intierm cash marked my account pif
Date: Wed, 07/25/2007 - 16:19
intierm cash marked my account pif
July 23, 2007 Re:Mr. Perry Carter Complaint Reference No.: 11002822 Dear Katie Rose: Your letter concerning the above referenced customer has only recently been forwarded to me. We have been conducting a review of our document handling and recording procedures and have encountered several instances where issues have been resolved, but no final resolution letter was sent (or, if one was sent, we are unable to locate it). This appears to have been one of these cases. A review of our files indicates that Mr. Carter's file has been closed and marked paid in full. One of our operators should have been in contact with Mr. Carter to confirm this. Thank you very much for bringing the matter to our attention. Should you require anything further from us at this time, please do not hesitate to contact me. Many Thanks, Mark Edwards for Interim Cash, Ltd. 877 210 9380 |
this site helped me out thank you all.. that one down 9 to go.. im trying to get pif or settlements from these pdls.. anybody need a sample let me know
WOW! this is for the first time I am hearing Interim Cash markin
WOW! this is for the first time I am hearing Interim Cash marking an account PIF. Good job! I wish they act in the same way with others also.
This is great news! Congrats perry!! Keep up the good work! This
This is great news! Congrats perry!! Keep up the good work! This is a very difficult company to deal with!
im waiting on a confirmation that ill get a refund a 445.00 cant
im waiting on a confirmation that ill get a refund a 445.00 cant wait for the outcome on that next pdl im going after is global payday here i come...
wow, that is so inspiring. Keep on keeping on ad you will be the
wow, that is so inspiring. Keep on keeping on ad you will be there in no time!
Just checking back to see if you got your 445 refund yet.
Just checking back to see if you got your 445 refund yet.
Perry, That is great news. Excellent work. Let the forum kn
That is great news. Excellent work. Let the forum know your progress on your remaining PDL.
That is great news. I just love how they just pass the buck on t
That is great news. I just love how they just pass the buck on that one saying a review of our files indicates that Mr. Carter's file has been closed and marked paid in full. One of our operators should have been in contact with Mr. Carter to confirm this. Right does anyone believe that lie, if so I have a bridge I want to sell you (lol). Good job I am happy for you. You need to post this in the success forum so that other people can read your success.