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2239875200 - Does this number belong to Cash Today Limited?

Date: Mon, 08/22/2005 - 06:53

Submitted by bewitched_4_U
on Mon, 08/22/2005 - 06:53

Posts: 33 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 881

2239875200 - Does this number belong to Cash Today Limited?

I am having some serious borderline harassment issues with the company, Cash Today Limited. They are calling me at work about every 15 minutes or so and are ignorant to the fact that I've told them a million times that I have filed (am filing) bankruptcy. They wouldn't give me a physical address and are calling from this number: 442084922780. They are leaving messages for me to call them back at 800-670-4705, but there is a constant busy signal at that number. The lady keeps telling me even if I'm filing bankruptcy I have to pay them an extension fee of 237.00.

I have told her about 20000 times NOT TO continue calling me at work and she just yells at me and tells me she'll keep calling until I pay them.

PLEASE HELP! If anyone knows an address for them that I can give to my attorney I would greatly appreciate it!

Well, how can I back out of it? I keep on calling them, but the only dept that I can talk to is Sales, and they are very rude and they always hang up on me if I begin to aggravate them. How do I cancel it? Help please. If you can help me, please. Thanks!!

[color=red][size=2][email removed as per forum rules-Vikas][/size][/color]


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/19/2005 - 08:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You can send a letter subjecting cancellation of loan to the mailing address given below. Be sure to send your letter through certified mail with return receipt requested. You will be able to know when they received your mail and also prove that you have already informed them before the loan gets approved.

Cash Today Limited
1005 Terminal Way Ste. 110
Reno, NV 89502


Submitted by ben on Wed, 10/19/2005 - 11:50

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

has anyone ever mailed payments in. the reason i asked is because i believe that cash today and ics are in connection with each other. today at work i had a phone call from nigel then an hour later from a lady named olivia. after work i returned the call to 1-800-670-4075 ext. 5126 and asked to speak with nigel, the man the answered asked for my information because ext. 5126 was gone for the evening. i have him my ss# and he told me that they would take it out of my account. because of the several payday loans i have out i have lost my account to nsf's and told him i wanted to make good on this and do a w.u quick collect or a money gram. he said "no no no, no money orders or w.u or money gram need bank account. is this true, has anyone else set up payment plans with cash today. i have one also with ics and when paying them you send a m.order to wilmington deleware. if cash today has a reno nevada address how can they not money orders. anyone have any advice.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/19/2005 - 17:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi debbiec

Welcome to the forums.

It is advised not to take any loan from Cash Today because a lot of people have been scammed by this company. ICS and Cash Today may be having a conjunction with each other and they are in violation of many federal laws stated in the fdcpa act.

Read this forum before you end up with a business deal with them and perhaps, regret later.



Submitted by roxette on Wed, 10/19/2005 - 17:23

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )


do not believe that, they can take money orders at their mail drop address in nevada. they tried to tell me the same thing in the past and i told them either they take a mail in payment or do not get paid at all. they will lie to you and say you cannot and it has to be debit card or bank account, but i had problems with my bank account so i refused to continue to let them debit. so i put a stop payment on them and i already talked to my bank about just closing the account and reopening a new one. but end result you can mail them payments. they just want their money faster, that's what the dummy told me when i talked to him, he says it takes too long being mailed. oh well!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/19/2005 - 17:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


thanks for your reply. question, after you mailed your payment: was it for full payment and if not did they call after payment was received or was it for full payment and did they call about the mail in payment. the reason i am asking is i am so freakin sick of these phone calls now that i am ready to go to my father and ask for the money to pay this crap off. boy oh boy that will be the next crisis after he kills me. i just like to know when you mailed your payments if the phone calls still continued.

thanks alot,



Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/19/2005 - 18:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I too took out a loan from Cash Today on Monday and was told I de get It that night..Then that morning, than that night..What a bunch of BS. Ive never used any loan services before and Am sick to my stomach at thinking what I might have gotten myself Into. You cant get In touch with Anyone there..I talked to someone today and said to cancel the loan..Im hoping they do just that but how stupied I was to give out so much Info...Im going to my bank today and Am going to explain my situation and close my checking account and re-open a new one. I hope I saved myself from the nightmare's Ive been reading. Im sorry this crap Is happening to you all, Its so unfair. It just made me so mad trying to find out about the loan, I cant Imagine them calling me daily. Good luck, and keep fighting!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/20/2005 - 08:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

actually debbie,
when i started finding out all kinds of things about this company and found out about payday loans illegal in my state, i spoke with my district attorney and stated not to make any more payment due to the fact the company was stated to be fictitious and possibly a scam. but at this point i do not know who and what they are. but i really don't think the calls are going to stop until they get all of their money. they are horrible


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/20/2005 - 09:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

has anyone had any past expereinces with national processing out with an area code of 904. I was just called by Ms. CeCe Johnson this morning and she told me that I had committed fraud and closed my account out. My account was closed due to NSF's and told me that if i didn't settle with here then that she would contact the district of Maryland and have me picked up. This is over a $100.00 loan that they want $300.00 for, I told her that I would be able to pay tomorrow and she said that it wasn't good enough and she would note my file as fraud and proceed to have me picked up. This is not legal is it? I had asked for a number and she gave me a 904-805-0799 and when I asked for a toll free number she replied that they had no toll free number. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/20/2005 - 10:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Before you pay a dime to National Processing, you will definitely like to have your debt validated. You should know the proper calculation of how $100 loan can become $300.

If they are doing legitimate business, I hope they won't have problems in getting the debt validated as per their loan contract.

As you are willing to pay the debt, please do not get intimidated. They are trying to scare you so that you pay them with anything. If you do so out of scare, I am sure they will try to pull money in the future also. Get receipts after the debt is paid and ask them to update your file with the credit bureaus also.


Submitted by ben on Thu, 10/20/2005 - 12:05

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

I worked for these people and have found out what they're really like. I can also provide you all with information about them, which will be shocking


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/21/2005 - 07:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a fax number 1-800-690-9926
1005 Terminal Way ste 110 Reno, NV 89502
telephone 1-800-670-4075


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/21/2005 - 08:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i called the 904-8050799 and asked a woman (the same woman I spoke with yesterday) for their mailing address. The lady responding that they do not give their mailing address due to "security purposes". come on how lame is that, so she asked who i was calling for i said well i was given the address yesterday and i hung up. here is how slick this group is, i made this call around 12:15 pm then went to lunch, i came back around 1:30pm and at 1:45 received a call from ms. johnson. she asked if i tried to call her earlier this afternoon, i replied no then she recited the number that i called from. LOL.....I then said i needed their mailing address that is when she fed me this crock of BS. I then asked for the reason they don't have a toll free number and she said that government or congress passed that they don't need one...........something something something. she asked if i was going to pay my debt by quick collect, i then said well give me the information so i can pass it on to my attorney. i then told her i wanted a break down of what was owed. after she did this stating that i was the defendant. oh please, i have tried looking this company up on line and even in the florida state business directory along with reverse look up on this phone number and nothing comes up. i don't believe that this company is licensed to collect in the state of maryland and they are not a legit company. i am going to file a complaint with the attorney generals office of florida about this company. my question to you is, if this company is a legit company shouldn't they have an address or some other way of communication between debtors and creditors?

baltimore maryland


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/21/2005 - 16:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Only those companies doing shady business hide themselves behind the bushes. How will business grow if there is no contact information? A legitimate company keeps everything transparent.

Information is only kept hidden when a company does not want to be tracked by the Federal bureaus or any other investigating authorities. So, you have got the impression about them and know how to deal with it. Best wishes


Submitted by ben on Fri, 10/21/2005 - 17:07

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

Shoot, I've done a couple of online payday loans and CashToday is one of the nicer ones. They've called a couple of times before I finally decided to talk to them. I was lucky..I talked to a really nice Rep...Mason who allowed me to mail in the $158 that the interest had grown to and all I had to do was fax a copy of the money order. I've only paid the interest but haven't received anymore calls. My debt got way out of hand and I've recently hired a debt counselor to help me since I refuse to file bankruptcy. I'm dealing with one payday loan place that calls my work 6 or 7 times a day...the receptionist said that every third call was this place and it was starting to be a nusiance. I will never get another payday loan...I'd rather be broke.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/24/2005 - 08:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Kristy, keep your receipts in safe place as this is the only proof of your payments made. Also, request the company if they can issue a statement of your payment made.

Send a cease and desist letter to the other payday loan company that is calling you repeatedly. They are violating the fdcpa law by continuously calling you at your place of work. Write a letter restricting them from calling you at work.

Also ask them to validate the debt before you can arrange some payments for it.


Submitted by ben on Mon, 10/24/2005 - 12:54

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

I have a loan out with them.. Just $200. I can pay them back on my next payday as promised. Will they harrass me? Are they known for fraud? They have my information.. Are they known to give that away? Or do they just have really high interest rates and if you don't pay them they'll harrass you? Please let me know!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/26/2005 - 21:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Don't get nervous while dealing with this company. Get accurate proof of your efforts made and keep a check on your checking account. If you take precautions from the start, you won't be having any problems with them. Similar reply has been posted in the thread given below. Please read this also.

If you have any doubts, please let us know.



Submitted by roxette on Thu, 10/27/2005 - 12:07

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

I have not set up a loan with these people. But in reading these threads I don't think I will. The number I have for them is 1-800-690-9975


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/03/2005 - 06:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was in process to get a loan through cash today, luckily they had the wrong routing number and I never recieved the money. After reading this forum I cancelled the loan and decided to tough out the next two weeks. Thank you for the helpful information and saving me a lot of heart ache...
PS I have gotten responses from them via e mail. The email they gave me that has worked is samantha(at) (which is some sort of marketing page) Hope this helps..


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/04/2005 - 13:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Paul, I will still suggest you to keep a check on your credit report after you have cancelled the loan with them. They sometimes hit the bank accounts and continue with all the unauthorized debits. If you keep a vigil over your checking account, you might save some hard earned money.


Submitted by ben on Fri, 11/04/2005 - 13:36

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

I borrowed $150.00 and have only paid the finance charges since July 22, 2005. I plan to pay the full balance of $209.00 this payday. Once I do that am I off the hook? I have already paid $590.00in finance charges.



Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 09:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Nice to know that you will become debt free in the next month. Do get a monthly statement of your account being cleared and request the company to update your credit report.

Once you have paid the debt account, the creditors are required to update your file with the credit bureaus. This update will give a positive view to your future lenders about your accounts being cleared.



Submitted by roxette on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 10:54

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

Hello all,
I have read over this whole board and I feel like a real dumba$#. Excuse my french all. I took out a loan almost 2-weeks ago with them and I just called and talked to the same guy that issued the loan to me to ask about an extension. Mind you I ONLY called to ASK about the extension, NOT get one, and he ALMOST tricked me into getting one. I'm paying them off on my original date. And AFTER he explained to me that you get charged an additional $79.00, in addition to the orginal amount of $79.00, I told him forget it, that I would pay the whole thing and only pay the $79 bucks once! Man I have to say these folks are true scam artist. This guy almost got me! To all out there wanting or even thinking of doing business with this "company" (I use this word LOSELY!) BEWARE!!!!!!!
Get the facts first! Don't get burned, it's NOT Worth it!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 13:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

hey i just started getting calls from these people, i keep telling them that im not here (at work) i dont want to deal with it at work either!!! Do you know if they have a website?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/10/2005 - 07:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Did you send a cease and desist letter to Cash Today? As per the fdcpa law, you can stop them from calling you at your place of work. You will have to inform them in writing so that you will have valid proof of this correspondence made. Make sure that you send your letter through certified mail with return receipt requested.


Submitted by ben on Thu, 11/10/2005 - 11:14

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

No, I didnt, I luckily just found this site yesterday, I will do that today, thank you! Can youre company help me with my debt? I stupidly gotcaught up in all these payday loan places and now owe 4 of them money plus $650 to my bank for all the NSF fees I got charged, and of course all my regular bills I have to pay on top of that, im really in a jam, I have been sowing my seed and praying for some miracle! Let me know if you can please help in some way consolidate my debt. thanks!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/11/2005 - 09:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


I am sorry payday loans cannot be consolidated by this company. But you can put all other unsecured debts in the debt management program.

Do you have all these debts on payday loans only? If you have any other unsecured debts, you can take a free counseling from the trained experts here. They will negotiate with your creditors actively and also offer you easy repayment options. Hope this will prove to be a great help. For registration, please refer to the sign up page.


Submitted by ben on Fri, 11/11/2005 - 10:03

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

I do have some of the debt on payday loans but i do also have other unsecured debt, would the money I owe to the bank be able to get consolidated?

thanks again!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/11/2005 - 13:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i took a loan some time back n was out of work and changed jobs n my bank account was messed up.....finally i get a call from Cash today limited that i owe them $911 coz i havent made a single payment. this was true coz my account was messed up, the bank closed my account. on which i told them i understand that but i cant make any payments as thanksgiving day is comin up n them christmas....on which the operator started speaking rudely.....finally i hung up the phone.... i started getting calls from them from then onwards non stop they started harrasing me. finally i decided to call them.....i got thru this gentleman calld Bill. he dealt my case very well.....first of all he knockd off 50% of my loan amt. now i owe the company only $450 and then split the payment over 5 pay days and during that 5 paydays when im repaying the loan i dont pay any interest (to what tahey call as processing fees). he is a gem of a person.........he dealt my case very well. if any of u want to get ur loan sorted out just talk to Bill.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 11/12/2005 - 04:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I think that this company is a fraud... company. Does anyone know what name the money is withdrawn from your checking account under. I made the mistake of giving them my account #. I applied for a loan and they said that they would send $200 dollars to me, I never recieved it, so then they said that i needed to fax a check stub to them, I did so, they have not contacted me since. I think that they are going to withdraw money from my account. I need to stop them. Help Please


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/15/2005 - 06:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


You can contact your bank and request to put a stop payment on your checks. Or, you can close your checking account as your bank info is with them.

You need to talk to your bank fast as Cash Today has hardly spared anybody from withdrawing money from their account.


Submitted by ben on Tue, 11/15/2005 - 09:50

( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

I was contacted by these people this morning and I asked for a loan; they haven't yet put it in my account, since the original agreement I have found that I don't need or want the loan, I called and told them not to wire the money to my bank. What else should I do? Contact my bank and tell them not to accept the money or what? I just don't trust them.
thankyou for your time.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/15/2005 - 10:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was contacted by these people this morning and I asked for a loan; they haven't yet put it in my account, since the original agreement I have found that I don't need or want the loan, I called and told them not to wire the money to my bank. What else should I do? Contact my bank and tell them not to accept the money or what? I just don't trust them.
thankyou for your time.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/15/2005 - 10:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am also having a problem with cash today limited. I am currently -700.00 in my checking account, because i am behind in rent and my bills. They don't understand when i tell them i have no money in my account, so do not take it out. And they still do and now look at my checking account. How am i suppose to pay that? They also kept calling me at work about every 10 minutes, and my boss was getting angry at them and told them not to call there anymore. I almost got in trouble. What if i would've?
-i need help paying my bills, i am so behind on everything, any tips?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/15/2005 - 10:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )