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delequint student loan - unsure of next step

Date: Thu, 02/08/2007 - 08:02

Submitted by fhtim
on Thu, 02/08/2007 - 08:02

Posts: 5 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 24

delequint student loan - unsure of next step

Without going into too much of the hard luck story, I need some advice on what to do next.
Spouse has a student loan (more than 10 years old).
Financial problems that lead to Chapter 7. Subsequently, the student loan went into default. It has now been turned over to Van Run for collection.

Other factors include: $23k debt to IRS, Child support and arrearages (previous marriage), two pre-school aged children, do not own home (rent). No savings account. Yada yada...there isn't anything left for another high monthly payment.

There is the loan amount, interest and the fees and costs, which pretty much equal the interest.

Our options?:
In a straight settlement offer (would require closing out a SIMPLE IRA), how much of that total above would be expected to have to be paid? The fees and costs I suppose is mostly what I am really asking about. We understand that we would pay heavily (again....10 - 25%) to the IRS in penalties for closing out the IRA. This would leave us with not enough to cover the principal and interest (it would cover about 80%).

Rehab or consilidation. Again another high monthly payment is not something we can handle. Would this collector look at low payments as an option? I would guess there is hefty interest involved as well. How willing are they really in working with us to do something to get this back on track?

We are just not sure what our best choices are without putting ourselves back in way over our heads. We are trying to rebuild and the last thing we want to do is destroy what we are just beginning to do.

Any advice is appreciated.

Most collection agencies will not accept any reductions in the first shot. However, if you can negotiate well, you may be offered to pay 70% - 80% of the total.

Your debts are added with too much interests and fees. Perhaps, you can look for some consolidation company for managing your repayments and negotiate a lower pay off with the lender/collection agency.


Submitted by Steg on Thu, 02/08/2007 - 09:46

( Posts: 390 | Credits: )

All CA's for federally insured loan can and regularly do settle student loan accounts. Generally they will waive some or all of the collection fees (which can total up to 18.5% for staffords and 33% for Perkins loans.) Sometimes they will waive some of the interest.

I do not recommend you cash out an IRA. I would recommend that you go for rehab or consolidation.
A standard payment for rehab is calculated at 1% of your if you owe $10k, the monthly pay would be $100. You need to make 9 on time monthly payments to qualify. However, if you cannot afford the 1% payment, you are entitled to "reasonable and affordable" payments. This regualtion is straight out of the Higher Education Act. The CA will more than likely require a financial statement including pay stubs so qualify for a lower pay. (FYI...if the CA does not wish to cooperate and give you the lower payments, you can contact the student loan Ombudsman for assistance. )

The other option is consoloidation. I recommend the Direct Loan Program thru the DOE. Since you are defaulted, you will automatically be assigned to the ICR (income contingent repayment) plan, where your payment is made as a percentage of your income. Due to the fact that you have other IRS and child support obligations, they will work to give you a lower payment if you cannot afford the ICR payment. They are easy to work with!!


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Thu, 02/08/2007 - 14:00

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Thank you both for your advice.

Am I correct in assuming that when she talks to the CA that if she requests that the loan be rehabed that there will be no trouble in doing so? In other words, can the CA deny the request? Can the CA insist on an amount higher than 1% of the debt?

Also, and I admit there are not a lot of details yet (spouse is embarrassed to ask), but the CA called her employer, asked for HR and talked to them. Again, not sure of what all was discussed, but we know for sure the CA gave full idenitfication of the CA and had HR give spouse message to call them. As I understand it,there are provisions of the fdcpa that prohibit contact with third party other than (in case of employer) to verify name and contact information(phone). Where is the line here when the CA has gone too far in contacting the employer?

Thanks again.


Submitted by fhtim on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 13:09

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Sounds like the CA has verified your husbands employment for purposes of initiating Administrative Wage Garnishment. Totally legal. If your spouse has not talked to the CA yet and the CA has not been able to reach her, having HR pass a message is something we reguarly did. I would assume that you will receive a garnishment notice is extremely important that the notice and objections to garnishment be returned immediately or the garnishment will go thru.

They can ask for a higher pay than 1% but with your other obligation such as IRS and child support, if they do not cooperate, I would highly suggest that the next call or email be to the student loan ombudsman.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 13:36

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Spouse's work schedule of late has been disruptive to more than just this matter.

It may be necessary for me to contact CA and act on spouse's behalf.

Here is my game plan...I would prefer to get this taken care of without putting us in a bad if anything I suggest is unreasonable, I would appreciate feedback.

When I call, I will give pertinent information to verify identity and my connection to the account in collection. I will then attempt to establish that the desire is to rehab the loan. At that point I will outline the IRS and support obligations and request that the rehab be set at 1% of the total amount (including all this point, I do not see an advantage in trying to negotiate down the fee). If that is agreeable, I would think a direct payment option would be better suited to ensure timely payments so there is no misunderstandings in meeting the terms of the rehab.

How does that sound?

I just do not want to stumble here and make a mess of this.



Submitted by fhtim on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 13:48

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Thanks for all the advice. It went pretty well all things considered. The CA wanted 2%. After all that it turns out though that rehab was not an option. The spouse had problems prior to our marriage with this loan and had a few DOE judgements already. Would have been nice to know beforehand.
The CA was still excellent though and helped me work into a doable solution. It is going to be extremely tight, but given the least it is going in the right direction again.

Thanks again for the advice.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 07:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

from fhtim..can't seem to log in..anyway

The CA did say something that is interesting, but I did not ask further about it. The CA told me that we could contact the DOE and "cut a deal" to pay the amount in full. She told me that they would accept an amount that turns out to be less than the total of the principal and the interest.

How accurate could the CA have been? How do they know how much the DOE would accept to pay it out? If it is possible to do does one go about it?

Not sure how we can come up with the cash, but from what the CA was telling opposed to paying the monthlys all the out vs paying it off, we would cut the total costs to us by almost 60%.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 17:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The DOE wont authorize going below principal and interest....just wont happen. Getting 100% waived is next to impossible. DOE looks at your spouses earning potential over the next 25 years. I only had a couple of full interest waived during the time I was in collections and both were extreme circumstances. One of leaving the country permanently, and the other was retired and was offering a settlement out of her husbands estate.

Keep in mind that anything you settle on, you will be tax on the following year via a 1099. So you could end up in deeper IRS problems.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 18:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have made the 9 payments leading to loan rehab. I arranged for payments via my credit card. Yesterday the ca called and gave song/dance about someone set it up wrong and they needed one more payment and would only take a checking acct. number or moneygram. I asked they simply put it on my cc. they stated the gov't. had cut off cc payments the day prior. I found this hard to believe as my cc payments usually post later in month. After several phone calls to ca and several hangups by ca, I smelled a rat. I called the DOE and they stated my loan was ready for rehab, that I had made my 9 payments on time and the ca needed to release my loan. They also advised that the ca should not have asked for my checking info. They provided an alt. phone number for the ca( which unfortunately led back to same ca reps.). When I told the ca what the DOE had told me, they put on hold for a few and then returned and stated my loan rehab paper work was going out that night. I followed up with the DOE and they verified the paperwork was being sent.
Don't accept what the ca tells you. Verify info with DOE. Many ca use biz names same as or similiar to official gov't programs. Don't be fooled.
Good Luck!


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 04:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I might also add the people at dept of ed were great. They also allow me file a complaint against ca over the phone and gave me an address for DOE collection complaints to send additional info to. My ca was a really sleazy outfit, trying to boo game me into sending one extra payment to them and also giving them my bank info. Heck, I was paying, save the bs for those who aren't. If anyone has had similiar situations, please post.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 04:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


I have made the 9 payments leading to loan rehab. I arranged for payments via my credit card. Yesterday the ca called and gave song/dance about someone set it up wrong and they needed one more payment and would only take a checking acct. number or moneygram. I asked they simply put it on my cc. they stated the gov't. had cut off cc payments the day prior. I found this hard to believe as my cc payments usually post later in month. After several phone calls to ca and several hangups by ca, I smelled a rat. I called the DOE and they stated my loan was ready for rehab, that I had made my 9 payments on time and the ca needed to release my loan. They also advised that the ca should not have asked for my checking info. They provided an alt. phone number for the ca( which unfortunately led back to same ca reps.). When I told the ca what the DOE had told me, they put on hold for a few and then returned and stated my loan rehab paper work was going out that night. I followed up with the DOE and they verified the paperwork was being sent.
Don't accept what the ca tells you. Verify info with DOE. Many ca use biz names same as or similiar to official gov't programs. Don't be fooled.
Good Luck!

This is hard to understand since the CA's have absolutely nothing to do with releasing for rehab. All of the paperwork for rehabs is done by the guarantor, the owner of the loan. It is not uncommon for additional payments to be required for rehab...a 10th payment is required 50% of the time with most rehabs.

On the credit card issues. It is quite possible that credit card payment are being done away with. It happened in the 90' card issuers were not happy with CA's accepted cc'd to pay off bad debt. There was a high incidence of accounts being paid off and then being filed in BK.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 07:12

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )


SoapLady, you give some very good advice on student loans and I think you should stick to that and not give advice about using or not using IRA's and savings.

Excuse me but I only stated it is not advisable to cash in an IRA or 401K to pay off a student loan. There is nothing wrong with paying off student loans with savings, but to pay off a student loan with a cashed in IRA or 401K is asking for trouble. The tax implications can put you into a deeper mess. If you settle on a loan with a cashed in retirement plan, you not only have to pay taxes on the cashed in fund but you also pay taxes on the settled portion.

I also advise on a couple of other boards where there have been big discussion on the repercussions of paying off student loan debt with this type of funds.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 13:00

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Good lord, that is a foregone conclusion for any student loan borrower. Even me, and I used to collect the infernal things.

I consolidated my student loans with educational direct. All of them or so I though. Just yesterday I get a bill from Sallie Mae for a completely differnt loan that I was a month behind on. The bastids!


Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 14:41

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

Hey Ari,
Have not seen you in here in a while.The ole cajun was starting to get lonely :wink: On to topic,All I know from my student loan for a short tragic mistake as a college student is they are like taxes.They never ever go away so work out what you can and pay them. If collector is being abusive,contact dept. of education and let them know about since they are the customer.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 14:59

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

It has been a week now. I get a call from the agency (different rep) stating that now I have to fill out some kind of application.

I am concerned as I read some of thses posts about the CA's and what they represent when talking to me. I had this ca give me an exact $ figure to close this out and pay it in full. The figure she gave me covered the loan and most of the interest, but none of the additional ca fees. I had been working with some family members about getting together the cash to pay this out as it would save us thousands over the other option. Now I am concerend as to whether the ca was or is able to do that or even if it was just a way to try and get a lump sum payment and then come back a week or two later and say.."oh sorry, that amount was not accepted by the DOE as full payment, you still need to make additional payments".

Any help would be appreciated.

BTW, I appreciated the advice from soaplady about our IRA. It is sound advice. Even if we still consider it an option in an emergency, it is best to keep any retirement intact if at all possible.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 09:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I finally get to log back in. LOL

That last post was mine, for those who were wondering who the heck that was.

I thought the payment process had been taken care of a week ago, they got all our payment information and even the first there is more before it can move forward?

On paying it out...should I call this particular CA back and get her to give in writing the amount of the payout she gave to me over the phone as well as some type of written assurance that this will settle the account in full before I fork over any lump sum payment based on what she stated on the phone? Seems to me that would be a reasonable course before I commit to borrowing this lump from someone else, only to stuck with two loans to repay not just one.


Submitted by fhtim on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 10:09

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Everyone on these boards are volunteers.I spend on average of 10-12 hours a day helping when I can,researching when I am clueless.I jumped on you with
the comment that was directed at soaplady. I just want you and everyone else that comes to the the student loan
section to realize that she and Jedi mistress Ari are some of the most experienced in this stuff. My parte
is in credit repair and keeping collectors on the narrow line of legal collecting. I would add if you are uncomfortable about ca,have them put in writing what you owe and what is being applied to balance.Once that is done,call ed dept. and get their opinion.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 10:12

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

The CA basically operates as a proxy from the guarantor. If they offering you a settlement, which it sounds like with no collection fees, they should have no problem faxing you a settlement letter. The settlement amount is usually good for 10 days or so. The settlement letter will state the name of the guarantor and if you pay within the time frame is totally enforceable. Several times when I was in collections, borrowers had settled accounts with previous agencies and had the proof. We would then immediately close out the account and send a notation to the guarantor with copies of the settlement paperwork. (Occasionally these accounts are simply not closed out properly, hence they are sent to a new CA.)


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 10:26

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Thanks soaplady.

That sounds like what I will do. When I know I am able to put my hands on the cash within 48 hours of getting the letter, I will get this particular CA to send me that letter. In the long term we can save more $ this way. It is hard running around hat in hand, but getting back on your feet is never an easy process. If we can a few thousand over the entire process, then it is a good investment. We can use that savings to go towards retirement.

I do appreciate your advice about our IRA. I am not sure who that other person was, but I understood exactly what you meant and what your intentions were.


Submitted by fhtim on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 10:39

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Hi! I found this post tonight after searching on student loan info. I am in a similiar position as Mike H in his post. Quote:

I have made the 9 payments leading to loan rehab. I arranged for payments via my credit card. Yesterday the ca called and gave song/dance about someone set it up wrong and they needed one more payment and would only take a checking acct. number or moneygram.
Except 2 things are different... I am on my 3rd year of rehab and they keep wanting me to sign and send a new rehab agreement. Now they want the 4th rehab contract signed and returned. This is the last time I am buying there lies and now I am looking to just get away from them and get back to normal. I have 36 on time payments of 1%. Any advice? I need to get away from the collection agency and go in circles between them and Sallie Mae.
The other guest (hehe)


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 02:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have dealt with the Direct Loan Program, with some defaulted student loans. They DID help me out.....they helped me make payments ( depending on my income) AND brought my Student Loan 'current' ( out of default). The Direct Loan Program, in my opionion, has really helped me.


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 09:30

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )