It really does work!!!
Date: Wed, 05/09/2007 - 12:24
It really does work!!!
I got an email from Payday Select that they are marking my account PIF AND sending me a refund! I am so happy! I honestly didnt think they would issue me anything! Thanks to Marauders11 for the template letter and to the rest of you for helping me out! So far I have one loan PIF with a refund coming my way and I'll be paying two more off this week (thanks to my husband who gave me the money). I still have Eastside Lenders, Paycheck Today, One Click Cash, Payday Cashlink and Payday Yes. I have sent them all letters and I will keep sending them! I AM SOOO HAPPY!
Anyone who has been issued a refund from Payday Select, have you gotten it yet? How long did it take?
Anyone who has been issued a refund from Payday Select, have you gotten it yet? How long did it take?
COngrats Bublefan! I am so happy to hear that. You are one step
COngrats Bublefan! I am so happy to hear that. You are one step closer to financial freedom. I hope things continue to go well for you. :):):)
Isn't that a wonderful feeling!!! Keep it up and before you kno
Isn't that a wonderful feeling!!! Keep it up and before you know, you will be out of the pdl trap!!
Congrats! Stay away from the payday loans once you are completel
Congrats! Stay away from the payday loans once you are completely out of this mess. It's a lesson learnt in the hard way.
Bublefan, enjoy this small success. :) A new feather added in the community success stories
Congrats on your refund!! It sounds like you are working in the
Congrats on your refund!! It sounds like you are working in the right direction :-)