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OMG I am soo happy!

Date: Tue, 04/10/2007 - 09:37

Submitted by Leah
on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 09:37

Posts: 2322 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 50

OMG I am soo happy!

Well, I was getting discouraged! But today, I got my first PIF letter from Star Light Financial and I could not be happier! one down and 6 more to go! Hallelujah! Something good finally happened! Thank you all of you for the help! WOHOOOOOOO!!!!

Congrats!! Starlight is one I have way overpaid. Still waiting to hear from them. Just get emails right now saying they are going to debit my next payday. Don't think so... Anyway congrats again!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 10:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Congradulations Leah. I am so happy for you. Starlight was one of the first to settle in WV and give refunds to the consumers. Hope you get the rest of them and get to breathe a sigh of relief before that baby gets here. Best Wishes KYSIDE38


Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 17:47

( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

LOL I cannot even express the huge weight lifted off my chest...I know I still have a ways to go but at least something is working right! One down 6 to go...of course I suspect I wont be hearing from GFSIL about anything anymore....I think all the complaints the AG's are getting is making them hide even more...


Submitted by Leah on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 17:48

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

And tell me WHY that could not happen Leah? You just have to get it in your mind that you have the power! You know, in between being pregant, giving birth and fighting for PIF letters from other PDLs---I am sure you could find SOME time to put this company out on its butt :D. Just being funny of course! But, as we see all the time on this board, the crooks may get US initially, but sooner or later it comes back to them in MULTIPLES!


Submitted by Lorri on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 21:44

( Posts: 1721 | Credits: )

i'm lost-but i think i am in the right place??Are you all in debt with payday loans??if so, i have the same huge problem and i wondering if someone could write me back asap and tell me how to get started. i see a lot of happy posts but i already posted one and no one has responded. help!!!!!


Submitted by apllante18 on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 09:51

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

I am totally retarded...i cannot find the post i recently sent. it was really long, maybe tat it why..anyway, can anyone please please tell me how to get started? i really do not want to close my bank account right now, but see no other option. please..send me anything. the other posts sent were so helpful and i can't find them again


Submitted by apllante18 on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 12:48

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

okay, sorry. thanks sooo much for the response. i am a bit stressed as you can see. i am in michigan. i had some responses before and it gave me really great ideas- for state laws and such-tried them this morning. i was told to close out my bank account. this just seems scary to me. i have just been paying them off slowly-very slowly. i have about 8 or 9. they are aip, wwc, one click cash, zip cash, check n go, gfs, us fast cash ,pay day avenue, vc funding. help! I will remember where to look this time!


Submitted by apllante18 on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 12:54

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

Ok well VC funding and GFS are two that I am or have dealt with...There is no legit contact info on VC funding and they are going to send that strating over to bass and associates...They will in turn threaten you with all kinds of things..None of those things are true! GFS will harrass you non stop so hopefully if you have not defaulted on them them and give them a new employer number(like your cell number or something) that way they cannot harrass you at work. Thei will also make threats. You DO need to close your checking account and get another one...otherwise they will continue to eat your money. Ok so Please tell me how much you have borrowed from each company and how much they have taken out of your account? Also..the most important of all of this is to contact the ones that are Storefront and make arrangements to pay..They are the only ones that can and will take you to civil court. ALso been dealing with ONce Click as well.


Submitted by Leah on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 13:07

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

i want you all to understand i have not stopped paying on any of these, except the ones i accidentally bounced today..those ones i will call and arrange to recover the payment. i have had to do this before. is is possible to pay these off? i have payed others off with no problem-just have to pay lots of fees. i can't say enough- i am really scared. these companies have my friends phone numbers- the real ones!!!!

Here it is to the best of my knowledge: Zip cash borr.300 payed 620 so far, us fast cash borrow. 200 payed about 430, pay day avenue -this one you pay the full amount each time, one click cash borrow. 325 payed atleast 700, gfs borrow 225 payed at least 200, aip not sure, wwc borrow 250 payed 200 i hope this helps, there are some holes.


Submitted by apllante18 on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 13:38

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

Ok well witht the exception of GFS, AIP, and WWC- all the rest of those Internet loans are way paid off....Stop letting them take your money! YOu dont see something wrong with paying $430 on a $200 loan? What you need to do is send the companies that you have way over paid a letter stating that you Revoke their right to withdrawl money from your account(you still need to get a new account)Secondly in this letter state that you revoke any voluntary wage assignment you may have agreed to and then you need to contact your payroll dept telling them that any such attempts to take your paycheck have been revoked and you do not authorize it. You need to go to and look at the laws for your state and recite them in this letter telling these companies to mark you paid in full....


Submitted by Leah on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 13:43

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

As for the ones you still owe a balance on, you need to calculate based on your state laws what you still have oweing and then send the same letter to these companies telling them that you will only pay to them what you legally owe them and it will be by MONEY ORDER! Also, and this is the most important part, you need to file complaints on all these companies with your AG!


Submitted by Leah on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 13:44

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

i am having a hard time swallowing my pride. i do not want these companies- and it sounds like they will-to call my friends and family and they have already called my work. i appreciate the fabulously helpful information. my account is overdrwn 600 right now. i cannot close it really because that just causes other problems with the bank. did this happen to you too? i could go to another bank, i just feel so stupid. when i called the michigan dept. this morning to find out if these companies are licenzed they said they were not in this state- so do they have to abide by my state's laws? when i called the ag they said if everything like fees were stated in the agreement i said they can charge me. you all are saying something different.


Submitted by apllante18 on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 13:55

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

Well honey...I didnt want to close my account either but they drained so much money that I now owe them 2000 to the bank...You need to get a new account before your old account gets so messed up that you cannot get an account anywhere...As far as filing a complaint to the need to do it in writing so that it gets to the correct person, just calling and speaking to someone is not going to give you the answeres needed...They will simply tell you what they think the answer is but these companies have to abide by your state laws in order to lend in them...there are only one or two state that there is a loop but MI is not one of them


Submitted by Leah on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 14:13

( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

Apllante18, Zip Cash is easy to work with, they agreed to mark my file PIF and refund has been known to be given. So try them and let us klnow how you make out.


Submitted by spanisheyes on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 14:50

( Posts: 313 | Credits: )

So spanisheyes, when you say they were easy to deal with, is this after you closed your bank account? did you have to send them a letter or did you just have a phone conversation with them? i do not have addresses of any of these companies. i want to just call them and say...look, i know the laws in michigan are blah blah blah, i have already paid this much- i do not authorize you to make any more withdrawls out of my account. am i dreaming? thnaks again


Submitted by apllante18 on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 14:57

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

apallante, immediately send Payday Avenue a wage revocation letter. They have voluntary wage assignments written into their contracts and will contact your employer to get money from your paycheck. Send your payroll department a letter stating you revoke any voluntary wage assignments. This company is very hard to deal with. Unless you pay them right away they are going to call you at work, your payroll department, and your references. Let me know if you need help with them. They have not called me in a couple of days at least.


Submitted by Sassnlucy on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 20:39

( Posts: 2698 | Credits: )

Here is zip cash information

29L-Atlantic Avenue #175
Occeanview, DE 19970
Ph: 866-320-2947
Fax: (866) 922-7401

A compiled list of payday loan address, phone, fax and email is on my blog at
You may find some of the others you need there. Also some template letters, etc. Use what you need to use.

Alot of us have been in your very shoes, not long ago, I came here with 10 loans, I am still working on two of them. Sounds like you should be getting some Paid in Full letters from some of these lenders, you have paid your principle and more than legal intrest. Follow the advice of forum members, they have been there. Just take a deep breath, we will get you through this. Just so you know, at one point my bank account was overdrawn triple what yours is now. There is light at the end of the tunnel and we promise, It Is Not A Train. We are here for you, hang in there, post your questions, use the advice of forum members and keep us updated on your progress, you are going to be fine!


Submitted by fedupinpa on Sat, 04/14/2007 - 01:59

( Posts: 1511 | Credits: )

Thank you all so incredibly much. I am starting slowly to feel better about this situation. I will be back, hopefully with good news. :lol:


Submitted by apllante18 on Sat, 04/14/2007 - 10:18

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

What is there address? OMG, (Oasis1 mg) , My attorney needs there address and I can't locate it, I have been in a financial mess, having to file bancrupcy! Tracy


Submitted by scottiedog3 on Sat, 06/02/2007 - 12:31

( Posts: 2 | Credits: )