going back to school. need money
Date: Sun, 01/07/2007 - 20:17
going back to school. need money
You qualify for federal grants based on what you are saying your
You qualify for federal grants based on what you are saying your income is on your W2s. You also qualify for Earned Income Credit based on your income for a single person. You should go to the school you are planning to attend and meet with a counselor they will assist you with completing the Federal Student Aid application and assist you in finding what degree you want to pursue. Never say never, you can go back to school, and the counselor can help you access the resources. Good Luck! :D
My first question would be do you work or have some type of inco
My first question would be do you work or have some type of income? You should be eligible for a variety of different grants, especially with a disability. Student loans will cover your school costs and have to be paid back, unlike grants. I would start by deciding if you want to obtain a degree or enhance or improve existing skills. Then call a local college or university ask for the counseling office and go from there. You will most likely be directed to the financial aid office where you will fill out a FAFSA form (which is for federal loans and grants). If you are thinking of more of a trade school, then I would imagine the process is pretty much the same.
Also, as you registered on here as a member, a debt counselor will be calling you (its free). You can discuss financial matters then as well. If I may ask, what is your education level right now?
I echo the "never say never" post steelers. I was 45 when I went
I echo the "never say never" post steelers. I was 45 when I went back to school for my bachelors degree and I, at 51, this past year got my masters.
steelers---how old were you when you went back to school?
I went back when I was 25 received my Mental Health degree and I
I went back when I was 25 received my Mental Health degree and I'm about to graduate nursing school this spring. I'm 37. But I had to pay for my school, but that is ok, combine both of those degrees and my work experience, (I got your number) LOL
Age doesn't matter when you want to further yourself. There are
Age doesn't matter when you want to further yourself. There are people in nursing school in their 60's and they plan to utilize that degree when they graduate. It is never too late. And I think there are even special programs if you are over a certain age. I know here the local community college has a program that will let you go back to school for free if you are over a certain age, I can't remember the age that is though. I must not meet the criteria yet. LOL
My "got your number" might sound strange. Kyside, that was for y
My "got your number" might sound strange. Kyside, that was for you. LOL Sorry.
Good for you steelers---what do you mean you had to pay for your
Good for you steelers---what do you mean you had to pay for your school? I have 50k in student loans breathing down my neck.
I use to tell my friends that my education plan was this...get my bachelors, masters, and doctorate. By that time I will probably be dead and won't have to ever pay those loans back :D LOL.
She's probably eligible for a Pell grant and because of her disa
She's probably eligible for a Pell grant and because of her disability, some other type of grant. I suspect she would not need to get much for a loan.
I definitely thought of the Pell grant right away---if she is st
I definitely thought of the Pell grant right away---if she is still an undergrad. Graduate students are not eligible for Pell grants. And the disability factor will most likely work for her in a big way.
There are also vocational programs that will add money into the
There are also vocational programs that will add money into the "pot" so to speak. They usually work with displaced workers and the disabled finding them employment oportunities or assisting with going back to school, you could combine that assistance along with the grants and be good to go back to school. Try contacting your local human services department (welfare office) to see if your county has such a program.