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I am winning my battle with PayDay Loans!!!

Date: Thu, 05/03/2007 - 12:47

Submitted by Marauders11
on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 12:47

Posts: 9 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 26

I am winning my battle with PayDay Loans!!!

Ok, so about two weeks ago I was majorly distraught over an ever growing problem I had with Internet PayDay Loans- I had about 10 and I couldn't afford to pay them any longer. I came across this wonderful site and followed advice I was able to glean from a number of posts and now I am happy to say that I am on the road to freedom!

I thought I would share my journey here so that others who are mired in the same type of mess may be encouraged.

I will post some specific success stories in this thread to follow, but here is an overview of how I got to where I am so far:

I live in Pennsylvania BTW, and all of the loans were Internet based- no storefronts!

#1- I closed my bank account and opened a new one.

#2- I proactivley sent e-mail letters to all of the lenders that I had open accounts with about a week prior to the date that my loans would default because of closing the bank account.

I questioned the legality of the loans in my State and challenged the company's to show that they were legitimate licensed lenders that followed all applicable laws. I also revoked any potential wage assignments, revoked volunatry bank debits (even though I knew the account was closed), and revoked phone contact to any number (work or home) other than my cell- which I would answer anyway if it's an unknown number.

I refused phone contact with any of these people- I only corresponded through e-mail. I sent and resent e-mails until I got a reaction one way or another- in other words be as relentless with them as they tend to be with you. Eventually you will start making progress:

I'll post on the various lenders next:

Stay Tuned!


I started out asking for a BIG refund, ended up settling for "Paid in Full" plus a $500 refund-

My goal was really to make these all go away- actually getting a refund is just gravy to me.

[quote]My e-mail:

April 19, 2007

PayDay OK
2207 Concord Pike, #606
Wilmington, DE 19803
Phone #:(866)612-4507
Fax #: (866)612-4508

Regarding: Loan ID: 58926282

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to inform you that any further payments to Pay Day OK will not be honored by my banking institution. As of today, April 19, 2007, I do not authorize Pay Day OK, nor any representative, parent company, affiliate, or subsidiary of one Pay Day OK, to withdraw any funds from the checking account under the name of XXX, account number XXX, located at Wachovia Bank.

I reside in Pennsylvania, and have for the entire course of the loan I received from you.
According to Pennsylvania state statutes Pay day OK is in violation of Pennsylvania's small loan rate cap which states that loan fees are limited to $9.50 per $100 per discount or 24% per year. Which means, that the loan I have with Pay Day OK in the amount of $450.00, by Pennsylvania state law should only have been charged $42.75 in interest for a principal of $450.00.

As of April 19, 2007 Pay Day OK must cease to charge my bank account and zero out my current loan balance because all deposits made to my account have been met with debits already previously paid. I am expecting Pay Day Ok to mark the account under the name of XXX as 'paid in full'.

Furthermore, when taking out this loan with Pay Day Ok, I was unaware of the Pennsylvania state law that governed this transaction. During the time that my account has been active I have received disbursements from PayDay OK totaling $1,191.43. For that amount borrowed I paid back a total of $5,035.58 to Pay Day Ok. By law, I was only required to pay no more than $114.00 in fees along with all of the principal originally borrowed. That is approximately $3,700.00 more than I was required to pay according to Pennsylvania's small loan rate cap.

I would like a refund in the amount of $1,850.00, which is half of what I am legally entitled to, made to me by paper check for this excess amount charged. The refund should be sent to my postal address listed above.

At no time will Pay Day Ok any representative, parent company, subsidiary, or affiliate of Pay Day Ok, place any derogatory mark on my credit report with any credit bureau, nor any other check writing database, such as Teletrack or an equivalent database. If Pay Day Ok does not abide to the settlement conditions stated above, I will have no choice but to formally complain to, and request that the Attorney General of PA, Tom Corbett file criminal charges against Pay Day Ok for its illegal lending practices to the consumers within the State of Pennsylvania. My banking institution has provided me with bank statements verifying these loans and the amounts debited from my account proving how much I overpaid.

All correspondence as of today, April 19, 2007, shall be in written form either through the email address, XXX I provided to you at the time of the application, or via The United States Postal Service to, XXX. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter, and acknowledge acceptance of, and willingness to adhere to the settlement described above, in writing, within 24 hours of receipt. If I do not receive this acknowledgement within 24 hours, I will begin the legal proceedings described above. I hereby also revoke your right to use any wage assignment that may have been signed upon application of the small loan. You no longer have my permission to use this wage assignment. I also revoke your right to call my employer, any reference, or any phone number besides the following phone, XXX



Their Reply:

Thank you for your recent email to PayDay OK. We will reply to you within 24 hours Monday through Friday. However, if you need immediate assistance we are happy to help; just call us at 1-866-612-4506.

Thank you,
The PayDay OK Team



PayDay OK is in receipt of your recent email regarding your loan ID # XXX. We are reviewing your account at this time and will reply shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Thank You,

PayDay OK Special Handling Team

866.612.4508 - FAX

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 7AM - 10PM CST
Saturday 9AM - 8PM CST


>Date: Wed, 25 apr 2007 18:13:21 -0500
>From: "PayDay OK Support"
>Subject: RE: re:Loan 58926282 [912215:509555]

>Mr. XXX,
>Thank you for your patience while we research your account. PayDay OK is sorry you are unsatisfied with its service. We will consider your loan paid in full. At this time we are willing to offer a refund in the amount of $250.00. If you accept this offer, please reply to this email with your acceptance and a release form will be sent out for your signature.
>Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.
>Thank You,
>PayDay OK Special Handling Team


Date:Thu 26 Apr 00:04:30 EDT 2007
Subject:RE: re:Loan XXX [912215:509555]
To:PayDay OK Support


I appreciate you getting back to me and your apparent willingness to amicably resolve this matter.

While completing some additional research into my initial claims that I was a victim of illegal lending practices as a result of my relationship with PayDay OK, I came across the following Delaware State Law which appears to apply as PayDay OK is a licensed lender subject to the laws of the State of Delaware even when lending to Pennsylvania consumers:

Del. Code Ann. tit. 5 ???? 2227 et seq.; Del. Code. Ann. tit. 5 ???? 2744

Loan Terms:
Maximum Loan Amount: $500
Loan Term: Max: 60 days
Maximum Finance Rate and Fees: Not Specified
Finance Charge for 14-day $100 loan: No Limit
APR for 14-day $100 loan: No Limit

Debt Limits:
Maximum Number of Outstanding Loans at One Time: Not Specified ($1000 aggregate loans outstanding to all licensees)
Rollovers Permitted: Four (rollovers)
Cooling-off Period:
Repayment Plan:

Collection Limits:
Collection Fees:
Criminal Action:

Where to Complain, Get Information:
Regulator: Delaware Office of the State Bank Commissioner
Address: 555 E. Loockerman Street Suite 210 Dover, DE 19901
Phone: (302) 739-4235
Fax: (302) 739-3609

What is of particular interest to me is the 60 day maximum allowable loan tern, as well as the "4 rollover" maximum.

Prior to your company preventing me from logging into the account from your Web Site I printed and kept a record of my loan history with PayDay OK dating back to July 7, 2003. This record is supported by bank statements that verify the amount and date of each payment made to PayDay OK.

Based on this information PayDay OK has plainly violated Delaware's Lending Laws by allowing loan terms to seriously exceed the 60 day limit, while also ignoring the 4 rollover maximum.

As I mentioned in my initial e-mail to PayDay OK dated April 19, 2007- I have overpaid in excess of $3,700.00 because PayDay OK did not adhere to written legislation.

I would like nothing more than to put this dispute to rest once and for all and discontinue our relationship as soon as possible. I will not however accept the offer of a $250.00 refund, and will continue to fight for what is owed to me.

Because I would like to get this resolved quickly, I will back off of my initial request a bit and be willing to accept a refund in the amount of $1,300.00 (about one third of what you received from me in interest payments) along with a written notice that my account is paid in full. The refund will be made by paper check only and will be shipped to my home address at once. Upon receipt of my refund I would also be willing to sign whatever waiver you provide eliminating my interest in this matter, and preventing me from pursuing any further recourse against PayDay OK.

If I do not receive a favorable reply to this request by 5PM Eastern Time Thursday, April 26, 2007 I will contact the Delaware State Attorney General's Office and file a formal complaint against Pay Day OK for the violations cited above.

I look forward to hearing from you on Thursday.


ME Again After they failed to respond:

Date:Thu 3 May 11:57:05 EDT 2007

Subject:Re: thank you for your patience [912215:514920]
To:PayDay OK Support

My patience is now wearing thin.

Let me review the facts:

1. I have been grossly overcharged by your company for an extended period of time.

2. When I became aware of the illegal nature of these over payments I requested only a partial a refund and a "paid in full" acknowledgment from your company. I have received neither.

3. I did receive a settlement offer of $250 in the form of a refund which I obviously refused. This offer alone validates that I was illegally overcharged by PayDay OK.

4. Since I rejected the $250 offer I have not received any resolution to the problem.

My intention was to resolve this quickly and amicably. I agreed to accept a refund that is less than a third of the amount that was over charged to me.

There is no reason for PayDay OK to delay this any longer. If I do not hear back from you ASAP with an agreeable refund offer (which I determine to be no less than $1,300) I will have to take further action immediately.

I really had hoped to avoid going down that path, but I am being left with no choice.

I await your favorable reply.



Finally I get the offer and agree to settle!

Date:Thu 3 May 12:30:01 EDT 2007
From:"PayDay OK Support" Add To
Subject:Re: thank you for your patience [912215:516700]


PayDay OK is sorry you are unsatisfied with its service. We have considered your loan paid in full.

We will offer a one time settlement in the amount of $500.00. You have until 5:00PM, CDT Monday, 5/7/2007 to reply with your written acceptance. After 5:00pm, CDT, Monday, 5/7/2007, the offer will be void.

We provide services for PayDay OK, PayDay One and PayDay Select which are three seperate companies.

Thank You,

PayDay OK Special Handling Team

866.612.4508 - FAX

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 7AM - 10PM CST
Saturday 9AM - 8PM CST

Date:Thu 3 May 14:03:53 EDT 2007
From:"PayDay OK Support" Add To Address Book|This is Spam
Subject:Re: thank you for your patience [912215:516819]


Mr. XXX,

Thank you for your prompt reply. As we have received your written acceptance of the $500.00 refund offer, a release will be prepared for your signature and will be sent via Fed Ex to the address on your account. A letter will include instructions for execution and return. Once executed, notarized and returned, we will process the refund request.

We appreciate your continued patience.

Thank You,

PayDay OK Special Handling Team


Submitted by Marauders11 on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 12:59

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )


Same scenario with these two, but I only had one small loan with each of them and it only carried on for about 6-8 months so I wasn't looking for any kind of refund, just a PIF.

I find it especially amusing that they say they are different companies when I called them out on that fact:

[quote]Date:Thu 3 May 12:02:46 EDT 2007
Subject:Re: Thank you for your patience
To:PayDay Select Support

I am still awaiting an adequate resolution to this issue.

I am aware that PayDay OK, PayDay Select, and PayDay One are all affiliated companies (if not one single company). Because of this I no reason why this cannot be handled promptly.

I received a "paid in full" notification from PayDay One, but I am still being told to be patient by PayDay Select & PayDay OK. Why not just get things settled all at once?

Please refer to the e-mail I just sent to the "Special Handling Team" at PayDay OK. My position on this matter with PayDay Select mirrors that of what I conveyed to PDOK.

I await your favorable reply.


PIF's Come Through:

Date:Wed 2 May 10:34:01 EDT 2007
From:"PayDay One Support"
Subject:RE: Loan # XXX

Mr. XXX,

We are appreciative of your patience. PayDay One is sorry you are unsatisfied with its services. We will consider your loan paid in full.

Thank You,

PayDay One Special Handling Team


Date:Thu 3 May 12:33:17 EDT 2007
From:"PayDay Select Support"
Subject:Re: Thank you for your patience [916045:516714]


PayDay Select is sorry you are unsatisfied with its service. We will consider your loan paid in full.

We provide services for PayDay OK, PayDay One and PayDay Select, which are three separate companies.

Thank You,

PayDay Select Special Handling Team


Submitted by Marauders11 on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 13:16

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )


Sent same initial Letter, then sent this:

[quote]Date:Mon 23 apr 16:26:18 EDT 2007
Subject:Fwd: Disclosure No. XXX

To Whom It May Concern,

I still have not heard from anyone with your company regarding the e-mail I sent on April 19,2007.

If I do not receive a response in writing by tomorrow, I will have no choice but to begin the process of filing a formal complaint with my State's Attorney General to investigate the lending practices of your organization to consumers in Pennsylvania as they relate to Pa. Small Loan Rate Cap Legislation which was previously detailed.


Got this back:

---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:46:43 -0700
>From: "Manager -"
>Subject: RE: Disclosure No. XXX
>To: XXX
> April 22rd, 2007
> 6XXX
> 6XXX
> Re: Deferred Deposit Loan with United Consumer
> Financial Services Inc.
> Dear Mr. XXX,
> We would like to resolve this matter with you
> amicably. We have read the terms outlined in your
> letter. However, in order for us to accept your
> terms, we need for you to agree, that once we
> discharge your loan, you will drop any future claims
> against us on this matter.
> You will no longer have any legal recourse against
> us. In short, we both agree that this matter is
> over and done with, legally and financially.
> Once you sign below, we will agree not to collect
> the principal and fees due to us in the amount of
> $450.00. We will deleted all of your banking
> information in our system. We will cease all
> collection activities regarding the principal and
> fees owed to us. You will no longer have any
> financial obligation toward our company.
> Please note that this is a settlement offer only and
> not be deemed as an admission of liability.
> Please sign and fax back to us as soon as possible.
> Please keep a copy of this agreement for your
> records.
> ______________________


Submitted by Marauders11 on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 13:22

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )


I'm having a bit more difficulty with them, but I remain confident:

[quote]Here's the latest:

From THEM:

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 13:25:53 -0400
>From: "Antoinette"
>Subject: settlement #XXX

> Good Afternoon XXX,
> Your last payment was returned. We are now offering
> you a settlement on this account prior to sending
> this to the credit bureau and a third party
> collector. We attempted to contact you via email
> and telephone on several occasions with no success.
> Your listed balance with us is $290.00. If you can
> make a payment of $260.00, we will close out this
> account. Please advise asap as this is a one time
> offer that will be void after 3 business days. We
> do not accept mailed payments, but do accept other
> methods of payment if you no longer have an active
> bank account.
> Please respond asap to settle this account
> Paychecktoday
> Recovery Department
> 866-756-0600 ext.6008


My Response, and nothing back yet from them....

Date:Wed 2 May 14:11:34 EDT 2007

Subject:Re: settlement #XXX


First of all you failed to respond to any of my previous e-mails that were sent well in advance of the payment that you attempted to debit being returned to you. So claiming that I failed to respond to your contacts is laughable. I have ZERO e-mails from PayCheck today and received ZERO phone messages. I assume that is so you did not leave a trail of incriminating evidence which perhaps was wise on your part. I do have in my possession a copy of the loan history with PayCheck Today including all disbursements made to me as well as all payments made back to PayCheck Today. These payments are supported by bank statements.

As indicated in my documented correspondence, I am refusing to make any additional payments to PayCheck Today. All indications that I have found show that our company is not licensed to operate in the state of Pennsylvania and therefore is in violation of several laws related to your lending practices. If you wish to pursue this matter further through continued collection efforts you will be hearing from the Pennsylvania State Attorney General's Office directly, and in short order.

I have not yet filed a formal complaint with them, but will not hesitate to do so if you fail to cease and desist with your claims of monies owed by me to PayCheck Today (MTE Financial, RIO Resources, etc.). In connection with my AG filing, any future phone contacts made by Paycheck Today an affiliate of PayCheck Today, or a third party acting on behalf of PayCheck Today will be tape recorded. Any written correspondence will be saved and printed for future reference.

I also have in my possession a copy of a legal notification from The State of Oklahoma Department of Consumer Credit dated January 8, 2007-which orders MTE Financial to "Cease and Desist" with loans in that particular state for violations and unlicensed lending. I am sure that the Pennsylvania Attorney General would find this bit of documentation interesting as well as they begin their own investigation.

If however you are able to prove me wrong and show written proof of your license to operate in this state, and that you have followed all applicable lending laws then I will be agreeable to a legal and reasonable settlement. In the absence of such proof I am considering this matter closed and my account "paid in full".

Sending me to a collection agency like United Legal will also result in me immediately filing a complaint with my Attorney General. Your company has already received more money than was borrowed so it really would be in everyone's best interest to let this drop. If you choose not to do so it will be your company that will be left to deal with the ramifications of a criminal investigation made on my behalf by Tom Corbett's office.

Lastly, I find it interesting that you "do not accept mailed payments". If you were a legitimate lender there would be nothing to hide in terms of your company's location and mailing any payments would not be an issue.

I am well aware of the tactics employed by MTE, PayCheck Today, RIO, or whatever name your company chooses to go by on a given day. The internet is a powerful tool for research and there are many others out there that were willing to share their experiences with your company so that new victims like myself are prepared to stand up for our rights.

Rest assured PayCheck Today and any of their third party collection agencies will not see a single additional cent from me no matter what measures you attempt to employ. I am informed and well prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure that I am protected, and that others like me do not fall victim to similar illegal lending practices.

I look forward to your favorable reply.



Submitted by Marauders11 on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 13:27

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )


Here's the recent trail with the jokesters.....


---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 10:02:56 -0500
>From: "Shaniqua"
>Subject: RE: Please respond Immediately
>To: XXX
>Thank you for contacting us with your concerns in regards to your payday
>advance with Onestep Cash. At this time we are willing to settle out on your
>account for the principal balance remaining of $150.00. Please advise.
>Thank you for your time,
>Shaniqua Daniels
>Collections Supervisor

Date:Thu 3 May 11:40:29 EDT 2007
Subject:RE: Please respond Immediately


First of all, One Step Cash failed to respond to any of my previous e-mails that were sent well in advance of the payment that you attempted to debit being returned to you. You obviously intended to (and did in fact) attempt to illegally debit my account even after my consent to do so was expressly revoked. I have in my possession a complete copy of the loan history with One Step Cash including all disbursements made to me as well as all payments made back to One Step Cash. These overpayments are supported by physical bank statements.

As indicated in my previous documented correspondence, I am refusing to make any additional payments to One Step Cash (or North American Financial, or PlatinumCashAdvance, or any other assumed name your company may be using on a given day). All indications that I have found show that your company is not licensed to operate in the state of Pennsylvania (or anywhere else for that matter),and therefore is in violation of several laws related to your lending practices. If you wish to pursue this matter further through continued collection efforts you will be hearing from the Pennsylvania State Attorney General's Office directly, and in short order.

If however you are able to prove me wrong and show written proof of your license to operate in this state, and that you have followed all applicable lending laws then I will be agreeable to a legal and reasonable settlement. In the absence of such proof I am considering this matter closed and my account "paid in full".

I have not yet filed a formal complaint with Tom Corbett's office, but will not hesitate to do so if you fail to cease and desist with your claims of monies owed by me to One Step Cash. In connection with my AG filing, any future phone contacts made by One Step Cash an affiliate of One Step Cash, or a third party acting on behalf of One Step Cash will be tape recorded to be used as evidence in the investigation. Any written correspondence will also be saved and printed for future reference.

Sending my information to a collection agency will also result in me immediately filing a complaint with my Attorney General. Your company has already received significantly more money than was borrowed, and was legally entitled to so it really would be in your best interest to let this drop. If you choose not to do so it will be your company that will be left to deal with the ramifications of a criminal investigation made on my behalf by The Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office.

I am well aware of the aggressive and often illegal collection tactics employed by One Step Cash and it's affiliates. The Internet is a powerful tool for research and there are many others out there that were willing to share their experiences with your company so that new victims like myself know what to expect, and are prepared to stand up for our rights.

Rest assured One Step Cash and any of their third party collection agencies will not see a single additional cent from me no matter what measures you attempt to employ. I am informed and well prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure that I am protected, and that others like me do not fall victim to similar illegal lending practices.

I look forward to your favorable reply.



Submitted by Marauders11 on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 13:35

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )

This is great! I have been dealing with the same pdl companies for the last 2 years. I have rolled the loans over several times and I have paid the fees and interest for all of them in the past. This is the first time that I have been unable to pay them all back. Am I able to use all of the fees and interest paid from the past to dispute the amounts of what I owe them now?


Submitted by inabind2 on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 09:30

( Posts: 2 | Credits: )


Date:Fri 18 May 12:40:18 EDT 2007
From:"PayDay OK Support"
Subject:PayDay OK [965487:531720]


Mr. XXX,

Your refund check is being sent today, 4/18/2007, via FedEx Standard Overnight Service. The tracking number is 7XXXX. You may track the letter online at

We appreciate your patience.

Thank You,

PayDay OK Special Handling Team

866.612.4508 - FAX

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 7AM - 10PM CST
Saturday 9AM - 8PM CST

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: Privileged and Confidential. This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain privileged and/or confidential information. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify me immediately by a return e-mail and delete this e-mail. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail and/or any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. Thank you.[/quote]


Submitted by Marauders11 on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 13:19

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )


I commend you for all your hard work and the ability to put these payday lenders in their place. Unfortunately, I have not been so lucky with Payday One. I sent a letter similar to yours, only to have them claim that they do not have to follow PA law as they are licensed in Delaware. I then made note to them that according to Delaware Law a loan could only have a maximum term of 60 days, which mine grossly exceeded reaching a term of 210 days.

This was their reply:



PayDay One is in receipt of your recent email. Each time you make a payment, without paying the full balance, you sign a loan agreement. At the time of your signature, the terms and conditions of the loan, as well as the length of the loan, begin again. You may log on to the web site and view your loan agreements at any time.

We have honored your request to stop ACH debits from your bank account. You remain responsible for the balance of $122.40 as of today. Late fees accrue at a rate of $5.40 per day. Your loan is currently 6 days past due. If you require payment arrangements, you may contact Account Services at 1-866-580-1227.

We hope this helps to clear up any confusion.

Thank You,

PayDay One Special Handling Team

My question is now what????


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 08:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok , this is awesome!! What are the laws in Ohio? I just closed my account last week. I have loans out with PaydayOK, Payday Select, Cashnet USA, Payday services, Quickest Cash Advnance, and one more. I have called Langehorne debt solutions to help me. But they cant start until I pay the fee which I can't pay until August 30th because I am broke and I promised myself I would never take outa loan ever again!! Do you think I'm ok? I've gotteb one call at work all ready from Cashnet USA, the other loans won't know anything until the end of July, when they try to get there money out. Am I going to be ok? Do they report anything to the credit reports? Can they tke my wages?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 07:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just read your success story and I was just about to give up on dealing with my payday loans and came accross your post. Thank you so much for posting your letters and what you did to resolve your pdl's. I am going to do the same thing. I already started last week on making some sort of payment agreement with some of my pdl's. But; now that I know the law a little better (and I live in PA too!) I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 12:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i wanted to thank the original poster for the payday ok info. i emailed like you did, and not only got my current loan paid off, but also got the initial 250 settlement email first, then i pushed, and got the 500 settlement.

this worked out great. thanks!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 22:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I too am in the same boat. I have 6 defaulted loans and am being hounded by nasty unprofessional collections agents. How can i find out what the statutes are for each of these companies so that I may word my letters. HELP>>> I am scared and desparate. I too closed my acct and opened up a new one, but everytime my deposit goes in I am scared.

Please email me with suggestions at [email][/email].



Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 14:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )