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Dms marketing sent me this email

Date: Thu, 07/26/2007 - 15:35

Submitted by d.chalmers
on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 15:35

Posts: 30 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 8

Dms marketing sent me this email

> We will pull $140.00 out of your checking
>account on 8/3/07, and this will pay your loan in full with our company.
>Thanks again
>Vedia Johnson
>The Loan Shop

this is the email i finally received from DMS Marketing .instead of paying back the full ammount of 200 plus the 120 finance charge, they only taking the difference out. thank god for oregon laws

sassy im have been finding out alot about pdl and oregon laws. im finding out that the loans i have they cant charge you rollover fees and to pay it off they can only charge you what u owe. example another 1 of my pdl cash net usa i will pay that off on the 3rd of next month i called them to make sure what i owed the cs had to talk to her manager and i was told i only owe 350 instead of over 400.


Submitted by d.chalmers on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 17:03

( Posts: 30 | Credits: )