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A big thank you to you all!

Date: Sat, 05/12/2007 - 15:29

Submitted by denizen16258
on Sat, 05/12/2007 - 15:29

Posts: 27 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 14

A big thank you to you all!

On 11/05 I had a FICO score around 461 (yech). At that time it really hit me that I needed to get my act together and start caring for my credit.

Until I found this site, I did what I could on my own to repair my credit. But it was such a slow process. I then stumbled onto this site two or so months ago. I began reading. And reading. And reading. Then I registered and had fantasic help with whatever questions and/or concerns I had.

Up until I found I had one subprime credit card with a lousy credit limit. But with excellent credit usage and with the information I got here, I now have two major store charge cards, a prime platinum MasterCard with rewards, a credit limit increase with my original credit card, and a prime gold Visa with rewards.

I owe a great debt of gratitude to this site and it's members. I'm not saying I'm completely out of the woods yet (Crap1 still continues to be a festering sore) but I'm much farther along with your help than I would be without it.

Thank you.

*Runs off to admire shiny new credit cards. So pretttyyy...*

Well it's been about a year since I last posted so I figured I would come back and give an update to my progress so the people new to credit repair can see there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


When I first started my repair I had (I think) around a 461 FICO. After about a year, I had increased it enough to qualify for a couple of prime-ish credit cards with average limits.

Currently I belong to 5 credit unions (I can't stress enough the benefits of a good credit union), two cards with Citi, two with Chase, a few cards with lesser known but extremely prime banks, and five or so store cards. All with hefty limits.
My FICOs are averaged around 700+.

As I stated in my post from last year, just because one has credit cards, does not mean one has to use all the available credit. I am at around 3% utilization straight across the board.

So for those out there feeling discouraged or feeling that the cause is hopeless, take heart and know you WILL win your personal credit fight.

Good luck to all and if I can answer any questions, please feel free to ask.


Submitted by denizen16258 on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 19:09

( Posts: 27 | Credits: )

That is great. I am in the process myself of cleaning up a nightmare. What I find really funny is that one of the creditcard banks that I could not pay and settled for about 30% of what I owed now sends me great credit card offers at least 3 times a week.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel and anyone at the beginning of the tunnel will get to the end if you put your mind to it.

Thanks for the update.


Submitted by spatterson_40 on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 06:18

( Posts: 400 | Credits: )

I'm currently cleaning up my own mess (which I alone created by not keeping up on credit card payments during college). I was horrified when I checked my credit score a few months ago and found an average FICO score of 527.

In January I received a full-time position prior to finishing undergrad school. I immediately began paying off and settling my outstanding debts. I had two GEMB cards that were charged off as collections to LVNV. I scheduled settlement payments with LVNV and within three months had the debts resolved and the accounts were marked as Settled for Less than Full Amount. Once the fiscal year ended on June 30, I figured there'd be the possibility that LVNV purged their records of settled accounts. With this wishful thinking I filed disputes with the CRAs over the validity of these Paid collections accounts. Within less than the allowed 30 - 45 days, both collections accounts were removed from my credit report.

In June I reached a written agreement with Commonwealth Financial over an outstanding Citibank credit card debt. At a 40% discount, I am making 3 monthly payments of $400. After the final payment in September this account will be marked as Paid in Full with the CRAs.

Also, I have a charged off Capital One card that was purchased by scumsuckers Hayt, Hayt & and Landau. I've agreed to pay in full (the original debt of $1100) by the end of August, and my credit report will be updated to show the same.

In addition, I had a derogatory medical bill that was paid in full back in May, which I'm waiting to be reflected on my credit report. Now the only outstanding debt I have to settle is $540 with Verizon. I sent out out a letter request info on the current ownership of this debt so that it can be settled.

Once Commonwealth Financial, HHL, and Verizon are paid in full, I'll likely play the same dispute game to try and get these accounts removed completely. So far my credit score has jumped to 575 with only having settled and removed LVNV.

My next step will then be to consolidate my 15 seperate student stafford loans before my deferment ends in November. Hopefully this will have a big impact on my FICO. I'm also considering a secured credit card through Bank of America to help build some smart credit along with my student loan payments.

It's nice to know, and to hear stories like denizen's that prove there is light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope for the sake of purchasing a home down the road, that I can see a 700+ FICO in about two year's time.


Submitted by amiller2 on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 13:37

( Posts: 12 | Credits: )