Update and thank you
Date: Fri, 12/29/2006 - 07:54
Submitted by drowingindebt
Fri, 12/29/2006 - 07:54
Total Replies: 14
Update and thank you
I found the site in october when i thought there was no way out and was overwhelmed, frustrated and getting like 30 calls a day and my bank account was $800 on the hole. well i have to say today (knock on wood) i can breath so much better.
first I finally closed my bank account!!!! wohooo
here is the update on my loans
ROUTE66____(stupid jerks)have not heard from them in 3 weeks after i filed and report with my bank and the BBB(which they did not answer) and they stop debiting my account.
Nationwide---have not called me in 2 weeks
GFSIL---(idiots)i agree to pay them the principal of what i owe them in JAN.
Ameriloan----agree to pay them the $120 in JAN to pay off the principal + 60 wohooo!!
thank you everyone, there is a light at the end of road.
Congratulations, I know it feels good to be getting these out of
Congratulations, I know it feels good to be getting these out of your hair. Good luck with the stubborn ones.
Quote:ROUTE66____(stupid jerks) Quote:GFSIL---(idiots) I lik
ROUTE66____(stupid jerks) |
GFSIL---(idiots) |
I like you. :)
Congrats drowingindebt! Stay positive, everything will be just f
Congrats drowingindebt! Stay positive, everything will be just fine. Make sure you say 'No' to payday loans forever.
drowingindebt, well done. Time now to change your screen name
drowingindebt, well done.
Time now to change your screen name :)
Drowning - how about I send you a file of new avatar pics to use
Drowning - how about I send you a file of new avatar pics to use - now that you've survived this mess, you can change your name AND your avatar to one that reflects your victory!
I'm so happy for you!
Now you can look forward to only missing sleep because the baby
Now you can look forward to only missing sleep because the baby is crying! Aren't you due soon? Or am I getting things confused with someone else?
Congrats..I knew that you would get ahead of those creeps.. :lol
Congrats..I knew that you would get ahead of those creeps.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
goudah, i'm due in 5 more weeks wohooo i'm so done!!! thank y
i'm due in 5 more weeks wohooo i'm so done!!! thank you again everyone your support means a lot...
i will update on any changes :D
drowning - keep us updated on that new baby! You must be so
drowning -
keep us updated on that new baby! You must be so ready to get back on your feet! I can identify - been there, done that.
yup ready to go back to work, bedrest is no for me...but i will
yup ready to go back to work, bedrest is no for me...but i will keep sharing what i learned and keep fighting the ones left.
Congratulations!! You won! I know it feels great..And perfect ti
Congratulations!! You won! I know it feels great..And perfect timing, just in time for the new baby.
Great job Drowning.. Like I said once before--You will need t
Great job Drowning..
Like I said once before--You will need to change your screen name to Swimmingabovedebt! Great work! :)
And YAY for having your baby soon! :) I love babies..I went over and played with my friend's baby again today. (I go over about 2-3 times a week..I can't get enough of him. :) )
Drowning, You DEFINITELY need to change your name. I feel stupi
Drowning, You DEFINITELY need to change your name. I feel stupid calling you that because you're now floating! Anyway, congratulations on all your victories! And let us know when the baby comes. I have a 2-1/2-month-old grandson. It's been 7 years since my last grandchild, so you can believe I'm having a ball with him! Babies are great, aren't they?