What is the statute of limitations for Massachusetts?
Date: Tue, 03/15/2005 - 13:29
What is the statute of limitations for Massachusetts?
Hi Joan, Welcome to debt consolidation care forum. On to your
Hi Joan,
Welcome to debt consolidation care forum. On to your query, the
statute of limitation for the state of Massachusetts is 6 years.
Thank you,
Re: Massachusetts statute of limitations
[quote=joan]I have been a resident of Florida for 9 years. My credit card debt originated in Massachusetts and subsequently some of it incurred in Florida. What is the statute of limitations for Massachusetts and can they go after any of the original debt. Florida is 5 years but what about Mass?[/quote]
So you are saying that you have been living in Florida for 9 years after moving from Massachusetts? So if your delinquent account is over the 6 years, you should be in very good shape. You will be able to challenge these bill collectors when they try to take some heavy handed action against you. These old accounts are usually taken up by law firms and these firms try to take such matters to small claims court.
The billing companies rarely keep the details of very old accounts so you would be able to successfully challenge any legal action that this collector might try to take against you. Just make sure you have a lawyer. Most of these collectors rely on intimidation. So having a 3rd party will allow you to level the playing field.
Statute of Limitations Massachusetts
15 years ago a man did contracted labor for me, he claimed injury and went to the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund and collected close to $10,000. I just now have been served a summons that the W.C.T.F is sueing me for this, is there statute of limitations for this?
Marta, Contact a lawyer immediately. I'm not sure under which
Contact a lawyer immediately. I'm not sure under which debt category it will fall. I lawyer would be the best person to analyze this.
If it is past SOL, then you have to appear in court and state that the statue has expired. You will win the judgment. Keep us posted.
car reposscessed
i had a car repossed in 2003 i had a summons noting i will be taken to court i owe $2.500 on it the loan was taken out in 2001 am i covered by the statue off limitations as it six year by mass law does the statue off limitation start when the loan is taken out or is itstart when the car was repossed
credit card collections
it appears a mastercard account has been passed on to different collection agencies for 19 years. I just recently received another attempt to collect this debt. I live in Mass. Can this debt still be alive?CAN this collector put a lein on my home?
An unpaid debt is collectible until paid except im MS and WI. T
An unpaid debt is collectible until paid except im MS and WI. They have no legal standing to sue or place a lien on your home.
I recently had a phone call requesting my soc security number an
I recently had a phone call requesting my soc security number and address for the caller to verify that I was the person the caller was looking for. It sounded like a scam to me and when I pushed for an explanation I was told it was from a collection agency and that I owed an outstanding doctor's bill for $30. I said that was impossible; I always pay my bills as soon as I receive any bill in the mail and have no outstanding debt. I asked them to send me details on this, but all I got was the name of the collection agency and the statement saying how much I owed. That I could contest it by writing back otherwise the agency would consider it owed. What is so disturbing is that the claim is for this alleged bill from 2003. Why wouldn't I have received a bill prior to 2009 for this and why in the world would it go directly to a collection agency without having billed me directly first?
I need major help
Ok,here's the story: back in mid-December 2008 I noticed a bogus charge on my billing statement so I called the company and they said alright fine we'll take care of it and we'll also issue you a new card and account # and I thought that would be that, well a month goes by no card no bill,then 2 months,then around mid march i get a call from a collection agency saying I'm over $1100.00 past due and I'm like first, how can i pay a bill I never got and second how can I run up a bill with no card? This back and forth with the credit card company and collection agency goes on until mid to late April where i finaly file a fraud report. May rolls around and the fraud department gets back to me with the name and number of a suspect. They asked if I wanted to press charges at the time I said no due to certain circumstances and because I really didn't want to believe said person would do such a thing,turns out they could and did. What I'm asking is if theres a way to go back and press fraud charges against this person or is it too late?
statue of limitations on an 8 and half yrs old electric bill
I was just informed that an old electric bill from over 8 years ago waqs put into collections. I was in jail for an oui and lost the apartment in question where the light bill acurred. My fiance at the time was to shut everything off in the apt. unfortunately after I thought everything was taking care of , my fiance committed suiced. Now I get a letter saying they been tring to reach me, this is the first I heard of this bill, Do I have to pay it, they said its on my credit history, I had my credit checked 6 months ago and this wasnt on it, what can I do to rectify it, I am on unemployment and barely making it. Thank You Lauren