After checking my credit report....
Date: Wed, 05/02/2007 - 14:09
After checking my credit report....
thanks for any advice once again!
CACH must show all details of the debt before they can take you
CACH must show all details of the debt before they can take you to the court. I don't think they have any grounds when the account is marked disputed in your credit copy.
Can you verify with the credit bureau on why CACH is still reporting when they have failed to validate your account?
How do i go about doing this? I have sent CACH 2 separate lette
How do i go about doing this? I have sent CACH 2 separate letters asking for validation and have NEVER heard from them! I know i DO have a court date set for May 29, 2007 which i plan on being there since i negelected this for so long! How does the credit bureau know CACH has NOT validated this debt for me? I did tell them that in my dispute that i filed after seeing my credit report. (couple weeks ago now) The one Chase that was EXACTLY the amt CACH says i owe is now gone! Now the other one which i believe is what i really DO owe is still there. I've never disputed that one. Should I? And if so, dispute on what grounds? Also on the suit filed CACH states that BankOne is the original creditor, i've NEVER had a credit card from BankOne!
Ok, sorry i am rambling now and jumping from one thing to another! Just trying to understand this better, it is a bit confusing to me!
Oh WOW, i just noticed another medical that i sent request for v
Oh WOW, i just noticed another medical that i sent request for validation is now off too! So, now that clears me up except for CACH and the Chase that i believe to be legit. Guess I didn't notice it at first cuz i was SO thrilled to see that huge Chase gone!
I have already replied in the other post. You need to dispute th
I have already replied in the other post. You need to dispute the item with the credit bureau. Let them know that CACH has failed to validate your account and is reporting on your credit without an unauthorized purpose. Include in the letter that you have already disputed this item with them earlier but it hasn't been fixed yet.
Ah yes, I did dispute the item with the bureau that CACH has NOT
Ah yes, I did dispute the item with the bureau that CACH has NOT validated this for me. Sorry, didn't remember it was you who gave me the advice. I guess it's been about 2 weeks now, and i think it says it can take up to 30 days to investigate so i will be keeping a close eye on it!
Thanks, I truely appreciate your help!