I need help in getting these student loans paid off...
Date: Fri, 01/19/2007 - 20:09
I need help in getting these student loans paid off...
Registering as a member has made you eligible for a free phone c
Registering as a member has made you eligible for a free phone call from a debt counselor. You can discuss your situation and review options you might have. Regarding your student loans---have you requested a financial hardship deferment? Or have you consolidated them with a company that can offer a lower interest rate? If you are like me, you probably get stuff in the mail all the time about consolidating student loans. There is also a forum on this site that is devoted to student loans. Give it a look. Good luck!
Hello... Are these intranet loan or store front loans. How much
Hello... Are these intranet loan or store front loans. How much have you paid towards these loans. What is the name of the companys?
Do you have any other bills to pay other than student loans? If
Do you have any other bills to pay other than student loans? If you are expecting your financial situation to improve in the coming days, call your creditors and apply for forbearance. They might get some arrangements done that suits to your situation.
You can file for forbearance for up to 7 years i believe....its easy, just go to the website for your lender or contact them, they can mail you the forms or do it right over the phone. As an alternative, you can pay on the loans when you can while in forbearance, this also helps keep your interest rate down.
If you are already in default, you would not qualify for deferme
If you are already in default, you would not qualify for deferment or forebearance. Have you talked to your guarantor or the CA that is currently handling it?? A lot of the guarantors will have default information on their website.
Then talk to your lender....it is pretty self explainatory.
Then talk to your lender....it is pretty self explainatory.