Another One Bites the Dust...............
Date: Thu, 07/05/2007 - 13:59
Another One Bites the Dust...............
By the way, can you tell I'm a little excited????
Of course, there's a huge smile in your face. I can see it :lol
Of course, there's a huge smile in your face. I can see it :lol: Well, congrats! you did a great job.
Congratulations, I know it feels absolutly wonderful. Good luck
Congratulations, I know it feels absolutly wonderful. Good luck with the rest.
Thanks so much! I was about to give up and let T&C do this. I
Thanks so much! I was about to give up and let T&C do this. I thought I was too weak to keep up the fight, but, now there are......4!
Congratulations, keep up the good work!!! :) You are one step cl
Congratulations, keep up the good work!!! :) You are one step closer to being pdl free! Hooray!
Boy , I am sooooo ready for that! Just think what I can do with
Boy , I am sooooo ready for that! Just think what I can do with that extra $600 bucks every payday.....Thanks everyone :)
Congratulations! It is hard work but worth every penny isn't it
Congratulations! It is hard work but worth every penny isn't it?
bflow, a PIF??? WAY TO GO! You know you had the fight in you! I wish it was one of my pdl's so I could get your secret and get a PIF also! LOL! Wave your magic wand over me so I'll get some PIF's. These people are getting on my nerves now! LOL!
P.S. I'm glad you decided to fight on your own. You are making progress and you don't have to pay someone else to do it. It just takes longer. LOL!
Well, that's the weird thing, I had sent a letter before to them
Well, that's the weird thing, I had sent a letter before to them and they never answered but this time I noticed that in my contract was a ..... d/b/a ...... and I sent it to both of them and got a response for PIF the same day!
Its so good that you noticed d/b/a in your contract. Your immedi
Its so good that you noticed d/b/a in your contract. Your immediate action did get a positive reaction. Congratulations!
I am ready to work on ONE more today. Maybe by next week I can g
I am ready to work on ONE more today. Maybe by next week I can get another one off my back. Good luck to everyone in YOUR PDL battle. Stay strong and committed and YOU WILL SUCCEED!
Like your confidence. Want to wish you good luck. Do let us know
Like your confidence. Want to wish you good luck. Do let us know as to what happened next.
Big congrats! I know you are feeling better and better. :-)
Big congrats! I know you are feeling better and better. :-)
Yes I am. Can't wait until I get them all taken care of.
Yes I am. Can't wait until I get them all taken care of.
Congrats again - I ended up taking the weekend off (other than
Congrats again - I ended up taking the weekend off (other than cruising the board) to rest up and prepare for next week. I was wondering which one on my list I would tackle on Monday and low and behold GECC sent me to collections and I received a letter from them in the mail today. Let's see I borrowed $400 and have paid them $821 and if I remember correctly I think they want $390 to close my account! At least I have new contact information, I'm sure it is in house collections but I also found out they are out of UTAH. I already have a complaint in there for Speedypayday (the PIF I got on Friday) so this ought to be some more fun! Have a great rest of the weekend - I know I will. It hit me today that I don't get paid until Thursday and I still have money in the bank, cash in my wallet and my regular bills are caught up - it is such an awesome feeling. I thank God everyday for helping me find this site. :D
Mperez, That is wonderful for you. I know how you feel. My bill
That is wonderful for you. I know how you feel. My bills were getting so far behind they were going to come and get my van. I have paid 2 payments in 4 weeks and will pay the last one to catch up this Wed. when we get paid.
Nationalpayday sent me to collections before I even defaulted, as soon as I revoked their debit authorization I got sent to a collection agency. They can see what they can get from me but I inted to make them validate first. I have overpaid that company and am not going to pay any more money to them.
Enjoy your weekend also. I am taking time off also, have plenty of time next week to work on it!!! :roll:
Congrats mperez and bflow!!!!! You guys are kicking some PDL but
Congrats mperez and bflow!!!!! You guys are kicking some PDL butt!!!!!!! :):):) Be proud of yourselves. bflow.......I KNEW that you could do this on your own :)Congrats again!
Thanks Sass!! I am proud, and, ready to continue the fight! I do
Thanks Sass!! I am proud, and, ready to continue the fight! I do find though, that I'm getting pretty mean lately! :twisted: May not be a good thing when this is all done, LOL!
Oh, bflow, stop rubbing it in my face! LOL! Do I have to come and visit you in your state? Maybe you can rub your magic on me! You know I'm not that far away! How many do you have left? Yes, MTE included! And, mperez, you go girl! You had 15 and now have what??? You've been making progress. Amazing, isn't it? It's still an uphill battle! Don't get all excited just yet! LOL! We've got the UGLY ones left to deal with! LOL! However, blfow, like you, I have become one mean ****. Oh. Never mind. I think I was before. LOL!
[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]
Yeah, it's probably just natural with me also,,,just showing out
Yeah, it's probably just natural with me also,,,just showing out more lately! This will do it to you though.
I still have 5. OMG, still sounds like soooooo many to deal with!
Five? That's great! Just remember how many you had to begin with! How awful was that? And now these last ones are the ugly ones. So, it'll be a fight, but as you know, they're wrong. Five sounds good. And it's also an inspiration to others to know that we had SO MANY in the beginning and now it's down to a few. Yes, still too many, but not like in the beginning!
Thanks Cannr! You are right, it could still be 9 or 10, I forget
Thanks Cannr! You are right, it could still be 9 or 10, I forget, haha. I think I had originally counted 9 but had forgotten one, so it was 10!!!!! Woohoo, I'm halfway there, it sounds better that way!!!!