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Express Payday... store manager

Date: Wed, 07/11/2007 - 08:36

Submitted by volleykmf1129
on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 08:36

Posts: 49 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 4

Express Payday... store manager

I just received a voicemail from a lady that claims she is the store manager at this PDL. She said she received my fax and that she is "disregarding the whole thing." That we can act like we know what we are talking about but we are completely wrong. That she will continue to attempt to withdrawal from my account, because they can. She will continue to call us, because she can. She was beyond nasty! Any suggestions?

Volley -

Sorry to hear you're going through this. Can you clarify a couple of things for me - what state are you in, and is this a storefront or internet loan company?

With that information, either I or another member on this site will respond with some helpful information.

All advice given will be based upon your location and your state laws, and whether this is a storefront or internet lender - it makes a big difference in how it is handled.


Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 09:53

( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Ohio. I have been posting for a while now. I have already revoked them from debiting my account automatically. Most are storefront, but I also have 2 IPDL - but they are licensed to do business in Ohio as well. This manager (in between nasty comments) did say that there was a new Ohio law that says they have to accept payment arrangements - but only have to accept 4 payments (so pay it off in 2 months). I just don'T have the money to pay these places completely off in 2 months! So, I'm kind of back at square one.


Submitted by volleykmf1129 on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 10:16

( Posts: 49 | Credits: )

Hi volley. I'm sorry that she is being so nasty to you. Have you tried to contact their corporate office? Maybe they will be willing to work something out with you beyond what the store manager is willing to do. She sounds so rude. I don't know what kind of questions are on the applications for the pdl employees but being nasty seems like it's definitely a requirement. Hang in there and no matter what, put you and your family first. Make sure you have enough money to live on and make sure all your necessities are paid. If there's one thing I've learned through all of this it is that these pdls are not a financial emergency. They may be putting pressure on you, but you are the one in control of your money. Good luck and don't give up. There is an end to the madness.


Submitted by eleroo on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 10:30

( Posts: 1220 | Credits: )

Check your paperwork you signed when you got your loan at the store front. I don't know about Ohio, but in my state, it says right on there that they can send the check through once and if rejected, they CAN (not required - especially if you revoked their privilidge in writing) use ACH debits; however, it also says that payment arrangements can be made once they've had it rejected from the bank.


Submitted by cannr on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 10:40

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )