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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Oh where, Oh where has our money gone?

Oh where, oh where can it be?

Lawyers can't wait to get their summons out.

Thanks to Hyla and Chris, you see.

Well, I've sent out tons of papework to many places. I have added the charges to what the Stantons owe me and its now even more depressing. At least the IRS says keep my receipts an claim it all. Wow, the IRS encouraging tax deductions. Its almost an oxymoron.

Nevertheless; anyone want to set up a protest at the Stanton house? That would be fun if any of us could afford to be there.

Good luck and God Bless everyone.

Submitted by on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 05:43

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Can anyone tell me how they are planning on dealing with the loss of their money? We are stuck in the same boat and have had are money taken with no results to date. Just looking for ideas on how to recovery from the loss of money and the damage to credit.

Submitted by tyrag on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 13:15


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I paid for a set of wheels from chrome lotus wheels in feb. 2006 for 1850.00, the money was held out of my account by a company called RMP. I still do not have any wheels or my money refunded. The last time I spoke with Chris he said he was sending them out the next day, that was a month ago it is now Sept 8th. All phone lines have been disconected. I need a new home address so I can get my small claims signed. I am In westvirginia but if I had a good address I would f;y out there and take care of this my self. please email any info to

email address removed as per forum rules - Mike

Submitted by on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 14:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi Swtgal77

Thanks for explaining your problem. I have heard others also facing similar problems. For example, Madmom and others have faced this problem with log in. But they are able to make a post under their log in after sometime. I think you will have to clean your local cache of the computer. Our technical team has looked into this matter thoroughly and found no technical error.

Tip: After you have logged in the forum and doing a quick reply, see if you find the "username" field above the "subject line" field. If this happens after you have already logged in, press ctrl + f5 on that page, the page will reload and the "username" field will disappear from the quick reply. Give a try and let me know.


Submitted by Mike on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 15:28


( Posts: 1317 | Credits: )

Thanks Mike, I just hooked up my computer not to long ago and I've forgotten how to clean it up.. I will see if that works once I figure it out.. Also when I do a quick reply above the subject line it says "Your Name", I don't see where it says "username"..


Submitted by on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 16:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Also when I do a quick reply above the subject line it says "Your Name", I don't see where it says "username"..

We used different words mentioning the same thing. :)

Which browser are you using? In IE, go to Tools -> Internet options -> Temporary Internet files under the General tab. You will be able to clear the cookies from there.

People using Mozilla Firefox, click Tools -> Options -> Click the cookies tab and clear the cookies from there.

Hope this helps


Submitted by Mike on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 17:16


( Posts: 1317 | Credits: )

Hello everyone, it has been a while been busy with everyday living. Phil c. You should sign up on the forum because i also live in wv and went through a lot with mmg/rmp. You are the second person that i have seen on here that is from wv. Let me know if you get a username and i will pm you.

Submitted by MadMom on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 08:07


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

to all of you that wants to file the 1099:

CHRIS STANTON:five two one - three three - nine zero zero seven

HYLA: five two three - five nine - one three one two

GET IT? you figure it out what numbers of these two thieves you need the most to complete your 1099 form

Submitted by on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 09:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


I appreciate your help towards others regarding the ongoing problems with MMG/RMP. I know that many of you have lost your hard earned money into wrong places. I have a request for all of you. Please try not to post anybody's personal information, whether it is home address, personal SSN#, etc.

Guests, I am moved by the way you are posting those numbers in an online forum like this. Putting the numbers in words doesn't mean that it is allowed to stay in the forums. Even if some information has been wiped off in RED assuming it to be personal, some people have posted the same info back again before it is erased. If someone is bad towards you, please don't strike back with worse, especially by putting their personal info on online boards.

I have no idea whether the numbers given by you is correct by any means, but I am overlooking it for this time. Please don't assume that putting anybody's personal info in alphabets is a permissible post.

Hope you will understand my point and refrain from posting others' personal stuff.

I have no intentions to offend anyone here. Let us approach the matter in the right ethical way, not by using wrong means. My heart goes out for the people who have been scammed by MMG/RMP group. My advice to one and all is that please don't do something that can put others in risk. I appreciate the way KristieC, MadMom, swtgal77 and some other members are communicating to sort this problem through PM, emails, but not posting anything that sounds risky on online boards. Good job, guys! :)


swtgal77, I am glad that your log in problem is solved. KristieC, are you having the same problems with log in? Please read my previous posts in the last couple of pages for a solution to your log in problems.

Submitted by Mike on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 13:19


( Posts: 1317 | Credits: )

Mike thanks for the posting and as you know we all need to do everything lawfully and right , it has been a long hard ordeal for a lot of us but we want to do this right and i know some try to help also but that is why we have the pm and email thing going. It is hard when someone has taken your hard earned money to keep the level head and not go off but we have got to all keep letting the right people know what we have gone through and be better than the people that took us all, we have to show them that good always over rides the evil and dishonest way. It may take a while but it will all come out in the wash so to speak. Just keep letting the right authorities know what a mess you have and are still going through over this company. Hang in there everyone. We can do this together.I AM JUST THANKFUL THAT I HAVE THIS FORUM TO LOOK AND TALK TO PEOPLE THAT ARE GOING THROUGH WHAT I WENT THROUGH. BELIEVE ME MY LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME THANKS TO THIS COMPANY BUT I WANT THEM TO PAY FOR AND ALSO HAVE A CLEAR CONSIOUS THAT I DID WHAT I WAS SUPPOSE TO HELP OTHERS AND STILL LET THE RIGHT PEOPLE KNOW THAT THERE ARE COMPANIES OUT THERE THAT TAKE INNOCENT PEOPLE FOR ALL THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY AND IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT PART OF THEIR LIFE THEY RUIENED TO GET IT .

Submitted by MadMom on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 14:04


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Thanks Mike, and just like Madmom, I am also very greatful for this forum. It has been such a help and comfort for me to know that I'm not alone in the situation. I think it is also great that we all have the opportunity to share our experiences togather and to be able to try and help each other out. I know sometimes it is frustrating that things seem to be taking so long but just as Mike and Madmom have mentioned we do need to do things the right way and if that means keeping posts free from personal info then lets try and do that. I think the list Kristiec has going is a really good thing and I think It will help us alot.

Submitted by on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 10:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just called Charland's ofice again, and his secretary said that they sent me a letter last week (I have not received it yet) stating that they will be unable to help me out. Sorry guys, I have called multiple times trying to speak with him and he never returns my calls and then the secretary tells me that. Maybe you all can try on an individual basis but I did let him know that I have a list of over 40 victims from this company. Not sure why he is interested in helping some but not others... maybe he is too busy.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 09:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just want to know how the Stantons can sleep at night and teach their kids morals and values. When they take advantage of people: via credit card debt,Motorcycle wheels or custom cars. I hope their children dont turn out like their parents.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 11:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To guest, why don't you call and find out another attorney... this is a team effort and you can do a little research too. I am a very busy person trying to work on other leads. If the attorney thing is important to you, then email Charland (you can do this through his website) and find out if he can recommend somebody else.... good luck.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 11:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have lost everything, and CANT sleep at night. I was pulled into this mess and cant get out. Leave me alone, and get on with your life, because of this, I cant get a job, and I will raise my child just fine thank you! If I hear of another person threatening to kidnap my kid, or harm me, I will become the mother from hell, and strike back to the full extent of the law. COME NEAR MY HOME OR MY FAMILY AND YOU WILL BE ARRESTED!

Ms. Callander you got your money back, and I will not deal with your harrassment any longer.

Mr. Young and Ms. Temple your attorney has satisfied your need for revenge and my credit is screwed...good for you, and congrats. I am broke, I cant pay my bills, and you can dance on my misery!

Submitted by on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 14:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i am not sure i am understanding you correctly? you want us to leave you alone after all the money you took from us? you think you are in misery, what about the people that you owe money to that you were supposedly going to help? you are getting no sympathy from me. you owe me money when are you going to send it to me? you said back in may but i have not seen one penny of it? so why dont you explain that? you need to understand what you have done and yet you are making yourself out to be the victim. i dont think so. you owe alot of money to alot of people so dont tell me that you are broke. if you are what did you use my $3000 to buy? and why did you need it more than i do? and why do you think you should keep it? you want to arrest me. go right ahead i have the documents that say you were going to send me my money yet you cant answer one question now can you. so what about ms. wickham, when is she going to get her money?


Submitted by goofy14you on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 14:34


( Posts: 55 | Credits: )

ooo..poor little Hyla writes "Leave me alone, .."

guess what Hyla?? commited several Felonies. You ripped people off. You took money that wasn't will NOT be left alone. You WILL go to jail.

People WILL come to your house..they WILL serve you with lawsuits...they WILL come to arrest WILL go to jail.

TV stations WILL come to do MORE stories about your lies, fraud and thievery.

The only one dancing is going to be you in some cheap smelly strip club next Monday morning somewhere in Mesa.

btw - did they repo your G wagen yet??

Submitted by on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 14:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hyla, your lack of class, your unprofessionalism, and your unintelligence is really showing in these nasty comments you write. You should really think before you say or do something, these actions are what got you in trouble in the first place.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 15:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Good ol Hyla th**************. According to her rules, she can steal from anybody she wants but poor Hyla when someone tries to get their stolen money back from her. You weren't pulled into anything you dumb b***h, you came panting for the opportunity to steal from people. ***********************. Your not in any position to tell anybody not to threaten you. Your br*** *** isn't going to scare anybody. Your times coming soon.......

[color=red]Profane language not allowed in the forums - Mike[/color]

Submitted by on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 18:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


The nerve of you to say you lost everything and leave you alone. What about all the people you scammed out of thounsands of dollars. What about what they lost? When everyone gets their money you stole from them then maybe you will be left alone.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 07:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hey Hyla do you remember telling me this? The first part is my email to you the second is your response...I can send you the entire string if you send me a valid email address. While you are at it why not send me the $8775 you took from me and in the process destroyed my credit. I would appreciate it.

"Thank you for your response, does this mean that the check will be sent out to me on the 13th then?

Yes sir, It is.


So you see I think people have a valid reason to keep contacting you and I dont think we will stop until we are given back what is rightfully ours.

Submitted by mavric on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 08:44


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )



Mike, is there a way to search for any/all posts by "Nemisis"?

The posts of the registered members can be checked in their "home page" button shown in the user accounts. It doesn't work on the 'guest' posts because they don't have a forum account and their posts are scattered all over.

Try a search in the Advanced search button with a particular word.


Submitted by Mike on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 12:59


( Posts: 1317 | Credits: )

she was just as crazy a year ago as she is now How can she say anyone is harrassing her when she is in hiding? we have no business address, email, phone or fax to reach her by so how can people harrass her? she has lost it and I have to agree she needs some mental help... maybe at the psychiatric ward in prison.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 16:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi guys. Mike, I apologize for using profanity in an earlier post, but after being a victim of these people to a tune of $10k really hurts. I cried my heart out to Hyla because I have a sick child and spent most of my money caring for him. I joined Hyla's crappy company and all I got was ripped off and my credit ruined. I had to work 2 jobs to recuperate from the swindle to be able to provide for my child's needs and now ms Nemesis(or Nemisis) wants me to show pity for her?? I think not!! I could care less if she rots in prison and her scumbag husband gets it in the rear from Bubba. She promised to look into it and resolve my refund for me and here it is,7 months later and as usual, no response. Go to Hell, Stantons!

Submitted by quevolon1 on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 20:13


( Posts: 12 | Credits: )

curse on you, what ever it is your experiencing, you deserve plus more. Each and every person's pain, every heartache will come back to you 10 times more. Every penny you stole, you'll loose a hundred times.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 21:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

finally, She's miserable. She said she will become the mother from hell. YOU are! for putting our kid into this situation. YOU should ROT IN HELL and YES!, most people will dance for your misery.

Hope you become homeless soon. Give up your kid to someone who can raise her better with morals and principles.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 22:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The company is not just Chris Stanton and Myself, this is a company of MANY employees, and I do answer to someone, My attorney. If you clients need any information, please address my attorney, as stated previously, we are refunding people as fast as possible, and we look forward to all of you getting ON WITH YOUR LIFE!!! YOUR GOSSIP BOARD is REALLY bad for all of your PSYCHE!! Dont you realize that like myself, reading this BLOG has made me have lack of sleep, anxiety, and has landed me under dr's orders. CALL MY ATTNY!!! STOP SPREADING GOSSIP AND PROPAGANDA!! H.S.

Because you took peoples money by monthly payments to settle their accounts and keep the money in a "trust fund" but not settled their accounts. This is why you need a lawyer.

I have a way of helping you. Send me $5000 a month and I will settle all your debts. Wait That has been tried allready!

Submitted by on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:51

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