Thanks for all the help !
Date: Fri, 07/20/2007 - 16:25
Thanks for all the help !
repair.Several months later I have gotten six collections deleted from my credit report.Currently
have two debts that will be removed this month.
I learned how to write a validation letter,how to dispute and learned FTC regs.Because of all the help
I only have one collection on my credit report for $173.00 whicch I will Pay off soon.I have gone from
the bottom with negatives to now a decent credit report.THANKS FOR ALL THE ENCOURAGEMENT AND SUPPORT.
karenr216 :D
Awesome! Isn't it a relief to see your credit improving after al
Awesome! Isn't it a relief to see your credit improving after all the hurdles that you have gone through in the past? I can feel your happiness!
congratulations :) I am so glad to hear that. But you also deser
congratulations :) I am so glad to hear that. But you also deserve a big pat on the back yourself, for getting informed and having a plan and getting to your goal. Way to go!!!
Hello Karen & congrats on your success.I am glad to read stories
Hello Karen & congrats on your success.I am glad to read stories showing that our forum is helping people. You are very close to the stage of adding positive trade lines to your reports.If you need any help,post in the credit repair section.
That is awesome! Brag away! I love reading all of the success st
That is awesome! Brag away! I love reading all of the success stories. They really are encouraging. I need some encouragement today.