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Thank You!

Date: Sun, 06/10/2007 - 10:31

Submitted by cannr
on Sun, 06/10/2007 - 10:31

Posts: 9317 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 31

Thank You!

After HOURS upon HOURS of reading your posts, getting much needed information, finding addresses/phone numbers for pdl's, learning the laws, etc... I have finally type out EVERY letter for my 12 (yes, 12) pdl's. Some owe me a refund and some I owe them. I have already emailed every one of them. I am now getting ready to fax every one of them. And then I am placing a hard copy in the mail to every one of them. Thank you for your assistance in this whole mess. At least I feel better with your help and also I've actually got something going here instead of being scared to death and hiding in the corner! Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted as to how it's going. Lots of work, but I do believe it's worth it, even for just peace of mind. Thank you.

I found info for all 12 pdl's (thanks for the bbb site tip) whether it was phone/fax/email/address. I did it all. With the info found on the WONDERFUL forum and the info found on other sites (concerning state laws) I have actually gotten the ball rolling. It's amazing how these companies operate under different names, as I've found out. Without your help, I would still be at square one staring at the wall shivering with fright. Thank you all so much! Hopefully this is the beginning of something good. You're all wonderful.


Submitted by cannr on Sun, 06/10/2007 - 20:54

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I was scared to death, but got one email response from my 12 pdl's. They agreed to the LEGAL amount owed to them according to my state and gave me 30 days to PIF. I'm more than glad to do that! No more fees, charges, etc. Finally! I know it's just ONE, but it's a start! If it wasn't for you guys, I'd still be paying illegal fees and be poor because everyone was eating my paycheck! Love you all! And this is also a little inspiration for others - at least I got a response that was reasonable and acceptable. Like I said, it's only the first one, but it gives me hope & hopefully others reading this will have a little ray of sunshine come down on them during this dark period!


Submitted by cannr on Mon, 06/11/2007 - 16:15

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I got 1 more response today! That's 2 in 1 day! I amazed! This one agreed to settle! Only 10 more to go! LOL! It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be (yet). PLEASE KEEP ME IN MIND WHEN YOU THINK THE WORST! I have the most horrible luck, was scared to death, was clueless - until I found this site. Now I actually am standing up for myself and it's working out! Like I said, I have a long way to go (10 more) but 2 is better than nothing! And it's going well. Not ugly. Not mean. But that could all change! I will keep you posted on the progress of the last 10. THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING ANGELS!


Submitted by cannr on Mon, 06/11/2007 - 21:44

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Oh yes, my friend! I have learned my lesson the HARD HARD HARD way (as we all have). It''s amazing how easily I was sucked in. But they say the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. That way you''ll never forget. If I ever hear of anyone mentioning a pdl, I''ll be standing there preaching like a preacher in a church! LOL! I owe the progress that I''ve made so far to this AWESOME forum and the AWESOME people with so much knowledge and resources.')


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 01:28

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Got 1 more reply via email from pdl. They stated that they are "investigating" it and would respond to me within 24 to 48 hours. However, they did adhear to my request not to contact me via telephone. They stated that their policy was to contact the customer via telephone and discuss, but since I requested communication only through US mail or email, that they emailed me. They did make sure to send it with a "read confirmation". Which is fine. They did abide by my wishes and didn't call me. And they are "investigating" it and gave me a response time of 24 to 48 hours. At least it's something. So far 3 have responded out of 12. Waiting to hear from the rest of them (all 9!). I'll keep on forging forward! Thanks for your support!


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 18:37

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

One the 3rd response I recevied, I receieved another email after they "investigated" it. They kept insisting over and over that are within the law, blah,blah. However, they kept stating their OWN state laws. So I wasn't too concerned. They insisted they did nothing wrong. But then - after reading forever about how wonderful they are - they stated that they would settle for MY state law amount as a courtesy to me. Lord! So there's 3 down. The other 9, I sent 2nd notices to. I emailed them all yesterday & today I will fax them all. Don't ask me what to do if they don't respond! I guess it'll catch their attention eventually when they're debits don't go through. Hopefully today I'll hear from a few more. With GOOD news! Just an update!


Submitted by cannr on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 11:51

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Oh Mishele! I can only hope & pray that I can also say those words "I have been free for a year." It gives hope to us who are just beginning to travel down the long, long road to recovery. And, believe me, we need inspiration! I haven't heard from my other 9 pdl's as of yet. Hopefully with sending out these 2nd notices, I'll get some sort of response. Good, bad, or ugly! LOL! I'll keep you posted! But for all of you out there - there is a little hope! At least 3 out of 12 have cooperated. And I'm thinking more will also. I'll keep fighting!


Submitted by cannr on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 16:27

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Well, after getting discouraged over the last response from my pdl letter from Cash Today (surprise - they are thieves)I got another response from US Fast Cash. Although, all they said was they were forwarding my email to the manager. At least I know they received it (after sending & faxing several times)and they didn't call me. They just emailed me. Guess it's up to the manager now. NOW - I have yet to hear from 7 of my pdl's. Better than in the beginning when it was 12! Slowly coming along. . . . .


Submitted by cannr on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 19:46

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Cannr- Every little bit helps relieve the stress!! It feels good when you can start knocking them out little, by little! I am almost debt free,except for the LVNV thing, and I made a settlement offer and started payments, so hopefully that will be off my back. But it took coming to this site, and the people and their experiences, that got me here. Before I came here, I had no idea about debt, and I'm old!! Now that I have become educated in debt( A collectors words), I hopefully won't get back into the mess I was in. Stay strong-it can, and will happen, just takes time and effort..Karen :D


Submitted by Bossy4455 on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 01:12

( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

I'm still fighting with a few of the pdl's, but some of the ones I learned about on this site that are totally illegal, I'm not concerned about. However, the ones that don't respond at all are really confusing me. Out of my 12 pdl's, I've received a refund on 1, a settlement on 2, and 2 others are based in the UK using illegal tactics so I'm not too concerned with them. 1 emailed saying they forwarded my information to the manager (of whom I've never heard from). The other 6, I have not heard a peep from. What's up with that?


Submitted by cannr on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 20:13

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

When I closed my old bank account, they had debits come through on the day I closed it. They posted them to my account (when it should have been closed - duh)and of course charged me outrageous fees. They let almost $600.00 worth of pdl debits thorough. This was about 2 weeks ago. Since then, seeing as how the account was overdrawn, they added their own charges of over $300.00 to the account. I wrote and faxed the corp office of my bank. I emailed my local bank branch. Complained, told them bank error, blah, blah. Anyway, the corp office called me & I told him the whole sorted story. I emailed my local branch informing them I was contacted by the corp office and what was said. Lo and behold - today I look and they have CREDITED every single one of those pdl debits back on my account! I almost had a heart attack! I then called my local branch and had them pull it up and now put through the request to have all bank fees removed! All should post as of midnight on Monday and be totally free Tuesday. OH MY GOD! Finally some good news regarding pdl related issues! One day having the account at a $900 negative balance & after writing and emailing and complaining - viola! It's credited off! Persistant, aren't I?? Ha! I would NEVER have been if I hadn't discovered this site. This is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me in years. I will forever be on here helping out as much as I possibly can because I know I couldn't have done the first step without you guys!!!!


Submitted by cannr on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 11:35

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

By the way, I forgot to also mention that Friday I got my FIRST paycheck in about THREE MONTHS that was free and clear! Thanks to this forums advice of closing out my old bank account! I was staring at my bank information on line in total awe! There was a direct deposit and THERE WERE NO PLD DEBITS!!! It was my money! I could pay bills! It was awesome! I never thought I'd see a paycheck again. The money would be put in the bank and the same day all the pdl debits would be taken out. It was awful. That's when I came here with my plea for help! And it's actually been nothing but good since then! Wonderful advice, wonderful people in this forum!


Submitted by cannr on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 17:40

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Here is the link to Polly's letter. You just need to tweek it to deal with your situation. I used it, but I shortened it, but make sure you include your state's payday loan laws. Just make it to suit your situation. It is a good starting point and gets you headed in the right direction.


Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Sun, 06/17/2007 - 07:22

( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Without hearing a WORD from these people, I get up and today there is a credit on my "old" bank account pending. I called customer service to ask what it was. OH MY GOD! A refund from one of my pdl's! I almost fell over! Never heard a word from them. Just hounded them to death by fax/email/mail. Actually informed them that I filed charges. Hmmm.... maybe that had something to do with it. Just wanted to let you know! Something good is going on! A refund! And I didn't even have to fight! Just be persistant and keep hounding these pdl's! Apparently they know we're right! I think I'll stand at the fax machine today and fax the hell out of the rest of them & email them to death. I think they're just tring to get rid of me! Haaaaaaaaa!


Submitted by cannr on Mon, 06/18/2007 - 04:58

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Thank you for the encouraging words. It's a job all in its own just trying to keep them straight! However, in the beginning I was having really good luck. Things were rolling along and things were kind of on my side. Now -BAM- I've run into the nasty, ugly ones and we're going around and around and I'm hearing lies and getting threats. I have to say, I've had success with some of them. But these ones that I'm battling, they are the scum ones. And they won't let up! But with the advice of the people on this forum and the information received on this forum, I at least know not to be scared into anything. I know that they are illegal. They will harrass the hell out me and have been, but I just try to harrass them back. Pretty soon I'm sure they'll just turn me over to collections. Whatever. I'm trying though. It gave me a little bit of inspiration when I read your words though. And today I needed them! So thank you!


Submitted by cannr on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 12:42

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Thank you, kyside. You've really been supportive and helpful through all this. Lord knows I need the strength! They're wearing me out!


Submitted by cannr on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 20:53

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )