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Need Advice on What to Do - HELP!

Date: Mon, 02/19/2007 - 10:41

Submitted by anonymous
on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 10:41

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 4

Need Advice on What to Do - HELP!

In 2002 I went to college in New York. Started in September 2002 and by October 9, 2002 I had dropped out due to a family emergency in California. When I went to one of the Advisors to explain my decision he accepted it and I made sure to ask about tuition, etc. He informed me that I would not be held responsible for the few weeks that I had been there for. So I filled out my Class Withdrawl Form and I was on my way back to California.

Now I recently looked at my Credit Report and whatdo I see? The College is trying to collect the sum of 11K through a collection agency called ConServe. So I disputed this online through Experian, but of course nothing came of it and it is still on my Credit Report. I am pretty sure that this debt is governed by a SoL law, especially since it isn't a student loan from the Govt., but a debt owed to the school.

But regardless, I feel it shouldn't be on there because I was told I would be responsible, and to top it all off the Withdrawl Form, which I have a copy of, says nothing about being responsible for the tuition. So I am wondering if anyone has any tips on what I could do, etc. I have never heard from this collection agency and it states that the first date of delinquency was 09/2002...while I was still in school...

The original amout was a loan from Bank of America. The loan was cancelled through Bank of America and therefore the college never got any money.

The loan was not Federal, etc.

I have never gotten ANYTHING from the college except for the Withdrawl Form that is signed by the advisor I spoke with who stated that I would not be responsible. I never signed anything stating that I would be responsible if I withdrew, etc for the tuition. However, it does state on the Withdrawl Form: "I understand that my financial aid for this or future semesters may be affected by my withdrawl from these courses." I never had financial aid.

I never contacted the college because I had no idea this was going on until I checked my credit report. And I have never gotten any letters, calls, etc. from the college, nor did I ever get a bill, etc.

This is what the entry looks like in my credit report:

Date Reported: 10/2005
Date Assigned: 08/2003
Creditor Classification:
Accounts Number: 83XXXX
Account Owner: Individual Account
Original Amount Owned: $11,642
Date of 1 st Delinquency: 09/2002
Balance Date: 10/2005
Balance Owned: $11,642
Last Payment Date: n/a
Status Date: 10/2005
Status: D - Unpaid
Comments: N/A

Thank you for your attention!


When I went to one of the Advisors to explain my decision he accepted it and I made sure to ask about tuition, etc. He informed me that I would not be held responsible for the few weeks that I had been there for.

What type of advisor?? Academic???

According to the student handbook of this school page 121
In addition, a student who chooses
to voluntarily withdraw from the college will be held liable for tuition and other charges as
of the effective withdrawal date, consistent with the college????????s financial policies as published.
During the course of a given semester, a student who chooses to withdraw from all classes may,
according to the effective date of such withdrawal, incur failing grades for all such withdrawn
courses. It is therefore the responsibility of the student to make him/herself fully aware of the
academic implications of such withdrawals at the time that such action is taken.

I never signed anything stating that I would be responsible if I withdrew, etc for the tuition.

Actually you did. By enrolling in the school, you agreed to abide by all the policies contained in the student handbook.

According to the tuition refund policy on page 128,

Fall and Spring Sessions Time of Withdrawal % of
During the first week of term 75 %
During the second week 50%
During the third week 25%
During & after the fourth week 0%

So if you withdrew, Oct 9th, you were responsible for 100% of the tuition. I am pretty sure this school is deemed private, non profit so there would be NO SOL on the collection of this account.

Since your FA thru BofA was cancelled, they would backdate your account as being in the negative from the start.



Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 12:43

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Soaplady, without reading this poster's documentation how can you be so certain about what he signed? Most college's have a withdrawal period where you are NOT responsible for tuition, and the longer you wait there is a percentage of the tuition that you will have to pay. I'm just not sure without reading his paperwork how you can assume what he did or did not sign.


Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 13:37

( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

I was a financial aid officer for several year so I handled a lot of withdrawals and withdrawal disputes. On more than one occasion, a student would take the word of an "academic" advisor as law, when in fact academic advisors usually know nothing about financial aid,tuition or tuition withdrawal policies. From what the OP said, that he filled out a "withdrawal form" which is pretty standard in all schools. I then quoted the withdrawal policy from HIS school...the name of the was included in the credit report information he posted. His school only offers a 75% refund after one week and nothing after 4 weeks.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 13:58

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )