Paid Off Another Loan
Date: Thu, 03/15/2007 - 10:50
Paid Off Another Loan
I just wanted to share that with everyone because I never thought I would pay off these debts but you all here gave me hope. And believed in me.
Thank you.
Hi Alexandra, this is really sweet when you express your care he
Hi Alexandra, this is really sweet when you express your care here. Of course, you have taken a good financial decision. It was a loan and it was never yours. You have to pay it either now or sometime later. Better you did it now. You just saved some of your money going on interests.
Don't ever think you are alone. You have been a great help to many others and inspiring people with positive energy. We all hang in here and release our stress by sharing our experiences.
Congratulations! Good job. I know you feel real good about tha
Congratulations! Good job. I know you feel real good about that. It is nice to see those lists of bills get smaller and smaller. Keep it up!
Congratulations on paying your loan off..It is a nice feeling is
Congratulations on paying your loan off..It is a nice feeling isnt? :) Happy for you.
Congratulations Alexandra, I know you have worked hard on this a
Congratulations Alexandra, I know you have worked hard on this and got good results. Keep your chin up.
A Word of Encouragement
I would like to offer a few words of encouragement to those of you who are dealing with payday lenders. Like many of you, I thought it was a good thing at the time. I was desperate. However, when I realized how much is was costing me in terms of cash, fear, stress, etc.,I knew I had to get out. In one case, I was paying $27 per $100. In another, I was paying $30 per $100.
I thought I was powerless to get out of this cycle, but by sharing with people in this forum, I have found the strength to stand up and fight. I've paid off the principal and most cases and they are not entitled to anymore. I saved $600 this week alone by taking the advice that is offered on this forum.
Please, don't give up. There is a way out.
Congratulations on paying off one of your loans. That's a great
Congratulations on paying off one of your loans. That's a great start and a huge inspiration to the rest of us still in that same boat. Keep up the great work and keep your head up!:)
You know Sue, I thought I would be happy about this. I am gratef
You know Sue, I thought I would be happy about this. I am grateful that I am able to pay off one of my loans but at the same time, I feel down.
I feel down because these companies are still out there cheating people. Still out there charging average Joe or Jane an extraordinary amount to borrow money. I am still disappointed at the fact that my state, the great state of Louisiana, has yet to establish any kind of legislation to put these places out of business. It just sickens me to come on this message board and still see all of us dealing with these companies. I wish that there was more I could do to help people and myself.
Don't get me wrong, I happy. But at the same time, I still have a long way to go. :lol:
Alexandra, Congratulations on paying off the loan earlier tha
Congratulations on paying off the loan earlier than you expected. I know that you really struggled with this decision. I understand that you want to do more. I think the majority of us here feel that way who have been in the same boat. Have you thought about writing letters to your state legislators? It's a start and you are doing a great service by posting things like this on the forum. It gives so many people hope so don't forget that :-)
mdkp, Congrats on starting to get out of the pdl trap! I kno
Congrats on starting to get out of the pdl trap! I know what a great feeling it is not having to throw more money down the drain to these places. Keep us updated on your progress :-)
Way to go :) I had piad off one of my storefronts earlier than
Way to go :) I had piad off one of my storefronts earlier than expected b/c they offered me a deal that I couldn't refuse. I really owed a balance of $214, but they let me settle for $107. When I was due to pay my $50 payment that week, the office manager had told me that if I could pay $107 she would settle my account. I really didn't have the extra $57 right then, but I said "what the heck." I reached in my purse and gave her the extra $57 for that deal. It left me kinda broke til my next payday, but it was also a good feeling to get them off my back :D
Alexandra, Congrats, I started here with 10 and now I am down t
Congrats, I started here with 10 and now I am down to three and they are about done. $300 on one and $270 on another, Have one bigger one that is actually an installment loan, payday loan in disquise. I just can pay it off as soon as I would like, but will be free of all of them by the end of april. I will be one happy camper then.
Fed, I had an installment loan also. They are just as bad as pay
Fed, I had an installment loan also. They are just as bad as payday loans only they are asking for collateral.
I believe that with one day things will be better and these plac
I believe that with one day things will be better and these places will be taken down. Might not be today or tomorrow, but one day. Complaints are being filed with the AGs, the BBBs, and all kinds of places. I believe it will happen with the more people that do this. Positive thoughts!!!
I know that it will take time and much complaining to other stat
I know that it will take time and much complaining to other state officials. I wish these things would go away and never come back. I am especially sick to hear that there are military men and women and their families borrowing and drowing themselves into debt.
I have it with checkngo online, no collateral, just nab it out o
I have it with checkngo online, no collateral, just nab it out of your checking like a pdl. It will be down here in a month.
Hey, alexandra wanted to say thanks for the wonderful comment you left on my blog. It has been alot of work and time consuming, but it is coming along as I have imagined it.
2nd band, I know the storefront that I deal with is worried, bee
2nd band, I know the storefront that I deal with is worried, been there so long as a customer, they will tell me. They actually ask me how much intrest their online competitors were charging. I think this competition will run them out of business. our state is suing them also, just no answer yet.
It is such a great feeling to rest at night without tossing and
It is such a great feeling to rest at night without tossing and turning worrying about these places. They have literally held me captive for the past two years. I didn't know that you could make arrangements with them instead of digging deeper and deeper into debt every two weeks. I feel like a great burden has been lifted off of my shoulders.
Like I have said before, I think the idea of what these places w
Like I have said before, I think the idea of what these places were doing might have been good at the time, but they go so greedy that it has turning into a nightmare. I will be so glad when I have them finally out of my hair. Now I am back to dealing with UnitedCash loans. Guess I will be emailing them again as soon as I know my husband got their "check" reversed.