you really don't care about subject--and it drives you crazy when you think people are whining about this--the easy solution would be===avert your eyes and get out of here silly willy!== Or are you just a glutton for punishment?== who thinks you deserve to feel crazy and beat yourself up repeatedly by hanging out on this site with a bunch of whiners you feel such anger and repulsion against?==why are you really here Joe? be honest for once! and if you are actually only sounding off that's fine--but honestly Joe take a step back and look at thread--you are the only one who has come across as the whiner Joe--everyone else is here to try and offer help and support for people who could actually use some kind words of support! :D


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 21:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

also--your response to Ramj was absolutely totally stupid--ramj made the comment that ACH debt can not be prosecuted (THE TRUTH) --and you changed it up (or tried to) your company can not prosecute anyone and any threats you make costs you a ton of bricks!!! come on at least spell your words right if you are acting like the big authority pissed off at everyone who is so stupid and doing something wrong here --hey Joe??? Come on !! get real!!!!!!! you got pissed off and tried to piss up a rope on this one?!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 00:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Gee Joe--I have previously dealt with your company who actually tries to use the excuse that the people who process illegal transactions only provide money for people to spend on whatever they want--no Joe--people in America are finally realizing that if anyone processes any illegal transaction by anyone who chose to spend that money wherever--the COMPANY who coded this differently as a legal transaction is the one who is at fault JOE!! you know it and we here on this site have been trying to spread the word to anyone here who might feel intimmidated by your companies' tactics--any money provided quote"you are an adult and can determine where and how you want to spend it"--if it is coded illegal as all gambling internet transactions are this equals always---UNCOLLECTABLE JOE!!!!!!!!!!! that's what drove you crazy because we here on this site are spreading the word and tha nk you very much for getting out of here because we all knew you represented jmc!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/24/2007 - 22:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes they do collect on other things, I just got a phone call today where they stated that I owe, around two grand in back payments for my online schooling. I didn't even know that I was that far behind in payments, and I wasnt supose to have to start making payments till 6 months after I graduate...


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/18/2010 - 18:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )