National Credit Adjusters - What do consumers allege against them?
Date: Mon, 04/23/2007 - 20:38
National Credit Adjusters - What do consumers allege against them?
I received a call out of the blue from this company stating I ha
I received a call out of the blue from this company stating I had an outstanding balance for a car that was paid for BEFORE 2001. The lady from the company told me the aquired the account from a company which record indicated my file had an outstanding balance. In told when I paid off the car the title was mailed to me and sold the car to my brother. The lady said oh well we show you owing a balance... did she not just hear me say I had the title... how do she think I was able to get the title from the loan company???? Now she wants proof that the car was paid for.... in 2001... what a joke... Do I have to send her anything... isn't there a statue of limitation???
There's no way you would've received the title back if it wasn't
There's no way you would've received the title back if it wasn't paid in full. This is a scam. Tell her to FOAD :)
The are licensed and legit. They did sent me validation of debt
The are licensed and legit. They did sent me validation of debt letter when I asked for it. I had defaulted on a line of credit from Cash Net USA, which is a LICENSED credit service organization in most states. The guy I spoke to was very courteous and professional. They offered me different options to resolve my outstanding debt.
They may be licensed, but they are in no way, shape or form legi
They may be licensed, but they are in no way, shape or form legit. A legit company would not do the things this company is documented as doing. Sure, they may act legit for some when they actually have the required documentation, but NOT having this documentation does not stop them one whit from resorting to downright illegal tactics.
So many people, likely the ones who work for these companies scream about people paying their bills, but they curiously shut up when it is pointed out that these very same companies use illegal tactics to get money and more often then not don't even have a legitimate claim....I find it incredible that they would have the audacity to even ask for money with no documentation, but they do.
Oh and to answer the poster about the car title: You don't ha
Oh and to answer the poster about the car title:
You don't have to prove anything. THEY have to prove you owe any money. I wouldn't even bother sending a validation demand since you know without a doubt there are no monies owed on this account. Send them a cease and desist letter basically telling them to take a long walk off a short pier.
the idiot just above goldenbast is a humanoid turnip.for one a letter never counts as validation unless it is on the OC'S for pdl's the cintract must have an actual signature,the person in questions signature.since NCA never provides those things all they should get is reported the the AG of the person being harrased.that's it.oh and hang ups without a word.
Looks like you're not a productive member of society. I hope you
Looks like you're not a productive member of society. I hope your kids don't follow your footsteps with that atrocious grammar! Absolutely horrendous. Our system has failed you.
If anyone is not a productive member of society it's the one shi
If anyone is not a productive member of society it's the one shilling on a forum for his scamming, garbage CA.
pay your bill, even if it is
pay your bill, even if it is illegal in your state, where the loan was taken out from my be legal in the state or country.. the lent you the money you provided your banking info to receive the money. unfortunately payday loans on line are high interest... i don't suggest anyone do them, it got me in more problems then when i needed the money. will never do one again