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State taxes filed on a chapter 7

Submitted by on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 08:25
Posts: 202330

I filed a chapter 7 in 2005 before the new laws took affect. I filed my 2002 and 2003 state taxes that i owed. My case was discharged under no objections. Why are they now taking my 2006 tax refund?

You should receive a letter explaining what they kept your money for. I know the IRS kept money our of our tax return to finish paying off back taxes we owed (and were paying on) and the town where we live kept part of our state over an old utility billed that we had been fighting them over since we moved! (Charge someone over $500 when they were only someplace for less than 1/2 month and the utilities were suppose to be off and out of our name after that!)

Submitted by 2nband on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 12:26


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Not gonna happen...
The BK laws themselves prevent government debt from being discharged. So even though your BK was discharged, the taxes were not. You would think they need to file some claim, or a motion to object to the dischargeability of the debt. However, by virtue of taxes being non-dischargeable by operation of law, the government does not need to do anything special to keep them from being discharged.

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 19:59


( Posts: 2293 | Credits: )

My attorney talked me into filing Chapter 13 to take care of back taxes. She said the older years could be filed on but not the current. This did not happen. I am still in a payment plan taking care of these back taxes from when I was self employed and have a C-13 on my credit. Who can you trust? This has caused a long-term black cloud.

Submitted by motomom716 on Sat, 06/23/2007 - 07:45


( Posts: 141 | Credits: )