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Halo debt solutions complaints – Has any one heard about them?

Date: Wed, 05/09/2007 - 12:40

Submitted by dialectsent
on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 12:40

Posts: 4 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 82

Halo debt solutions complaints – Has any one heard about them?

I'm trying to find out if any one has used this debt settlement program or heard anything about them. they have 400 dollars in fees upfront for the first three months and then claim they can settle my debt after that. any insite will help. i'm very skeptical

I would not pay anyone for three months without them doing anything. Also debt consolidation is much better for your credit than settlement. There are horrors stories out there about companies taking money and doing nothing. You should be contacted by a consolidation professional shortly after you signed up here. They will tell you your best options..


Submitted by Frogpatch on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 12:57

( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Frogpatch is correct about all the scam companies who do nothing in settling the accounts with the creditors and halo debt solutions
can be one of them. But this doesn't mean that all companies are like that. There are some good companies who actually give results. I am working with a settlement company and I have got four out seven accounts settled so far. They clearly explained me the fees before starting the program. They also made it clear that they won't begin negotiating with the creditors until my accounts are in default for a certain period of time and I will have to regularly deposit the money in the escrow account. Before I started the program, I kind of had a feeling that it was a risk to sign up that program. I researched them with my attorney general office and there were very complaints against them, most of them were resolved. I signed with them anyways and things have been good for me so far.

I will suggest that you shop with few more companies in your area before you decide a company. You will have more idea and compare the fees with different companies.


Submitted by weeswie on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 15:30

( Posts: 382 | Credits: )

i checked halo debt solutions with the bbb and no complaints had been filed as of yet with the company. i just cant find much on the company beside what is on there website. the lady was nice and gave me a wealth of knowledge and laid it all out to me on how it works i'm still skeptical though. all my accounts are already in collections so thats why i considered this program to just get rid of the debt once and for all fast


Submitted by dialectsent on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 05:02

( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

Hmm fee seems so high and they really don't do anything until they receive their fee?? By then, you could have already been sued and your garnishes being waged...Or as so many others have experienced, they take your money and then never actually get anything settled for you. If you are really considering them, contact your states AG and see what information they have available on the company


Submitted by Leah on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 05:07

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

im new to this whole debt settlement thing. The first three months the fees go to halo debt solutions but they start working once i sign the contract contacting the companies and trying to work out a settlement. halo debt solutions assign me a team of people to work with to settle my debt and they contact me to let me know how things are going. the compnay is out of tx and i live in ct so does that matter when i contact my ag should i contact the ag of tx instead? i dunno how all this works . any help would be great.


Submitted by dialectsent on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 05:27

( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

I posted in another thread about friends using BHR to settle their debts. I know they all chose them because there were no upfront fees. So, I would say the company you are currently considering may not be the best out there. I would keep looking, not just at BHR, but I would suggest, look at say 3 and compare and contrast the benefits (you know how when you get work done on your house you should get no less than 3 estimates? I think that's a good policy here too, to make sure you aren't getting scammed or taken). Plus, I think 3 months for settlement is really long. If something can be negotiated now, why wait 3 months? I don't know anything about Halo, but it doesn't sound on the up and up.

Do your research before handing over any money or other sensitive information.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 20:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I would say don't do it! I learned the hard way. In my case ???????the rats??????? would not try to settle until they felt they had enough of my money to pay the debit. By that time I received summons and the settlement Co. did nothing to help. Before my debits were settled they closed up shop and were gone with all the money in my account (plus fees) and I was stuck with even worse credit. I know I will never get my money back and to think I could have been settled on my own by now.
I'm sure there are settlement companies out there that are not evil. I just could never trust one again. The only good thing that is going on is I found this site and others that had been scammed by the same people and we how have the FBI looking into it. So maybe the owners will be doing some hard time.


Submitted by mommontoya on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 00:42

( Posts: 501 | Credits: )

I have heard of them and have had 2 friends go through them. They are an excellent company. The fees seemed high to me too, but after extensively checking them out for myself, i'm even considering getting help through them. What they do is negotiate your debt down for you and they really fill you in on your rights as a consumer. If you have really high debts, especially credit card debt, and you are drowning and considering Bankruptcy- I would advise to anyone to find out what your rights are as a consumer and let these people help you by negotiating your debt down. You end up paying around only 60% or LESS of what you owe and for the small fee, it is well worth it. IF you know all the ins and outs of debt settlement, may be you could try and negotiate it down yourself with the credit card companies, and such, but we didn't, and when we tried, it was extremely stressful and frustrating. I thought it was worth it to not go bankrupt and have horrible credit for years and years afterward. I'd say to anyone: 'check them out'. It's well worth it.-Princessleha


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 14:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have heard of them and have had 2 friends go through them. They are an excellent company. The fees seemed high to me too, but after extensively checking them out for myself, i'm even considering getting help through them. What they do is negotiate your debt down for you and they really fill you in on your rights as a consumer. If you have really high debts, especially credit card debt, and you are drowning and considering Bankruptcy- I would advise to anyone to find out what your rights are as a consumer and let these people help you by negotiating your debt down. You end up paying around only 60% or LESS of what you owe and for the small fee, it is well worth it. IF you know all the ins and outs of debt settlement, may be you could try and negotiate it down yourself with the credit card companies, and such, but we didn't, and when we tried, it was extremely stressful and frustrating. I thought it was worth it to not go bankrupt and have horrible credit for years and years afterward. I'd say to anyone: 'check them out'. It's well worth it.-Princessleha


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 14:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just signed up with halo debt solutions and they are excellent. I will be debt free in four years; I took the four year plan instead of the three. I will be paying only a fraction of what I owe, and their cost is only 15% and they don't start taking out their fee until they start working for you. I tried taking out a Home Equity Loan, but I would have only been able to get a $15,000 loan and am in $38,000 credit card debt, so I would have had to still pay off the remaining $23,000 to the credit cards.

Halo debt solutions negotiates with the credit card companies and figures out how much you can afford each month. I will only have to pay out $450 per month, while I was paying $1600 per month (most of my paycheck) to credit cards. I will finally be able to save money.

In short, I highly recommend them. Credit card companies would prefer to get SOMETHING rather than a person filing bankruptcy as they will then get NOTHING.

I feel like a huge load is lifted off my shoulders.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 16:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )




I continued to get calls from creditors and had to change bank accounts so they would stop withdrawing money.


They tell you they are setting up an account for you but when they settle they want ALL THE SETTLEMENT MONEY UPFRONT in ADDITION to the obscene withdraws from your account that FLUCTUATE WITHOUT ANY NOTICE....




There you have it...


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 01:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I found a helpful site for debt settlement. I haven't joined their program yet, but their staff is really helpful and from what I can tell the information they told me was pretty upfront. I'm waiting to see their contract, will let you know how it goes. The company is United Communications


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 18:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have recently signed up with Halo. So far they have done everything they have said they would do. I have only made 1 payment to Halo so far, so time will tell. I am still skeptical though. Mark McGuire has though been a very nice, professional person, and has been helpful in informing me of the whole program. I will keep others noted of the progress that is made and when it is made. I hope and pray that Halo will do as they have said and begin negotiating my debt now rather then 3-4 months from now.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 20:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Of course, any company you decide to use, you should be sure of. I went with United Communications because they offer me the ability to control my account. I have access to my account online where I can see the status of my credit cards, and they let me keep all the money in my account, rather than sending it to them. I did my research, and asked all the questions, and although some of the answers are not necessarily what you want to hear, they were honest, and that made me more comfortable with them. Each debt settlement offer they get I am advised of, and they let me decide if I want to accept it or not. I like that I hear from them regularly, and so far I am pleased. There are bad companies, but so far 2 of my 5 accounts have been settled, and I am on my way to my goal!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 10:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they are legit - great company - a good apple in the midst of many sour ones. i've had friends and family go through their program - its bumpy at first, but gets better as you go. getting out of debt is not easy, but Halo is a great settlement co.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 08:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It has been several weeks since I have updated my progress with Halo debt solutions. They have been busy contacting me and offering a better payment plan to get into their program. I find unfounded reports that they do not contact you. They have called me 3 times in the last 3 weeks just to try and explain the program in more detail. They have been friendly and helpful, even though I may not be able to continue in their program.

My suggestion to anyone having a debt problem is to investigate the company extensively, and then allow them to call you and explain all that you need until you are satisfied. If I am able to continue in any program, it would be Halo, just because they are in constant contact with you and WILL work out payment of their services with you so that your debt is addressed sooner. Give them a try. By the way, I am not involved with any debt solution company. I am in healthcare so you can lay to rest that I work for Halo or for one of their competitors.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 14:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just signed up with them after considering other companies or other solutions. After reading debt cures by Kevin Trudeau it seems that they are following the same process that he suggests you can do on your own - if you have the money. It also states that the credit card companies will not act until you are 90 days past due, anyway. Then they sell it to a collection agency. Then they have a much better chance to get your balance lowered. Thats the reason they do not act right away.
After looking into other companies, some have their unknown banks for depositing your monthly amount. Halo suggests opening your own account, and you can stop it by closing it, if you feel you are getting ripped off. Those are a few of the reasons that I signed up with them. Please let me know if there is somthing else I do not see. They have called me at intervals and kept in touch. So far I feel fine.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 17:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they are stealing people's money for the most part they have only been in business for 8 months and claim to have successfully brought clients to becoming debt free. well how is that possible if their plans average from 2-5 years. Plus they aren't reccommended are members of the BBB (Better Business Bureau) that usually means they aren't trying to bring attention to themselves for what reason we may never know. Plus there is an Agency that is recognized by the Gov't its called TASC (The Association of Settlement Companies. They enforce guidelines and audit there members. Out of the 5,000 settlement companies out there currently 172 of them are even members so make sure you chose one that is accredited. I had 47k in credit card debt a company Debt Remedy Solutions,who is recommended by the BBB and members of TASC, led me to being debt free and creating alot of cashflow that i would have otherwise been still paying to my greditors...Just Say NO to HALO!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 15:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they are stealing people's money for the most part they have only been in business for 8 months and claim to have successfully brought clients to becoming debt free. well how is that possible if their plans average from 2-5 years. Plus they aren't reccommended are members of the BBB (Better Business Bureau) that usually means they aren't trying to bring attention to themselves for what reason we may never know. Plus there is an Agency that is recognized by the Gov't its called TASC (The Association of Settlement Companies. They enforce guidelines and audit there members. Out of the 5,000 settlement companies out there currently 172 of them are even members so make sure you chose one that is accredited. I had 47k in credit card debt a company Debt Remedy Solutions,who is recommended by the BBB and members of TASC, led me to being debt free and creating alot of cashflow that i would have otherwise been still paying to my greditors...Just Say NO to HALO!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 15:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they are stealing people's money for the most part they have only been in business for 8 months and claim to have successfully brought clients to becoming debt free. well how is that possible if their plans average from 2-5 years. Plus they aren't reccommended are members of the BBB (Better Business Bureau) that usually means they aren't trying to bring attention to themselves for what reason we may never know. Plus there is an Agency that is recognized by the Gov't its called TASC (The Association of Settlement Companies. They enforce guidelines and audit there members. Out of the 5,000 settlement companies out there currently 172 of them are even members so make sure you chose one that is accredited. I had 47k in credit card debt a company Debt Remedy Solutions,who is recommended by the BBB and members of TASC, led me to being debt free and creating alot of cashflow that i would have otherwise been still paying to my greditors...Just Say NO to HALO!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 15:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Did a lot of research with a few companies. Got confused. they all seem to be pretty slick sales people. someone at my office did settlement program with halo debt and they were pretty good. He says they told him everything up front and got him very good settlements. I called them and and they seemed sincere. I am still thinking about it. I think some of the negative stuff on this posting seems far fetched and bogus. maybe its the competition. I called a few other companies and did not feel good about them. I guess you really have to do your research. I think the process works if you choose the right company. The hardest part is looking thru the sales garbage.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 15:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am considering this company, please let me know if you have any new feedback about them. Good or bad.



Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 16:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They seem to be a good company; but remember; they don't negotiate with the creditors till it goes to a third party, so this takes months from when you first sign up with them. I am getting very nervous as well, with creditors calling me, as well as third party lawyers --such as Fred Hanna, whom I found on

And you must just not answer your phone and be patient. It gets scary but you have by that time been saving money in your secondary savings account for Halo to keep track of and they tell you when you have enough money they can start to negotiate with the creditors so you can pay them a little at a time. You can email them at any time and call them, and they will call you as well to keep tabs on you and your situation. You can forward them any letters from the creditors, etc that they put in your file and they seem like they do care. To me, it is worth it. I think they are reputable. I took the four year program instead of the three.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 08:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am also considering Halo debt solutions. Im still not sure what Im going to do. I am considering filing for bankruptcy also. The credit hits may be comparable because you are not paying your debts down on time plus you dont pay the entire amount which also effects your credit. Contacting the credit card companies is not a bad idea depending on the company. They will usually work with you because they dont want you to file or contact a debt solution company like Halo. I suggest everyone check all of your options thoroughly. This thread has helped with my questions about the reliability of Halo though. Thank you.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 11/23/2008 - 13:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If you can pay your bills and finance the banks each month, that is always your best bet. As far as paying fee's upfront, that is what you do when you hire an attorney. Nobody works for free in this country, even the non-profits. The fee is collected over the first 1/2 of the program so that you are not paying for something that has not been done. If you are worried about not paying your creditors, why are you looking around? This program is for people who cannot keep up their payments. debt settlement is the fastest way to get out of debt, the least expensive way and the least negative impact to your credit over any other program available to you.
credit counseling is a prerequisite for Bankruptcy. Of coarse they are not going to tell you that because they in reality work for the banks. Nonprofit? My church is nonprofit and my pastor makes more than you and I combined.....nonprofit simply means that they do not pay tax on the money they collect from you that is called a "donation".
Research the facts! In Texas, we are protected with Homestead Laws and the only things you can be garnished for is child support and past due taxes.
I hope this helps you people out. And by the way, HALO debt solutions does not have you send them your money to save for you. The money is in your control 100% so how can you be ripped off?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/10/2008 - 14:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

One of my concerns is they have only been in business for 8 months? Its not really alot of time to find out about there track record. Not that it makes it a bad company. But do your research google it in many different phrases, ask them the tough questions, etc. If you do your homework properly you will not be scammed easily. Good luck!


Submitted by love_my_things on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 11:13

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )


I'm a client of them now, and they are horrible. I've paid them over $10K in fees (took a year and a half), and now cannot get anyone to call me back or answer any of my emails. I called the attorney's office on one of my accounts and they said they never made a settlement offer. Halo emailed me specifically and told me they had an offer. They are liars!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/20/2009 - 07:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I enrolled my parents in their program and they have already settled one of their accounts for 39% of what they owed. I checked on consolidation with CCCS and you need to know that it will look like a Bankruptcy on your credit if you go that route.
For us settlement was the best option and Halo the best company. They have a 100% money back guarantee. The other companies I spoke with had no guarantee at all.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 09:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Halo has only been in business for 12 months. No one has successfully completed thier program and the are not even members of TASC [the association of settlement companies]. (solicitation removed--mobile) is accredited and have thousands of clients that have completed thier program. I am enrolling with them after doing extensive research and am very confident with my decision. I called TASC and :) comes highly recomended.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 07:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

but I am going to try them myself- checked out others and feel this is the best route.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/10/2009 - 15:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I started with Halo Debt Solution (HDS) back in July 2008. The sales person Mike Maguire told me that Halo Debt negotiates millions of dollars of debt with Citibank and they have strong negotiating power that regular folks like me do not have with these banks. He told me that HD typically settle for 40-60% with Citibank and I can be debt free in 36 months.

I asked him what happened if Citibank sued me and he assured me that the probability of that happening is extremely low and even in a lawsuit, HDS can still negotiate with the lawyers and they can still settle for 40 - 60% because the lawyers do not want to engage in a lengthy and costly judgment and may not even get to collect any money. So I thought this is the holy grill to my debt problems and gladly signed up with them.

Fast forward 8 months later and I have already paid $5000 to HDS, Citibank threw out 2 law suits against me. During the entire 8 months, HDS did nothing for me except calling and emailing me once a month to see how I am doing. They did sent a letter to Citibank to stop calling me and to contact them directly regarding my debts. Of course, Citibank doesn't want to deal with HDS and I am still hounded by daily calls morning till evening from Citibank. HDS suggest I do not answer or speak to anyone representing Citibank, and I gladly obliged, believing that HDS will continue to represent me and work out a solutions with Citi. When I was presented with the summons, HDS told me that the best they can do is 80% of my total debt when it ends up in a lawsuit, and this is not 80% off my original debt amount, this is the total debt including all interest compounded, late fees, finance charges, and all the works that these banks can top up to your original debt amount over the entire time you are trying to save up to pay off your debt. So what happened to the 40-60% of my original loan amount? What happened to No Interest accrued due to HDS debt settlement program?

Taking into account the amount of money I have paid to HDS, the negotiated settlement amount, and court fees I have to pay, I ended up paying more in total amount than I originally owe. When I asked for a refund, guess what, I was told there is no grounds for my request for a refund. In fact, if I do not continue with my monthly payment to HDS, they will cease providing anymore service to me! So everything that I have paid in the past to HDS doesn't count towards future services. In retrospect, if I have taken the initiatives to speak to Citibank and explain my current financial difficulties and work with them on an agreeable solution, I would have avoided all the finance charges and the ugly lawsuits, and I would have save $5000 that I paid to this scumbag HDS company.


The banks are not as bad as these debt settlement companies make them out to be. They are willing to work out a viable solution through low monthly plan and stop accruing late fees, interest, and finance charges. I can't say that is the case with all banks, but I was able to work out a solution with Chase and Bank of America. I wished I would have done the same 8 months ago with Citibank. It could have been worse if I also included my Chase and BoA debt to my Citibank debt and I would have paid much more out of pocket to HDS and end up with 4 - 5 lawsuits from all 3 banks instead of just 2 from Citibank.

HDS is a scam that pretends to be a legal company. Stay as far away as you can.[color=DarkRed][/color]


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 03/28/2009 - 14:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They are mis-using the BBB to make their report look clean.?? Check out their Dallas report. They have a D- for a reason. Don't look at their Arizona report, they only have a shell office their.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/02/2009 - 10:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Get results call their manager Martin 972.898.0344 is his cell phone...that should get you some answers


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/02/2009 - 10:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They rip off customers and employees. I worked for two weeks and did not receive a paycheck. I filed a complaint with Texas but with the current economy the labor board is very busy, but eventually Halo will pay....Cade Thompson is a jerk employing other Jerks.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/02/2009 - 10:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

A Halo Employee was just recently indicted on charges of raqueteering and other serious charges in Frisco, TX. His name is Lou Dibella. Check it out and stay away from Halo, you don't want to give them your credit card numbers, for safety reasons. Halo did not fire Lou until he was formally charged. Beware.....


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/02/2009 - 10:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am in my 20th month of the program and Halo has already settled 6 of my 8 accounts. I don't know what some of these people are talking about, but my initial debt consultant was completely upfront with me and shared all of my options for managing my debt including credit counseling and I decided for myself that settlement was my best option. I took the 36 month program, but was able to throw in more than necessary and thus am nearly out of all of this debt.
DO NOT TRUST EVERYTHING YOU READ ON BULLETIN BOARDS...this company has never been anything but upfront with me, and they don't push you into signing up right off the bat like some other settlement companies that I spoke to.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 12:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If you give anyone money to fix your financial problems then you need to do a good deal of research into that company. Anything short of that makes you a moron. Which is probably the resaon you need someone to bail you out of your debt in the first place. As for those of you posting someone's personal information on this website: keep in mind that sometimes people work for a company and do not know what happens after their job is completed. ie: the salesperson trying to help you with your debt consolidation does not know that the back office is not doing their job, or the job that he or she is told will be done for said customer. Think about you think the worker bees in the cubicles knew that the company was going down the tubes?? Of course not...dont be so childish, grow up and take responsibility for your own actions. if you knew how to manage your expenses you wouldnt be in the position you are in. And since some of you are SO bold as to post another persons NAME AND PHONE NUMBER maybe you would be so bold as to post your own so we can track you down and dig up everything you have ever done wrong in your life and post it to the internet. You people are the same ones cheating on your spouse and molesting your kids and screaming in church on sunday about what a model citizen you are. Cowards.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/09/2009 - 13:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

halo has helped me tremendously. It isn't cheap, but if you aren't an idiot and are trying to get out of works.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 14:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just signed up with them and after reading all this on here. I am a little scared. Please tell me someone out there that I haven't just made a huge mistake..


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 05/03/2009 - 20:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been with Halo three months and they do want the first four monthly payments to go to them first and I already have creditors wanting to settle but there is no cash in the account because Halo gets paid first so I am worried sick right now. These are large credit cards and what if the creditors don't want to re-negoitate again then what?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/28/2009 - 13:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have just started working with Halo. IS there any body out there that was sued or had other problems? Their credit with BBB is D- but all there complaints were resolved. Am i doing the right thing.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 15:24

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