Ok need help again....
Date: Mon, 06/25/2007 - 07:38
Ok need help again....
here's my latest:
I always look at latest post and sometimes I answer when someone seems desparate,even if just to let them know someone with more knowledge will be around soon. But when doing this, u end up answering post in ALL different forums.... I usually post in collection agencies but if I answer a post in another forum how do i go back to check on it later?? Make sure someone hasnt' asked a question or such.... Hope this makes sense to u.
thanks for any help in advance,
Click on "my threads." All your posts will be there. I was confu
Click on "my threads." All your posts will be there. I was confused by the same thing at first.
But if it's not started off by me, will it still be in "my" thre
But if it's not started off by me, will it still be in "my" threads? I thought i had looked at that but all i saw was the threads i actually started! Maybe not, will check again.
if you posted to it you will find it there. If you just read it
if you posted to it you will find it there. If you just read it you won't find it.
OOppps sorry i found it, guess i should look first. DUH! Ok thn
OOppps sorry i found it, guess i should look first. DUH!
Ok thnx, and that's on my page right? Sorry i'm SO slow in learning this site! It's just SO big!! ANd works a bit different than other site's i'm used too
Thanks for ur help,
I have had a little trouble navigating. I can't get into the cha
I have had a little trouble navigating. I can't get into the chats because I get a message that says "0 user is connected to the server." I also can't find a link from the homepage to where I need to go sometimes. Like the forums.
Oh Frog if ur getting that message from chat is because u need t
Oh Frog if ur getting that message from chat is because u need to click higher up! You can click one that will tell u who's in there then above it is what u click to actually get into chat!! Hope that makes sense or is it clear as mud? ha ha
Also, thanks everyone that makes finding my post SO much easier! I think what i was doing wrong was going to my home page and looking at "my Threads" which only showed mine!
Again, thanks and frog if u need more help let me know and i'll try to explain it a bit better!
Also frog, to find the forums, a list of all of them either on t
Also frog, to find the forums, a list of all of them either on the right side or left, it differs on my comp, sometiems it's on the right, sometimes on the left, not sure why but anyway under our services shows forums. Click that and it will bring up all the different forums for this site!
I see what you mean. That was a no brainer! I was clicking on th
I see what you mean. That was a no brainer! I was clicking on the "on line chatter list when I should have scrolled up further. Thanks
YVW! When u learn how to use this site it IS very user friendly
When u learn how to use this site it IS very user friendly but it's just learning ALL it has! I'm getting there slowly but surly!
And ty for the help too!
HEYYYYYYYYYYY!! wait a minute...... u said that was a no-brainer
HEYYYYYYYYYYY!! wait a minute...... u said that was a no-brainer.... hummmm.... and here i was feeling all smart cuz i could actually help someone! ha ha
Just kidding frog!!
YAY! I want frogpatch to come chat with us sometime!!
YAY! I want frogpatch to come chat with us sometime!!