I need the statute of
Date: Mon, 04/16/2007 - 07:29
I need the statute of
Are you talking about student loans? I'm not sure about this, b
Are you talking about student loans? I'm not sure about this, but there may not be a statute of limitations for student loans. I know they aren't dischargable in bankruptcy.
What state are you from? Is it a federal or a state loan? Please
What state are you from? Is it a federal or a state loan? Please give more information and someone will come along and help you.
I am fairly certain that there is no SOL on student loans...this
I am fairly certain that there is no SOL on student loans...this is one debt that is rarely forgiven and must always be paid..
And if a federal loan, your social security benefits are not sec
And if a federal loan, your social security benefits are not secure, nor are any tax refunds you may be due. Perhaps you'll find more info in SOAPLADY's student loans sticky.
30 years still has no SOL. The Higher Education Act was written
30 years still has no SOL. The Higher Education Act was written in 1965 and there has never been an SOL since the programs inception.
The state that you live in would be irrelevant too. All student loans, even those that are issued by state guarantors, are ultimately owned by the USDOE.
SOAPLADY is right, there is no SOL for student loans, and they a
SOAPLADY is right, there is no SOL for student loans, and they are no longer dischargable in bakruptcy. They can also go straight to your employer for wage garnishment. In my opinion, this is all unconstitutional, because you are denied due process.
Very true Law Student...TYVM....for pointing thin out!! We need
Very true Law Student...TYVM....for pointing thin out!! We need your advice and help in this forum very much!
Unfortunately this advice is correct. There is no sol for most s
Unfortunately this advice is correct. There is no sol for most student loans.However,third party collectors are still bound by law to follow both the fdcpa and the FCRA when collecting these debts.