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I got a PIF from One Click Cash!!!

Date: Tue, 06/05/2007 - 16:20

Submitted by fastcheese
on Tue, 06/05/2007 - 16:20

Posts: 61 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 6

I got a PIF from One Click Cash!!!

After a couple of weeks of not hearing from these guys and after requesting refund and PIF, I logged onto their website today and found this! I am so excited!

Welcome (My Name)
Application Number: XXXXX148

Congratulations! Your loan has been: Paid in Full on 06-04-2007

You now have the option to get another loan!* You may even qualify for additional funds! To find out how much, click the GET A LOAN NOW button below.

These guys even had the nerve to offer me another loan! What a joke! I guess the AG finally got to them after all, or maybe they were just wanting to take their time. Should I request something else in writing? I printed off the screen.