Getting debt free from student loans
Date: Wed, 03/14/2007 - 16:31
Getting debt free from student loans
Are these only student debts or do you have other debts to be in
Are these only student debts or do you have other debts to be included in the program? I have seen few companies working on student loan consolidation. I will try to get the name of the company and let you know.
Your credit score wont be low if you are paying your student loa
Your credit score wont be low if you are paying your student loans on time. Are they in default?
If these are federal loans, the best place to consolidate is with the Direct Loan program thru the DOE.
If they are private loans, there are companies that will consolidate but the interest rates remain variable and most charge an origination fee. Not a whole lot of savings but there might be some reduction in monthly payment.
The best way to improve your credit score with your student loan
The best way to improve your credit score with your student loans is to pay on them each month consistenty. Actually, by making one payment to my student loans each month, my credit score actually went up.
Absolutely, You can even consolidate them through banks.
You can even consolidate them through banks.
I recommend that you visit this site and know more about centralizing your loans. Consolidation services are also offered by them.
You want to be looking for FFELP or Direct Loan consolidation co
You want to be looking for FFELP or Direct Loan consolidation company like Sallie Mae, Citibank or the actual DOE. I do not recommned sites such as above as there is often misleading information posted on these sites. If you click the above site, one link says "lock in a 2.1% lower rate." Most people would read that as "lock in AT 2.1%" which is totally impossible. Also there has been a trend of backend lenders selling off loans which adds additional tradelines and adds to student loan confusion. If you are going to consolidate, please consolidate with the source, not a secondary lender.
need to get student loans out of default to go back
can someone tell me how I can get my default lifted so I can go back to school