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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Does anyone know Hyla's mom's address? I think I read she lives in the same housing development as Chris and Hyla did. Maybe she can help find them.

Submitted by on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 16:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

the end of the month is coming quickly. everyone refile on the 10th of August...lets see what happens. i did recieve a couple of short letters from different agencies each referring the problem to someone else in another agency. (pass the buck) I followed up with mailed letters to the people that sent me the letters and also the referrals. lets see what comes from that. again i truly believe the stantons are OUT of money. but at the very least I want them in jail. Keep strong and do NOT give up.

Submitted by on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 17:36

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I was with MMG from around October 2003 til May of 2006. Every month they were taking out 600 dollars and I was almost to my gold of paying off all my accounts. Then they split. I have lost any copy of my current balance, but I'm sure I could get that number from my bank of how much my total should be. I am just trying to find someway of getting my money back or at least getting these people to pay for there bad deads. I have files a complaint with the FTC, and The FBI, and with veriouse state agency's. I am in Texas now and started with this company when i lived back in California. My wife and I have now had to pull out money from her 401K to keep from filing banckrupcy. Be we couldn't take out enought to pay everything off. These people took us for like 19K. I am ready to pull my hair out. Thanks for liscening, and I thank you for any help you could give me. R.L.Hays

Submitted by on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 19:46

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Mr. Hayes, look for Skippers username and write him, he is on top of them with regard to accepting money in AZ after last years court order to stop. Get the documents/check receipts and send them to the AZ Banking Commission and the AZ Attorney General. Look thru the Blogs and get the AZ Banking website adress and read everything to get up to speed with the others

Submitted by on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 20:37

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I have never posted in this thread before, but to answer madmoms question, as far as I know this site isn't going anywhere. This is a public forum and we are all allowed to speak our piece within reason. We all have 1st amendment rights and all who have been scammed are using the right to free speech. In my honest opinion, MMG is doing damage control and not happy that the people whom they scammed is letting the world know about it. Keep up the good work you guys. Keep the complaints going and eventually you people will hopefully see justice.

Submitted by Not so Lucky on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 21:04

Not so Lucky

( Posts: 3041 | Credits: )

Tammy , Thanks for at least letting us know what you know, I didn't think that was what was happening but you never know anymore.To the new person that stated that they were paying MMG until May of this year, please let the Arizona Banking Commission know this get your documents together, you can pm me and I can give you the sight to go to and the phone number.If you can read this whole forum and see all that has went on with us and this company. If you want type in Arizona Banking Commission on Google , click on it and see press releases and read that order and then send it a complaint to them and the ftc and your state senator and your state attorney general office. We have got to stop all this madness and put them where they belong.

Submitted by MadMom on Fri, 07/28/2006 - 05:20


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Hi all, I just got a call from the FTC saying that they received my complaint and I do not need to submit another because they will add this to all my other complaints. They said that they do not work for one individual, they work for a community of people. I told the lady that there is a huge community of people with the same issue with the same company and that I will and all of them will continue to make complaints until something is done about this... whether it takes another 5 years. I told her that I appreciated her calling me because in the last year, she is the only one who actually called me about my complaint submission, but I will still continue to make complaints. I told her that the FTC IS the agency to be investigating this and we will not stop until it is brought to justice. I just went off on how 2 people can steal money from these people and it is costing the govt more money because half of us had to claim bankrupcy. I told her how the Stantons have disappeared knowing they owe thousands to all of us, they changed their phone numbers, emails, address and disappeared. I brought up how the FTC helped out victims of Ameridebt and this was the same type of situation and that it was the FTC's responsibility to investigate this. I also brought up the white collar crime of Enron and how this was also similar to that. She was just a typical call center worker who really doesn't know what to say or really give a crap.

I will not stop until justice is served. People, this is an election year so I would think that some of our governors or state senators would want to help out as much as possible. We need to keep complaining to the FTC.... over and over again until there is resolution.

Submitted by on Fri, 07/28/2006 - 12:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hey everybody. I just sent out several PMs to some of you. If it doesn't work, email me so I can try to email you the links. Just add @ yahoo . com to the end of my user name! Has anyone had contact with Hyla Stanton or Mike Gerity lately? I have emailed their lawyer several times with no replys. They are still reading these posts, so I know they are still keeping in touch some how. Like I said before, If MMG/ RMP is shut down and not operating any longer, why do they care what is said on here? I was told by another member to contact Mr. Mike Gerity (their lawyer) to set up my refund. Well I've done that several times with no response from him. So everyone please email Mr. Mike Gerity to let him know you want your refund! His email address is posted on here somewhere, or get with skipper!

Submitted by jerryhavis on Fri, 07/28/2006 - 18:54


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

Well, life's lessons are hard to take at times and my experience with this company and persons above is one of those life lessons. They have successfully ripped me off for $25,000 + and I do not believe there is any recourse. I am going to try a civil lawsuit and file this amount as a loss (via theft) using a prosecuting attorney's report and a state police report as qualifying evidence. Without ssn or taxpayer ID on this company I will not be able to file a 1099. Any thoughts?

Submitted by on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 12:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Nice Job Lady,
Thank Christ someone actually called you from the FTC, I'm still waiting to hear from them again, and my state's office.
Anyone else I need to keep submitting to???
I'll be ready for the 10th again,
Keep complaining,
Mary from MASS

Submitted by mfk on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 08:46


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

to MFk, i would also submit to the FBI and the IRS. They performed fraudulent banking across state lines.... I would think this would be of interest to the FBI.

And yes to guest, at the very least, I am in this until they go to jail.

Submitted by on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 13:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

972-375-1292 and 623-580-9796

Submitted by on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 16:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I sent in to my senator a week or so ago telling him about the things that has been going on here on the forum, I got a letter today from him saying that he had contacted the ftc and my attorney general office in this matter again and when he got any news at all he would let me know, he has been very helpful in my situation so also contact your state senators. I will let you all know if I hear anything. I got a email from the ftc letting me know my complaint had been sent to the appropriate office again. But I will stay after them on this.

Submitted by MadMom on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 17:52


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Thanks for all the help, I did submit to the FBI , I will submit to the banking commission with proof that they were cashing my checks in Texas, and I will submit to the IRS.
What is the information I need for the 1099??
Thanks again, Let's send these thieves to JAIL!!!
Mary from Mass

Submitted by mfk on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 05:30


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

Mad Mom I sent you my story and YES, thank you, I will take care of that information you provided.

Submitted by mfk on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 05:31


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

972-375-1292 and 623-580-9796
when you call these numbers it does not say who it is. but it is the same person saying the same message. is this Chris Stanton????? yes

Submitted by on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 11:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


21628 North Central Avenue Suite 6 Phoenix, Arizona 85024

Order Information

General Information



Chrome Lotus Wheels LTD.
21628 North Central Avenue
Suite 6
Phoenix, Arizona 85024

Submitted by on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 11:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Michael Gerity
Registration No. 41776
Address 3300 North Central Avenue
Phone No. 602-274-4400

Submitted by on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 12:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

well i just saw another topic here that says hyla stanton and bad checks you should check that one out too. i am so upset about all of this i have written ot the ftc and i am going to try my state senator and see if he can do anything but you know one thing i am not giving up on is getting my money back. i hope you all dont either. they need to pay for what they have done.


Submitted by goofy14you on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 19:47


( Posts: 55 | Credits: )

Surely these people (The Stantons) have to be trying to get away. They are guilty of several crimes, IRS violations, breech of contract, embezzellment, mail and internet fraud, felony theft, theft by receiving, theft by deception, mental assault and battery, and If anyone out there suffers heart attack or death, (suicide) they should be charged with negligent homicide.
They are pathetic people that have played on the trust of many of us. They deserve a just punishment for their crimes.
What can we do? Does anybody out there actually know these people (Hyla Stanton) Does anybody have an address, workplace, etc.?
Hey, just a thought... Could they be turned into the Homeland Security department as economic terrorists? They have successfully inflicted economic murder on a large number of victims.

Submitted by on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 22:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Is Micheal Gerity the Stanton's lawyer?

Submitted by on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 22:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm with you Kristie, just keep submitting to anyone. People keep contacting your local news stations, each month the FTC, BBB,Attorney General's in Both Nevada and Texas, your state senators and rep's, their shadey lawyer, THEM (Stantons) specifically, HOUND THEM!!!

Actually has anyone made a spreadsheet of all these people and where they live that have been SCREWED from this SCAM company??? If, so Send it everyone and we'll attach to our stories when resubmitting. People who have gotten money back and who haven't???
Let me know!!! And Let these agencies KNOW that they VIOLATED many business practices!!!

Mary from MASS

Submitted by mfk on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 03:33


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

MFK, if you are going to go for the Attorney General, go for Arizona. That is where they violated laws. Though keep in mind, Arizona will probably not help because they have not helped thus far unless you were involved with the first case. Also, the BBB is really a waste of time in my opinion. They will not help. Someone on here recently received a notice back from the BBB saying the company is closed so they can't help. We really need to focus on the major organizations that can possibly help bring them down, the FTC, FBI, and IRS. The homeland security thing is an interesting point. Not sure if they would be of interest but it could not hurt to let them in on this scam as well. I will find out the info to submit a complaint. If anyone is interested, I also have the address for the President.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 05:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I live in Pennsylvania and are also a victim of the Miracle Management debt settlement Company. They owe me over $3500.00 and have not refunded to me. One of my creditors sued me and won over a debt that I owed to them and one that Miracle Management never settled. We are very angry and frustrated with this situation and would love to have our money back!

Submitted by on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 06:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Akell, this is a great idea. Unfortunately, hard to do. I tried to do the same thing a year ago and did not get much response.... I think people are afraid to give out personal info, which I don't blame them after all we have been through. I am interested in doing this.... plus, if something happens, we have a way of informing everyone else.


Submitted by on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 09:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Doesn't skipper have a lot of that info already? Maybe he could get something together.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 10:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

That last post was from me, not a guest. I know I haven't posted anything in a long time, but I have been following along.

Submitted by hclunie on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 10:12


( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

I guess I am in the same boat....She took $9000 from me...any suggestions?? please help!!!

Submitted by on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 12:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Good numbers for now to reach them.

Phone number removed per forum rules. Tammy

Submitted by on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 12:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To all who want to be on the list, pm me. This means you have to log on to the website and become a member in order to private message people. My user name is kristiec. If you have problems, you can email me at kcallander @ Please state something relevant in subject line or else I will not open. I will also not open if there are any attachments.

Also to JohnyDanger, read this entire forum starting with pg. 1. You will find much interesting and useful info like names and numbers of federal and state bureaus you should be contacting. There is alot of history here because this has been going on for sooooo long. Every 10th of every month we all are going to do a mass complaint to the FTC, FBI, and IRS in regards to this situation. Please join us and send in your complaint via their website on that date if not sooner. Just remember, you are not alone! There are hundreds of us who are in this same boat with you.

Submitted by kristiec on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 14:01


( Posts: 26 | Credits: )