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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

The Stantons are no longer at Calle de Arcos, two reasons, if you noticed in the tv video, they were a packing. I spoke with a neighbor, they are still in AZ and moved to north Phoenix, twenty bucks to the first person who finds them, maybe someone can follow them from their business to their home !!!!!

Submitted by on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 09:32

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If someone finds them can you give us the address so we can update our complaints with these state and federal agencies to track these dogs down???
Keep up the HUNT!!
Mary from Mass

Submitted by mfk on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 10:39


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

Maybe catch the mailman and give him twenty

Submitted by on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 14:08

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did anyone hear back from the lawyer. i have e mailed several times, received "snotty" responses back. this last time, was very specific about his assumed involvement with setting up fraud, but no response. hmmm what does that mean?

Submitted by on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 18:11

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I saw their Mercedes wagon going north on Interstate 17 in Phoenix with Chris and some brown haired girl in it, they turned off at the Cave Creek Exit.
It's a high end housing area more expensive than some parts of Scottsdale. They may have moved up from the million dollar home they sold.
Thats as close as I could come to helping find their new digs

Submitted by on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 20:00

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Regarding the above post, I am almost sure there is not an exit off of the 17 for Cave Creek, did you mean the 101? There is an exit off of the 101 to Cave Creek....someone really needs to sit and wait for him to leave his business off of Central and follow him home and then get the "new" address!!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 11:43

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I really do not think we need to stalk these people. Why waste your time??? What are you going to do with a new address? Write to them over and over? You will be wasting much money on postage if you do because my guess is they still won't pay you, even if you harrass them at their new address. Yes, you will know it but the only people that can get them to pay us money will be the FTC or a private attorney. Trust me, if the FTC wants to, they can track the Stantons down. Provide them with Chris's business address and their attorney's address and then they can track them down. They have more sources than we do. Write to the FTC and let them know that Hyla Stanton is no longer responding to emails or phone calls and basically has disappeared in hopes that she won't have to pay any of us back. Let them know she has moved if you wish but I am not sure it really matters when it comes to what she is doing business wise.

Submitted by on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 13:42

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Who said anything about stalking them? I bet their new address would just be a great source of information for all of those who they owe, have ruined their credit for years to come...the new residence address will get out in due time, these people have a right to know how they are living on their money, don't you think Kristie?

Submitted by on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 15:59

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i work in the insurance industry and my company MUST carry E&O insurance. I would think a business like a debt consolidation would have to have insurance or a bond posted. How can we find this out. I know car dealerships must have a bond to protect consumers. Any ideas?

Submitted by on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 18:39

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KristieC, I hate to disappoint you, but below is an e-mail, I received from an investigator at te FTC office. Doen't sounds like much hope to look forward to in getting any money...

"The FTC is still investigating this company. It is
confidential and non-public. I am not allowed by law to give you any more info than that. Additionally, even if we brought a case against RMP, there is never a guarantee that any monies would be recuperated. I
just wanted to make that clear to you from the get go. Thanks for your communications with us.

Submitted by on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 21:50

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Sounds like an anonymous letter from Hyla via the FTC

Submitted by on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 22:31

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I am curoius who this investigator is... do you have a name? How about address or email address? I have never received anything back like that over the last year of my complaining to them. And it's hard to believe they would send such an informal email. Also, the email doesn't disappoint me.... nothing at this point can disappoint me more than I have already been from this whole situation. Like I said, I received most of my funds back and I paid off my debt... I am looking to have them investigated hopefully to have them put in prison so they can no longer screw innocent people. And if we get our money back in the process, that would be great! I am going to keep writing to the FTC and the appropriate agencies until this is seriously investigated. This is illegal action so something will happen.

And to guest, following someone from their business to home is a form of stalking... call it what you will. If this is they way you want to handle your situation with them then that's all you. I personally want to remain professional on my end so it doesn't hurt my case. And yes, I do think that everyone has the right to know what happened to their money. I just don't think that finding out their new address is going to prove what happened to all our money.... but it will obviously be of ease in your mind to have it, so do what you have to do.

Submitted by on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 05:20

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I got a responce from Felecia Rotellini in AZ. I had told her that I had copies of my last statement that still had the AZ address on it.Here is what she said "Thank-you for your e-mail. I have forwarded it to Consumer Affairs examiner, Richard Traveler, for a response. He can inform you as to the date of the Department's Order to Cease and Desist from doing business in Arizona, and we can determine if Miracle Management is in violation of our order."

Submitted by mommontoya on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 05:21


( Posts: 501 | Credits: )

Kristie, You never asked how I saw him, you just presumed I was stalking him from his place of work. Is your pen name Kristie or Hyla?
I was driving to Flagstaff near Deer Valley Exit and saw a Mercedes G Wagon that is black, I have seen pictures of Chris and the car. Since few people can afford G Wagons I pulled up beside it and Voila! it was him, I pulled back and he turned off at the Cave Creek Exit and I went on to Flagstaff, if that makes it stalking we are all in trouble

Submitted by on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 09:14

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I never said you WERE stalking him.... chill out! You or 'guest' suggested following them from their work to their home to find their new address and I just said in my opinion that I did not think it was neccessary to stalk them. Like I said before, you can do what you want but I am posting on this forum which serves as 'freedom of speech' that I did not think that was a professinal way to handle it. Not sure why you are getting so defensive about this... look at the big picture here and quit taking things so personally. I have nothing against you, only the Stantons.

Submitted by on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 09:37

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KristieC sounds like Hyla trying to discourage people under a false ID. Just a possibility. I dont know for sure but all her posts sound that way.

Submitted by on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 16:32

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To Guest,
Believe what you want... it does not phase me. I will continue to fight for those who have been screwed, including those who don't believe me and have been screwed. I know who my enemy is and that's who I am after.

Submitted by on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 17:30

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I am with you guest, I really believe that KristieC. is Hyla also!! Anyone that is owed money or had a %^$% of a time getting THEIR money back would not care if anyone so called stalked them!!

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 11:03

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That is why I organized a mass mailing to the FTC, this why I have been posting my compliants for a year now on this site, this is why I am encouraging people to write to their senators, this is why I posted my personal info on this site including an email from Hyla herself??? You 'guest' are paranoid and it leads me to believe that 'guest' is trying to hide their identity for whatever reason.... really who are you??? I said I don't care if you stalk them.... I just said I did not think it would help our case much.... read into how you will. There is one thing that is for sure, Hyla can not sue you for harrassment by emailing her, faxing her, writing her, or calling her because she owes money to us all and is hiding... but she can sure sue you for harrassment for stalking her and I would not want any of you to do something 'in the heat of your angry moment' that could turn the table in her favor. That could be bad for all of us who are trying to remain professional legally. Trust me, I do not wish anything good for Hyla... and I know she will get hers in the end. If you actually read this entire forum, I have not disagreed with anything other than 'stalking' her. If this makes me her, then you think that.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 12:26

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Kristie C......I think it is the guest's who are the ones trying to hide their identity. I have read every single one of your posts, and you have been very helpful all along.

Guests.....Why don't you start on page 1 and read EVRYTHINHG posted, and then come back and apologize to Kristie C

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 13:40

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Thanks Good Guest.... I knew there are some who are actually thinking with their brains while there are others who choose to think with their emotions. I understand how some can be paranoid and worried because they are stressed out. Who do you trust? Who do you believe? Who are all these so called 'guests' posting stuff? I went through these crazy emotions myself until I finally got most of my money back and settled my debt... this makes me less stressed about the situation and because I am less stressed, I am able to appproach it more rationally and more professionally.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 13:59

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Thanks rmpsux.

I am glad to see that my advice and effort is appreciated by some. I am certainly trying to just help out and not stir people up.... just because one does not agree with another's actions or feelings does not mean they are the bad person. Are we not entitled to speak our mind freely without being badly judged by others who are in the same boat, on the same team? I could have certainly gotten my $5,000 and then dropped it like many others have. I could have stopped complaining to the federal and state bureaus, but I chose to continue to fight for all of those who are still pennyless from this company. In my opinion, we need as many victims in this fight as possible, even those who got most of their money back. This is why I still email those from a year ago who received their money but no longer post, I informed them about the class action attorney and to call (they did), I informed them about the mass complaint we did on the 10th (and they also participated). And despite these negative 'guests' that think I am the bad person, I will still post and fight for the rest of the 'team' to see that justice is served. If these guests don't believe who I am, then they don't have to read what I post.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 14:46

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What is happening to the unity here. We need to stick together or nothing will happen that is positive. are probably NOT going to get your money back...that is just how it is...believe me I am not happy as I am owed 10,000, but we need to unite and make sure the Stantons are punished. If we fight between us or stop pursuing the agencies they will go free. The government agencies move slow. KEEP ON THEM and KEEP ON THE LAWYER. He does know where they are. Kristie C you are great keep the suggestions coming. Lets stay together on this thing. And remember the lawyer knows where the are and what there finances are....we need to use him.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 17:41

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This is madmom, can't log in again. Well anyway kristie c. You stand strong girl and keep up the good work, we have been in this for a long tim together and you are doing what you can to help everyone, lets all be nice to each other and stick together.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 17:45

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They aren't sure they can get Barry Bonds for using steroids but they are pretty certain they can get him for tax evasion. They couldn't get Al Capone for being a gangster but the IRS got him for tax evasion. We may not get our money back or get the Stantons charged for their criminal acts -- but the IRS would love to get them for tax evasion. Hit this link and fill out a 1099 on the Stantons.

Submitted by skipper on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 18:59


( Posts: 95 | Credits: )

Nice to hear from you again Skipper! Great idea, thanks for the link, if it drops off the sytem, all one has to do is google 1099. When you fill out the form, don't forget to also send a copy to their old address as it is a requirement by the government. Imagine having to pay taxes on a million dollars, or the interest it will pile up waiting for them to pay. If you can't get them one way go for another. Do I hear the clanking of a jail cell?
Remember one thing, when you do the 1099, you can take the income off your income taxes as a loss until you are repaid by them

Submitted by on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 23:52

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Fill it out against the stantons, they took the money from RMP as a draw against the company. It just didnt dissapear, it was in our Trust Accounts. Look for Chris' SSAN again, but until that time send a copy on RMP or if you cant find his SSAN I sent one to the IRS using his name Christopher Robin Stanon of Calle de Arcos with no SSAN, if he filed any taxes from that address it will get to the right place, but I am sure someone on this site knows it or how to get to his social security number and I will refile using his SSAN

Submitted by on Thu, 07/20/2006 - 11:05

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I got this today from the BBB
Complaint ID#: 91013253
Business Name: Risk Management Partners, Ltd.

Thank you for contacting the Better Business Bureau to assist you in resolving your dispute. BBB records show that this company is out of business. Either the company????????s mail has been returned with no forwarding order or Bureau files show that the company has confirmed it is out of business. Unfortunately, this means that the Bureau will be unable to assist you in resolving your dispute.

If you have a different address for this company, please forward this information to our office and we will attempt to contact the company.


Lee Stallings
Director of Complaint Department

Submitted by mommontoya on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 08:37


( Posts: 501 | Credits: )

Thank you for contacting the Better Business Bureau to assist you in resolving your dispute. BBB records show that this company is out of business. Either the company????????s mail has been returned with no forwarding order or Bureau files show that the company has confirmed it is out of business. Unfortunately, this means that the Bureau will be unable to assist you in resolving your dispute.


Submitted by on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 09:25

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Unfortunately, I personally do not think you can file against Chris. I would just focus on Hyla (who is a sure thing of being part of the scam) and hope that a big investigation will take place.... this will uncover enough to bring them both down. To all those who are told she is not the president of this company... this is not true if you read the court statements from Arizona.... she is recognized with her signature as being president of this company. If you can, print this out and keep in your files in case it is mentioned again about her not being responsible.

Submitted by on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 09:29

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If you file a 1099 the Social Security Number on the Tax forms will be Chris' and he did profit from the misappropriation of funds. Hylas name will not be the key for taxes, remember if you are married, both spouses sign and 99% of the time the key social security number is the husbands and he is just as responsible if he signs the tax form

Submitted by on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 09:40

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p.o.'ed would you please email me Chris' ssn. Thanks, JK

Submitted by on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 10:00

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p.o.'ed, woops, you'll need this:

Personal info removed for your safety - Mike

Submitted by on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 10:02

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There are all sorts of things you can learn about Chris & Hyla Stanton at these 2 goverment links. Social Security numbers, old address, deeds, all the lawsuits the stantons have lost...ect

Submitted by on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 12:52

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