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statute of limitations

Date: Sun, 03/13/2005 - 17:19

Submitted by anonymous
on Sun, 03/13/2005 - 17:19

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 17

statute of limitations

What is the time limitation in New York?

Some one told me that in case of written agreement that contemplates the payment of money or property, it is 10 years in Missouri, but under certain circumstances, it can be reduced to 5 years.



Submitted by roxette on Tue, 04/05/2005 - 13:03

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

Hi majic_13,
The Statute of Limitation in Missouri depends on the type of contract you have entered into with the lender of money. The Statute of Limitation for various type of contracts in Missouri are,

a.Oral Contract- 5 years.
b.Written Contract-10 years.
c.Promissory note-10 years.
d.Open-ended accounts-5 years.

Thank you,


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 04/30/2005 - 03:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi davidwg8119,
The Statute of Limitation in Alabama state are,
a.Oral contract-6 years.
b.Written Contract-6 years.
c.Promissory note-6 years.
d.Open-ended accounts-3 years.
Thus if you entered into a oral contract,written contract,or the contract is entered into with the help of a promissory note then the SOL is 6 years. But, if it is an open-ended account contract then the SOL is 3 years.

Thank you,


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 04/30/2005 - 04:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been absent since 1998 and now CC companies or collection co. are sending me payoff amounts. What are my rights In california. Is there a Statute of limitation on CCbills?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/14/2006 - 21:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Steve, California state laws allow the statutes to expire after 4 years in case of written contracts. Oral contracts expire after 2 years. Check the date of last activity in the credit card accounts and confirm the expiry of the SOL period.

You need to send a letter to the credit card companies mentioning the expiry of the SOL period. It is important for you to place this dispute in writing so that you have a document to prove your responsibility towards resolving this matter. In case the creditors wish to take the matter to the court, you will show your defense by showing the dispute letter sent to the company. The judge won't be able to make decisions against you.

Send your letters through certified mail with return receipt requested. Keep copies documented in a file for records.


Submitted by david on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 10:40

( Posts: 1229 | Credits: )

There are several websites that will provide you a breakdown of the SOL for each state. Here is one of those websites:

This page includes a brief explanation as well as a listing of SOL for different types of contracts in all the states.


Submitted by jjanney on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 07:32

( Posts: 53 | Credits: )