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National Credit Adjusters - What do consumers allege against them?

Date: Mon, 04/23/2007 - 20:38

Submitted by traci78
on Mon, 04/23/2007 - 20:38

Posts: 106 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 61

National Credit Adjusters - What do consumers allege against them?

Sorry I havent been around in a while, but any help on this would be great. I had an internet pdl that defaulted many months ago for I lost my job. The pdl was UPFRONTPAYDAY.COM. They had sold my debt to a collection agency called National Credit Adjusters. My loan was for $300 and they now want $760. My issue is that the collection agency reported it on my credit report. When I filed a dispute with Experian, they came back to me saying they looked into my dispute and according to the collection agency it is a valid debt. How can I get this off my Credit Report legally since the IPDL is illegal in my state of New Jersey.

Even if the PDL company is doing an illegal business in your state, you are still responsible to pay the principal amount borrowed. I believe you have asked the documents from the CA to confirm about their legitimate collections.

Did you sign anything in writing with the loan company? You may go through the fine prints and verify the charges when the account is in default. The CA is not allowed to charge more than the permissible fees. If they fail to validate the account, show copies of your letter to the CRA and explain that the CA is illegally reporting in your file since they have failed to validate when requested. You need to have proof to get them off from your credit copy.


Submitted by a_neblat on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 14:56

( Posts: 407 | Credits: )

National Credit Adjusters collection agency did the same thing to me...I dealt with a Lisa Ray....She claimed I owed 570.00 all together for a 300.00 loan with Borrow Cash Now.... I had made 2 payments on it 133.50 so far and she still wanted over 400.00 on the loan....I filed complaints against them and I still have not heard back from them.....wonder if they reported it to my credit report....I asked for it to be validated and nothing as of this date.......


Submitted by Tweety71 on Wed, 04/25/2007 - 05:36

( Posts: 2061 | Credits: )

how can you exspect things not to go on your credit report when you become a dead beat and not paying your bills grant it all of the collection agencies should not violate the fdcpa but on the other hand you should pay your bills instead of sitting around trying to figure out how to beat the system why dont you become a good old tax paying bill paying american citizen instead of a whinning dead beat in other words the only way out is to pay your bills join the rest of society and come on in for the big win paying your bills is good for the economy and maybe your children could learn a little something from you being productive member of society think about it and stop crying you did it to your self


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 17:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

how can you exspect things not to go on your credit report when you become a dead beat and not paying your bills grant it all of the collection agencies should not violate the fdcpa but on the other hand you should pay your bills instead of sitting around trying to figure out how to beat the system why dont you become a good old tax paying bill paying american citizen instead of a whinning dead beat in other words the only way out is to pay your bills join the rest of society and come on in for the big win paying your bills is good for the economy and maybe your children could learn a little something from you being productive member of society think about it and stop crying you did it to your self


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 17:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Unfortunetly I've been recieving calls from them. About a credit card I had. 5 or 6 years ago I had paid it off all at once when I got my tax return I missed a payment so I expected the fee. Then I canceled the card on the same phone call. Hadn't heard anything from them since. I told the woman that and she said that it was most possable but that it may have generated another fee at midnight then another and so on. My total with all fees and interest was over 2000 dollars but they could settle for just under 400. And avoid leagle action. That the superiors needed an answer or take me to court. I told them I'd try to get back to them that we are going through some difficult times right now. Spoke with the hubby and I believe that it is unfair that I have to pay bout the same amount as before but was told I HAVE to pay it. Why? This debt was already paid years ago. Now it's some rude guy whome seems to be walking a very thin line on my answering machine. Worse and worse. What's going on?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/19/2009 - 16:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello to the entire forum....I had an illegal pdl loan with EPProcessing out of Nevada, I defaulted...begged for a repayment plan, never heard from anyone then received a collection notice from web collector....asked for a repayment plan and never heard anything....received phone calls from a collection agency....asked them to validate the debt...via Certified Mail Return Receipt, received the green card back but never received a validation of the debt the collection agency. Keep in mind that I previously borrowed from this company for almost 2 years and never a problem...I paid back to them, more than $1800 in fees. I sent them letters to the effect that they were illegal and not licensed to doing business in California....never heard from them. Just recently, I received a call from another collection agency about this same debt...he sent me a threatening letter stating that aggressive legal action was being prepared against me....but here's the clincher, I pulled my credit report and National Credit Adjusters collection agency is reporting me for an open collection account with EPProcessing being listed as the original debtor.
My question to all of you out there is first, is this legal?
Can two collection agencies go after you for the same debt?
If so, who do you repay?
Can your credit be negatively impacted without receiving validation of the debt?
What can I do to remedy this situation? Also, my original loan amount was for $600?
Finally, if you were me, what would you do to stop these predators?
P.S. I filed complaints with the California AG and FTC against both collection agencies, yesterday.
Oh and for anyone thinking that I am trying to wiggle out of what I owe, this simply is not the case...I will pay what i am legally bound to, but I want assurances that I can make payments over a period of 3 mos, put this behind me and restore my credit...People, the last 2 years have been very tough and I felt that turning to payday loans for help was my only solution...I am carry the regret of my actions, daily. I appreciate and welcome all of your comments


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/30/2009 - 10:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Someone applied for an pay day loan in my name and I have filed a million report and this company will leave me for a while with my peace and then after a year they will call you again 20-30 times per day even holiday and weekends, telling me weird scary things a lies. This has been going on for 5 years now. Please someone do something .


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 11:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I can appreciate your situation with National Credit Adjusters collection agency. From my own experience with my wife right now, the WILL sue you. In my wife's case, she never received any notification of a court date then suddenly received papers of judgment for 12k! These guys play dirty and you have to address the matter very seriously, just as I am forced to do for my wife.
This company has reps who are rude, bend the rules or possibly even break them with no sense of regret or remorse. I strongly suggest you pay the debt or get and attorney for advice.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/17/2009 - 12:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi there, I am having the same problem w/ this company called national about a payday loan that i supposedly filled out online...the only problem with this is that my ex-boyfriend filed for it, received the money into MY checking account and now they are coming after ME!!!! his email address was listed as the contact address, so WHY are they coming after ME when I didn't even sign up for this?!?!!?! I am dealing with a Shelly Martinez, and I am going to be filing bankruptcy in the next couple of you think they will leave me alone then? Should I tell them that I am filing for bankruptcy so they can STOP calling myself and my family??


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 12:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had sent NCA a cease and esist letter and then 6 months later they put negative info on my credit report and I disputed and it was removed now another 3 1/2 months later I get a letting in the mail stating the enclosed in a the inof I request back on Sept. 8, 09 (the letter I sent stated I need something in writing within 30 days it has been almost 120 days) and says that they expect payment in their office on 12/31/09. Can they do this. The company they are trying to collect for was not licesned in my state and I have paid back prinicple and some intrest. Shoudl I call them or send them another c & d letter?



Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/21/2009 - 06:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I had sent NCA a cease and esist letter and then 6 months later they put negative info on my credit report and I disputed and it was removed now another 3 1/2 months later I get a letting in the mail stating the enclosed in a the inof I request back on Sept. 8, 09 (the letter I sent stated I need something in writing within 30 days it has been almost 120 days) and says that they expect payment in their office on 12/31/09. Can they do this. The company they are trying to collect for was not licesned in my state and I have paid back prinicple and some intrest. Shoudl I call them or send them another c & d letter?


a c&d is only temporary in certain should have sent a DV(debt validation) makes them prove that not only you owe the debt,but that they are legally entitled to collect.basically it's a dispute letter,but with more teeth.they would have been stopped in their tracks with a DV letter.send the DV letter.send it certified mail return receipt.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 12/21/2009 - 06:46

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I did get a debit validation letter from them this past Sat. I had requested this info back in Sept. but the company that was the original creditor CMG Group was not licesned in my state which is OK. I have paid back all the principal plus a little interest and what they are trying to collect on is interest only. Do they have any grounds to collect on the interest?

What should I do at this point.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/21/2009 - 07:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

In what NCA sent me was a debit validation letter which i requested almost 4 motnhs ago. Original creditor is illegal and not licensed in my state of OK. I have paid back prinicpal plus some interest what they are trying to collect is interest. What shoudl I do at this point? I don't owe the money as I took advice from this site and only paid the principal.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/21/2009 - 07:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

thanks I dont think they properly validated the debt either but I wasnt sure what I should do at this point. Thanks for the advice I will file a complaint with the AG. Should I call NCA and tell them I am filing a complaint or just not call them at all?

Sorry double posted previous comment.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/21/2009 - 07:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
basically they gave me the unsigned loans papers from CMG other than that they didnt send me anything else but a letter that says they expect payment in their office by 12/31/09.

when you file your AG complaint forward that to them.they will handle them from not give them a dime more.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 12/21/2009 - 10:40

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I just received a call from NCA. They said I owed $370.00 for a bad check back in 2004. I told them I did not know about the check. They said they had spoke to me about a year ago and I am well aware. I then told them I wanted to see a copy of the check. I was told it was destroyed and that they could not provide that information. The lady I was speaking with then started to just talk over me about legal information and totally ignored my request. So I hung up. Does anyone know if they have to produce a copy of a check to proceed in legal action?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 12/31/2009 - 10:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Filed a complaint with the OK AG and NCA sent them a response back that my account would remain open what should I do at this point. Should I file complaints with any other agencies I do not owe anything on this account. NCA brought illegal payday loan my cmg group which I never applied for in the first place they just put $300 in my account. CMG is not licensed in OK and I have paid back $360 which is principal plus $60 in interest. Any advice as to what I should do next?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/18/2010 - 09:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just a letter back from the OK AG and basically it says their neither agree nor disagree with what NCA sent them, NCA is stating the my account will reamin open are there other complaints I shoudl file? NCA bought an illegal payday loan from CMG Group which I never appiled for they deposited $300 in my account and I paid back $360 and they say I still owe $480 on a loan I never agreed upon or signed anything. They have an electronic signature. When I had first talked with CMG they said they could have bought my info from a thrid party which to me means they just put they money in my account hoping I would never notice this has been going on now for almost a year. NCA already removed the negative info they put on my credit report so why are they still saying I owe it if they took that info off. I just dont know what to do at this point. Any advice?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/18/2010 - 09:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I started receiving phone calls in 5/2009 for a person owing a debt that had my husbands same first and last name BUT different middle name and Date of Birth. I received a letter from National Credit Adjusters in 6/2009 claiming that we owned $880.00 to them for a debt they "bought" from Advance America. I called the number listed on the letter to let them know that they had the wrong person. I was told that they would "review the matter" I didn't hear anything from them for a couple of months, so I assumed it had been taken care of. Then the phone calls started again in the beginning of November. I sent them a letter (NCA) to AGAIN explain that they had the wrong person, and I even did some "detective work" here on my end and actually located the person that they are looking for. He is in jail, but I gave them all the info I had. Again, heard nothing....then last week (1-15-10) they sent me another letter requesting full payment along with all of the original paperwork from the original debt. So they essentially sent me this guys driver's license number, social security number along with all of his other personal information!!!!!!!! That almost has to be illegal in itself...sending someone's confidential information to a 3rd party! I decided to dig further into finding out how to actually get in touch with the "true debtor" and eventually talked to his Mom. She was appalled about them sending me his personal info, but was extremely nice and was going to send National Credit Adjusters a letter telling them to stop harassing me. What I find most interesting that she said they have also been contacting HER too for payment of the debt!! So National Credit Adjusters is attempting to collect from two parties for this debt....that is ILLEGAL! I filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, but from reading all of these complaints listed before me, it doesn't seem like anyone is doing anything about this company. They need to be stopped!!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/21/2010 - 08:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

National Credit Adjusters, are they allowed to garnish ones wages for a debt not collected?
They are on my credit report from a debt back in 2006. I have disputed this with that company I had the agreement with. I dont have a debt with National Credit Adjusters or any agreements with them. They called to threaten me on the phone, stating that we will verify information, locations and employment information and garnish wages to payoff debt. WHAT??????? I dont think they can do that, can they? Its not child support... its a freaking Gym membership, come on now, how many of us get caught in those? But to take away the little income i do have, should i get an attorney?
thank you


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 17:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had a loan with Titan Group. I closed my account and plan on settling with them soon, but I just got an email saying that now National Credit Adjustors has the account.

Here's my question. Do I have to deal with NCA or can I send them a letter stating that I will deal with the original creditor and not them? I don't want to deal with any collection agency, just the original creditor.

Is there any information on that? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/15/2010 - 20:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

RE: I had a loan with Titan Group. I closed my account and plan on settling with them soon, but I just got an email saying that now National Credit Adjustors has the account.

Here's my question. Do I have to deal with NCA or can I send them a letter stating that I will deal with the original creditor and not them? I don't want to deal with any collection agency, just the original creditor.

Is there any information on that? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

If your company sold your debt to a debt collection company, then you now owe the collection company. Some companies sell their old debts for pennies on the dollar, so the collection company has a lot of motivation to collect the money (they get 100% of whatever they collect, since they now OWN the debt).
If the collection company is collecting the debt on behalf of the original creditor, then you should be able to deal with them directly, as they will still receive a portion of what you pay back.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 10:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

National Credit Adjusters, has been trying to harass me for years, this company loves to break rules! The have tried scaring me by telling me they would contact my Human Resource dept and have my wages garnish, nice try!!! They have called and used profanity over the phone screaming at me expressing how awful of a person I am. Threat after threat you named it they have verbally tried to rip me apart, for that reason they are the only company I will never pay a cent to. I was sold an account on top of another account without being aware of it. The sales rep changed all of my demographic info in the company's system so I never received a call or a bill by mail. The only thing he left was my date of birth, social security number and full name. Then NCA (National Credit Adjusters) began reporting on my credit report. Like I said ???I will never pay them 1 cent"


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/19/2010 - 12:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
basically they gave me the unsigned loans papers from CMG other than that they didnt send me anything else but a letter that says they expect payment in their office by 12/31/09.

National Credit Adjusters, has been trying to harass me for years, this company loves to break rules! The have tried scaring me by telling me they would contact my Human Resource dept and have my wages garnish, nice try!!! They have called and used profanity over the phone screaming at me expressing how awful of a person I am. Threat after threat you named it they have verbally tried to rip me apart, for that reason they are the only company I will never pay a cent to. I was sold an account on top of another account without being aware of it. The sales rep changed all of my demographic info in the company's system so I never received a call or a bill by mail. The only thing he left was my date of birth, social security number and full name. Then NCA (National Credit Adjusters) began reporting on my credit report. Like I said ???I will never pay them 1 cent"


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/19/2010 - 12:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I can state from personal experience that the whole payday loan industry is a rip off. I had a loan with Ace Cash Express for $200 dollars. Unfortunately, I came across some difficult times and could not pay the loan back as agreed. The interest rate on these loans are outrageous and virtually impossible to repay once you miss a payment. The loan went to NCA and we were able to put this behind me. Granted I did have to pay more than what I borrowed but it was well worth the peace of mind. I am not an advocate of the payday loans. In fact I will never take out another one no matter what. I don't blame NCA nor do I hold think THEY have done me wrong. I personally feel that the lender is much more of a bottom feeder than any. LESSON LEARNED!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 09/12/2010 - 16:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:rolleyes: It must be nice to perfect! Do not judge others until you have walked in their shoes. People that live in glass houses should not throw stones. Think about it! Most people do intend to pay their debts but things happen! Especially in this economy. As my mother always says, Think before you speak


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/07/2011 - 08:08

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