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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

go back to page 169 or 170 I think... there's a link to the court case that was just won by the Youngs, It states on there that Hyla, Chris and Killer Customs was served and have to pay up. They also own Chrome Lotus Wheels... I have no link for that.

Submitted by on Sat, 08/26/2006 - 12:44

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Kristyc. What is your email address? Also mavric and ajta1205?

Submitted by on Sat, 08/26/2006 - 13:52

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Any updates on the RMP situation? I stand dazed and confused by all the actions of this company and its owners. I would really like to know where they live or work now. I have had all but one certified letter that I have sent to them return now. Chris Stanton signed the only one accepted and I have put that into a safety deposit box until I proceed.

Submitted by on Sun, 08/27/2006 - 08:16

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This was where chris stanton worked about two months ago. I believe it is still. I sent and e-mail to their info line and it was sent back refused.

Submitted by on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 06:01

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I was taken too and after reading here I realized that I was "only" taken for about $1600.00. Having a ton of other things to do in my life I put it on the back burner. Can someone PM me with what I exactly need to do to cancel with them and begin to get my money back. Thanks a lot.

Submitted by DreamSktr on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 11:47


( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

I went and spent about an hour with my local IRS office and found out the necessary information to file 1099's against Hyla and Chris Stanton. You will have to call 1-800-829-3676 and ask for 1099 Miscellaneous Income forms to be mailed to you for each of the years that you made payments to Miracle Management and/or Risk Management Partners. You have to order these forms, any 1099's that are downloaded from the internet or not accepted by the IRS. Once you have the forms: you are the (payer) and the Stantons are the (recipent). Simply put the amount that you paid them for each year in box #3 (other income). I used their home address and Chris's SSN number.

Submitted by on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 12:42

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Good Luck! First write a demand for payment letter addressing Hyla and Chris Stanton for the amount they owe your including retainer fees. Second, mail it ceritfied return receipt, to Chris Stanton at Chrome Lotus Wheels. (address available on internet). Third, demand payment within 10 days. Fourth collect all you records, including your most recent credit report. Fourth, copy all records, communications, e-mails, letters from creditors, contracts, promises from RMP & Miracle Management, etc. Fifth, contact the FTC, BBB, state attorney general's office, your senators and congressman (state and federal) file a complaint and send them copies of your records, including all payments. ( It ain't cheap, but it is necessary.) Let's not forget the FBI, the Postal Inspectors Office, Secret Service, Homeland Security, US Marshalls' Service.) Sixth, pray that this evil woman and man will have a change of heart and do the right thing. You can also file a 1099 misc income for the years you paid them or report it as bad business debt for 2006. The entire amount. However, remember that if you do this, when and if you get the money back you will have to report it a income and pay taxes accordingly but at least you can get a break on this year's taxes. I have cleared this with the IRS for myself. I hope this helps.

Submitted by on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 12:53

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Guest, not true, the files online are from the IRSA< dont try and stall us again Hyla

Submitted by on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 21:33

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They took over $2900 from me. I would like to know from anyone if there is anyway to get it back? Also, what kind of attorney I would need to hire, if that is what I need to do. Also, does anybody know where they are located now or are they still in AZ?

Submitted by on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 17:03

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Sandi, you should read this entire forum if you have not. Most lawyers won't take on a case for only $2900. It's alot to you but not to them. If you read the last few pages, their new address is posted. Also, you can email me your info to be put on a list of victims that will be sent in to the FTC, FBI, and IRS.... again, read the last few pages to get my email and the info you need to send to me.

Submitted by kristiec on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 17:23


( Posts: 26 | Credits: )

Also, I have tried calling Mr. Charland twice. I have left detailed messages with his receptionist (I think that's who she is, a lady who answers the phone) but he has not returned my call. Maybe someone else can give him a call and see if they have better luck than me in reaching this man.

Submitted by kristiec on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 17:25


( Posts: 26 | Credits: )

If we file a 1099 will we loss our rights to our refund because we are telling the IRS that we have given this money to the Stantons. If we gave this money to the Stantons as declared in the 1099 then do we not have a claim on our refund?

Submitted by on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 02:00

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KristieC, i just sent you a PM. Please help me out! Our attorney General needs the names, addresses, and phone numbers of other victims!!! Maybe this will help all of us!!!!thanks,jerryhavis

Submitted by jerryhavis on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 12:12


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

Hey everyone. Jon baird with KPHO news in Arizona is about to do a follow up stroy on the Stantons and MMG/RMP. KristieC please forward your list to him!! That way, everyone will see how they just lied on TV and don't plan on giving out our refunds!! Don't give up y'all! Maybe we can stop them from stealing from others in the future!

Submitted by jerryhavis on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 14:45


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

I hope this new story will air with the list that Kristie has been so awesome to create. Lets keep our fingers crossed that this show will warrant JAIL TIME FOR THESE THIEVES!!!
P.S. Kristie are we filing again this 10th of the month??

Mary from Mass

Submitted by mfk on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 18:23


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

when is this new update from jon baird due to come out?

Submitted by on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 22:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The updated news story aired last night, the 23rd. To see Chris running from the reporters was PRICELESS!!

Submitted by on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 09:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The news story aired Wednesday night the 30th, KPHO, channel 5.

Submitted by on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 13:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Here is the latest...

I know there is a considerable up front cost for hiring an attorney, but if you are interested in filing a joint lawsuit, please PM me.

Even if there is a default judgement against RMP/MMG/Stantons and we don't get our money back, the judgement will follow them around for a long time.

Submitted by discover_580 on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 06:46


( Posts: 12 | Credits: )

With all the complaint each of us here have filed with different Gov't agencies, over and over again, these agencies doesn't seem to get it or just don't think it's worth their time. $300K, multiple states, it should have caught someone's attention, seem to me like we're on our own on this one.

Submitted by ajta1205 on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 09:44


( Posts: 37 | Credits: )

It seems as if the Stantons have stopped operating as a scam debt management company, believe that or not! I have received several emails from newcomers who are interested in being put on the list but when they come to give me their 'date of cancellation' they don't really know what this means.... they say that their funds were not withdrawn from their bank accounts around May-June and then they go online to check their account, no website, then they try and call, no business, so they do a google search and wham!... Numerous negative reports come up including this forum, ripoff,, civil law suits, the AZ state law suit, etc. There are many who are just finding out about this mess. But I have received word that they have written several bad checks to people, one for $7100 for a car and another for $5,000 (not sure what for though), so it seems they are still doing illegal business of some sort. Continue to be patient and steadfast people, their time is almost up and I hope to be talking with Charland to represent all of us sometime in the next week or two.

Submitted by on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 10:42

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Does anyone have new information on MMG ? rieckmanpat(at)hotmail(dot)com

Submitted by on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 18:17

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Hi Guys. I first want to thank Kristie C for contacting me and adding my name to the list to the Stantons victims. I was robbed of $10K for trusting these con artists and I've tried from reporting it to the BBB, to the State Attorney General's office, to trying to get a number of different lawyers to take the case but no one has because it's too costly and even some of the class action lawyers won't take it because of the costs involved. I pity the stantons if someone ever does take the case because they will lose more than the shirts off their backs when they do. I CAN"T WAIT!!! I had the opportunity to get a hold of Hyla through E- Mail and she seemed sincere when she offered to take care of my problem...Yeah, RIGHT! All she did was to buy more time to finish screwing me over. Well Hyla, since I know that you and your husband read through our notes here, ....

[color=red]Profane language wiped off - Mike[/color]

Submitted by quevolon1 on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 22:03


( Posts: 12 | Credits: )

There are 121 complaints on rip off report under risk management partners/miracle management group.. Minus a few that aren't the same company. I've been trying to post on it to let everyone know about this site and join us here but it seems that every time I try and reply using the rebuttle or update information button It never works.. I think it would help our list grow even larger.. Can anyone else try and put the information on there? I just can't seem to get it to work..


Submitted by on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 16:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi Swtgal77

Are you facing any technical problems in posting at the forums? You are a registered member here, but you haven't posted under your log in? Please explain any problems you are having. I will try my best to solve it.


Submitted by Mike on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 16:30


( Posts: 1317 | Credits: )

Hi Mike, Yes I can't seem to get logged in even though it shows my name on the welcome screen..When I try and log in it still keeps telling me to log in even though I already have... I'm not sure if I need to fix it somehow on my end.. Thanks for you concern on the matter..


Submitted by on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 17:44

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