DMS Marketing marking my account PIF and giving the refund
Date: Fri, 04/27/2007 - 08:47
DMS Marketing marking my account PIF and giving the refund
I couldn't have done it with out the info you all post on this site. Thanks so much and I will update the rest of the struggle.
It's great that you managed to get the refund and the PIF letter
It's great that you managed to get the refund and the PIF letter from DMS Marketing. I know they have not been easy with others. But anyways, so far it's good to know that everything turned in your favor. Congrats!
I had high hopes. =(
After DMS I had high hopes the rest would be easier. Not so!
I have been attempting to get USfastcash to mark my account pif, but no luck. They are adamant that they are licensed in Wyoming but have yet to prove that to me. I get shuffled around from compliance dept. to customer service and back to compliance. I had a previous loan with them that I paid before this recent loan and they keep throwing that in my face, which I reply that I have only recently found out my state laws. Then they state they don't have to follow those laws which I wave the BS flag and even faxed them a copy of the law that states they have to go by Wy laws. It didn't faz her she still was arguing that Wyoming laws don't apply. How aggravating is that? Well the fight goes on. Any suggestions? I am also fighting with Geneva Roth and Payday Avenue.
I think I need to go get more ibuprophen.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Congratulations on your success in dealing with DMS. I'm glad th
Congratulations on your success in dealing with DMS. I'm glad things worked out for you.
Congratulations!! I am still fighting with Payday Avenue also. G
Congratulations!! I am still fighting with Payday Avenue also. Good luck with them!
DMS marketing Loanshop 1-800-493-3380 / 1-800-757-0122
DMS marketing Loanshop 1-800-493-3380 / 1-800-757-0122
I have a loan with payday select, i email them to let then know i had close my checking account , and i would like top make a payment arrangement with them i could handle the loan was for $ 5oo.oo they email me back with a payment arrangemnet of $192.oo every 2weeks for 8 weeks. They are starting to call me at work can you help me. I live in kentucky i told them i could not afford that.
I hope that you get your refund. Keep us updated on when you rec
I hope that you get your refund. Keep us updated on when you receive your refund. This is an inspiration to everyone.
Make sure you keep a copy of the PIF letter from them, you never know if they will try to come back on you at a later date, just to cover your bases.
PIF and Refund
Geneva Roth Ventures is giving me a refund of $1,700.00 and marking my account PIF as well. I quoted laws from my state as well and also filed complaints with the BBB, FTC and State Atty Generals Office. If you dipsute the charges this way and pursue them the way the they pursue everyone else when they want payment, then I think more people would be successful in their ventures. If you keep on them and bring everything to light, you will get the results that you need and deserve.