another zero balance e-mail :)
Date: Mon, 04/16/2007 - 19:30
another zero balance e-mail :)
We have processed your reduced balance payment of $175.00, made via debit card. The remaining balance on your account has been written off and the account is now permanently closed with a zero balance. This is contingent on the fact that no other previously paid debits are not returned by your bank as unpaid. Please let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you. One Click Cash Compliance Department Fax: 1-800-491-6913 Email: compliancedepartment(at) |
One more down and I have 1 more payment to arrowhead and they are done also. I just might be able to stick to my plan and have them all done by the end of June :) I hope so. I used to hate payday because I would have no money left after the payday loans. But now I rush to the computer to see which ones I might be able to pay off and still have some money left lol.
Yeah for you thats great! I hope this is me soon!!!
Yeah for you thats great! I hope this is me soon!!!
Congrats puddlejmpr!! From here, it looks so easy when I see you
Congrats puddlejmpr!! From here, it looks so easy when I see you coming out of this mess, but I can understand that you are doing a lot of hard work in paying off the loans. Good luck and hope to see you becoming debt free soon.
Way to go!!! Keep up the good work and June is not that far awa
Way to go!!! Keep up the good work and June is not that far away!!!!
Congratulations and good luck with the rest of them. :D
Congratulations and good luck with the rest of them. :D
Congratulations. This must be a big relief. Good luck on the r
Congratulations. This must be a big relief. Good luck on the rest.
Thank you all. And yes it is a relief. But now I was told today
Thank you all. And yes it is a relief. But now I was told today that I am starting a lay off next week. So that puts a little damper on my plans. But I still plan on paying off 4 more by the end of next month and unemployment is just going to have to cut it lol. Keep your fingers crossed that it's only for a week :)