Is Debt Consolidation worth it?
Date: Wed, 11/24/2004 - 14:57
Is Debt Consolidation worth it?
RE:Is Debt Conolidation worth it?
Welcome to the debt consolidation care forum. In order to answer your query correctly it is very important for me to know the amount and type of debt you are undergoing.
No, undergoing a debt consolidation program does not cost you any money. All you have to do is get yourself registered with a debt consolidation company. Within the next 24 hours a consultant will be at your service to take care of your debts and negotiate with your creditors. All your debts will be consolidated into a single amount and a new repayment structure will be designed, so that you can pay in easy monthly installments. Your monthly installment amount will be very low and within your affordable means.
So, don't hesitate but get going with a debt consolidation package and free yourself from debts. Thanks for visiting the forum and we would look forward to your frequent presence and expect that you will share your experience and knowledge with other members in the forum.
Does debt consolidation
Does debt consolidation really work? Does it save you money and/or does it cost you a lot of money to do? Im looking for a program to consolidate all my debt into one low monthly payment. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible, debt consolidation really works, have you calculated your debts with reduced APRs? Soon we will be making a calculator to show you the effect of reduced apr. Also another flash presentation is on its way which will help us see the effect of reduced APR on debts.
Along with reduced APR , you will get debt reduction, it can do some real work on your debts.
If I already am a home owner and me and my husband want to go under debt consolidation, will it stop us if in the next couple years we were planning on selling and moving into a bigger home? Will it stop us from getting a home loan if we are still under the consolidation process?
Consolidation appears on the file until you are using the progra
Consolidation appears on the file until you are using the program. Once all the accounts are paid off, no one will know about your using this plan. When someone sees your credit during this time when you are enrolled in the plan, they will realize that you paying the debts rather than leaving it delinquent. This certainly has a better impact on your credit unless you decide paying on your own.