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Waiting on confirmation of PIF!

Date: Sun, 07/15/2007 - 21:55

Submitted by Amanda Sullivan
on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 21:55

Posts: 172 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 5

Waiting on confirmation of PIF!

We just paid off my husband's car last week. I called the car company today to make sure they received the pay off check, and the automated message said account paid in full! YAY! I know we overpaid them, so the great thing is we will be getting a little money back too! How awesome is that! After the pay off letter, I should be getting a title clearance on the car as well.

Thanks everyone! We now have 2 vehicles that are paid off. YAY! I have a small lien against my truck at the moment, but it will be gone really soon. I had to take out a loan a while back in order to get a trnasmission in my truck. They put a lien on my truck as collateral. I think I owe less than 500.00 on that now. I should have that paid by September. Then I'll have another PIF!


Submitted by Amanda Sullivan on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 08:22

( Posts: 172 | Credits: )