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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Hazel Kean, take all your paperwork showing the monthly withdrawals by RMP and see what they say. I found that the cc companies are willing to negotiate. If you can negotiate before you go to court, that would be better. I settled $14,400 worth of debt with $4850. I told them what RMP did to me and that I had been making payments for them to negotiate with my creditors but they ripped me off. Maybe the judge will have sympathy knowing you have been making an effort and put you on some kind of realistic payment plan. Keep us informed on how you do this week.... I wish you luck.

Submitted by on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:57

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HELP! Does anyone know what to do about getting money back from accounts that were not closed but money was in account for that purpose????

Please someone help me, I am distraught, just as I thought the debt was to be wiped out.

Submitted by on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 09:53

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I still think something should be done with all the lodged complaints against this company. People are trying to be responsible - yes after the fact - but still... and then to have the company do this.... I keep thinking of Enron.... HOW Sad.

Submitted by on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 09:56

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I don't think the stantons have left arizona,remember the post that someone drove but their house sunday and saw all the cars in the yard, wonder why the banking commission thinks they have left, they could always drive up to their door and ask if this is the stanton's residents, i am sure that their face in known in az.

Submitted by MadMom on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 18:42


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Unfortunately, akell is right... you must report it over and over again. When I spoke with Craig Rabey from the AZ State Banking Dept. he said that the only people that can help are the FTC or a private attorney. Everyone must keep hasseling the FTC.

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 05:23

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Richard Traveler is a good place to start
he has returned calls and is very concerned. We need to just report over and over.
I also contacted my state senator and legislator last night. People, this is not going to be an easy process but if ANYONE gives up the stantons will walk away free as a bird. I would not hold out the hope of ever seeing our money but they need to be punished. I have a list of other contacts that I will post later. We only hope Someone will take notice.

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 08:26

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Thanks akell for Mr. Traveler's info... I actually got a letter from his agency sometime last year basically saying that my info was passed to the FTC. I emailed him just now and cc'd Hyla's attorney, hyla @ riskmp, and mike @ risk mp. of course I got a failure to deliver message for Hyla and mike @ riskmp but hopefully Mr. Travelers will guide is in a direction or send our complaints to his contact at the FTC. Here's what I wrote...

Dear Mr. Traveler,

I too am a victim of Hyla Stanton and her company Risk Management Partners aka Miracle Management Group. I finally received most of my money back in December after months of waiting and trying to get it. I have contacted numerous state and Federal Bureaus in regards to this and it is sad that the only people who can help us at this point is the FTC and they don't seem to be doing anything! She has cost me thousands in additional debt due to her lack of action and has ruined my credit even more than when I first started her program. At this point she still owes me at minimum $699 which she states are 'non-refundable fees'. She called me in regards to this remaining refund about a month or so ago and left a message and I have tried to contact her and no response yet. She has even written me a very nasty email back in December after me continuously trying to contact her in regard to my approximate $5700 refund.....


Ma'am your refund is in the process of being sent, and ANY ANGENCY who
sees that a payment is in process to you, as is another in a week, will
not pursue anything. You will be charged with stalking, and harrassment,
as I am going to address this today with my attorney, as that right is
NOT YOURS. You are the one who charged up your credit cards, spent the
banks funds, and NOW YOUR CALLING ME A THIEF!! Where are the items that
you purchased, did you LEGALLY pay for them yet?? I hope the creditors
call you, you fired the company who answered all of your calls,
processed all of your bills, and dealt with the harrassment. You want to
try to prove that RMP has done NOTHING for you, I can PROVE otherwise,
with PILES of documentation and paperwork. I will only email you from
this email system, so any others you send me are reported as SPAM, as
that what it is. You want to pursue this issue, call my attorney. I have
NOTHING MORE TO SAY TO YOU, you have harrassed me, insulted me, and LIED to me, enough!!! I am issuing out TONS of refunds, and as fast as
possible. You need to go to work, and pay your bills, and MOVE ON WITH

Your second check will be issued on Tuesday of next week via UPS next day.
The finance department will be contacting you with the ck number, tracking
number, and anticipated date of reciept. This will serve as our your last
remittance of refunds from your settlement account, the amount will be

We apprecciate every ounce of patience and every breath you have held
during this meticulous process. I personally apologise for the inconvience
that you have experienced, as I did not forsee this delay and wish it
could've been an easier one. I am striving to speed this process up for
others awaitng funds, I just wanted to thank you, and show my appreciation
for what you have done, and haven't done.

God Bless YOU,


Mr. Traveler, she thinks she can just pay us whatever she wants and that would be sufficient enough to get 'any agency' off her back. I just don't understand how someone like her gets away with all of this, ruining peoples lives. There are hundreds of us who have found each other on a web forum that are victims of this company. We have all contacted the FTC on numerous occasions. What does it take to get them to investigate this? Mrs. Stanton should be in jail because what she has done is fraudulent and illegal. She has done illegal banking across state lines all over the US. And she is still taking money from those who are unaware of this scam. I know there is nothing you can do now since you already took her to court, but she even was operating in Arizona as this fraudulent company even after the court ordered her to stop. Please, any advice or contact you can provide to help us out would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Kristie Callander

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 10:05

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IF you go to riskmp(dot)com/ now it says:
"If you are the owner of this web site you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information."

Submitted by mommontoya on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 10:42


( Posts: 501 | Credits: )

Why is this forum not showing the dates of the enteries anymore??

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 10:44

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KristieC has the right idea. keep up on complaining and complaining to anyone and everyone. I have e mailed hylas attorney and have received very nasty e mails back but I will continue to send them. he is responsible for part of this as well. Send letters, e mails and call someone everyday. And I mean EVERYDAY. Take some kind of step to complain to any agency, DA office, Media, If we all do something everyday and continue to bombard agencies with our complaints SOMEONE will listen eventually. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease"

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 12:27

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Kristie c. Hey do i have your permission to send a copy of that nasty email to my senator and let him know this is what we all are and were dealing with, i know for a fact he contacted the ftc because the ftc called me about mmg , a week or so later i finally got most of my refund, not that he had anything to do with it but i know he will pass it on to the ftc and tell them to investigate them, he is a wonderful person and thinks it is terrible and does try to help my state and all in the us

Submitted by MadMom on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 13:43


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

I just emailed my Senator as well. Let's see where we can go with this. This is absurd!!!! I can't tell you how angry I am about all of this. We all fell victim to a scam and noone seems to know where they are or what they are doing. Someone needs to take notice and do something. This is sickening and maddening!!!!!!! Keep the faith people, they want us to go away but we have to push forward. I will post what I find out from Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Schumer!!

This is rmpsux BTW!

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 15:47

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after all messages I've sentHyla thru crimedoesntpay in ebay, she sent me the following:

"Im saving ALL of these HARRASSING messages, and will report you to EBAY, and inform them that you are violating thier rules regarding messaging others. We are not RMP, or MMG, HYLA or anyone else who knows you. SO IM SORRY THIS IS A DEAD ENDFOR YOU"

I responded

" Does this mean ebay has the wrong info on you? Look below!!!!

The box below contains the User IDs that this member has used on eBay.

User ID Effective Date End Date
crimedoesntpay Jun-21-06 Present
chrome_lotus_wheels Apr-15-05 Jun-21-06
stanton_8 Oct-14-03 Apr-15-05
jubileeamerican May-05-01 Oct-14-03

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 15:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Here is what Mike Gerity just replied to me:

Let's get this very straight once and for all. I represent MMG and RMP. They are clients, that is all. I am a partner in an eight attorney law firm. I have at least sixty other active clients myself (both businesses and individuals), another hundred or so inactive ones, and the firm as a whole has probably over 500 clients. I am not directly involved in the business of ANY of these clients, I do not have the time to be, and I cannot control their actions or inaction. I advise them on their legal matters, just as all attorneys do for their clients. That does not make me involved in their business any more than your mechanic is involved in the way you drive your car.

Unfortunately, you and a few other very misguided individuals act as though I am in business with my clients, share office space with them, and run their bank accounts. I do not. As such, your allegations against me personally and professionally are completely groundless and totally irresponsible. Please get your facts straight before you make any further such allegations.

On a related note, you also seem to be confused as to the party or parties against which you have claims. Your contract was with MMG or RMP, and your claim is solely with those entities. Mrs. Stanton was an officer and director of those entities, and by all applicable law, is NOT personally liable for the debts and obligations of the company. Please be certain to direct your claims at the appropriate entities.

Submitted by rmpsux on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 16:17


( Posts: 28 | Credits: )

Hyla still can't spell "thier"... ehhhh "their."

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 16:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i got that same EXACT message from the Lawyer. keep e mailing him. He knows where she is and you know he is working with her. I have not responded to him yet but I will that is for sure. WE CANNOT GIVE UP. We must stay on the course to make sure they are punished. By the way how did you send a message through ebay. I could not figure it out.

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 17:05

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I was just on msn and put in hyla stantons name. about the 4th point down is report from a local az news station that said hyla is working with the state this summer. it gave the number of six/zero/two/two/five/five/four/four/two/one phone
or fax six/zero/two/three/eight/one/one/two/two/five fax to put YOUR name on the list of people that she OWES money too. This is somewhat encouraging. I am calling and faxing my information to them immediately.

Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 17:16

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Can someone please give me some information about how I can start the process to get a refund from this BEEOTCH. Over a period of 2 1/2 years I have put close to 6K into this and they never settled anything, they said they did but never recieved a letter on content and just recently started getting phone calls from the company again. Need some help PLEASE!!!!


Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 17:32

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again i e-mailed her at "crimedoesntpay".

Im saving ALL of these HARRASSING messages, and will report you to EBAY, and inform them that you are violating thier rules regarding messaging others. We are not RMP, or MMG, HYLA or anyone else who knows you. SO IM SORRY THIS IS A DEAD END FOR YOU

Go ahead and report me, so I can show them all the documents about you stealing from people, even people in ebay, maybe copies of reports from FTC

The box below contains the User IDs that this member has used on eBay.

User ID Effective Date End Date
crimedoesntpay Jun-21-06 Present
chrome_lotus_wheels Apr-15-05 Jun-21-06
stanton_8 Oct-14-03 Apr-15-05
jubileeamerican May-05-01 Oct-14-03




Submitted by on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 22:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

She may call it harrassment but we all have every right to try to contact her ANY way we can b/c of the money she owes us and b/c she is not contacting us herself. She told me she was coming to Maryland to sue me for harrassment.... funny, I never heard once from her attorney.

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 05:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

How can anyone really blame somebody to use every way possible to get a hold of them? Some people in this forum tried to contact her at chrome lotus. Plus you see how much she lies. Talk about harrasment, do the right thing and everyone will leave her alone. I'm sure I speak for everyone and safe to say that " We don't want anything from her but what's rightfully ours." None of us has the time nor energy to chase her around if she only does the right thing, I'm sure this forum won't even be in existence. Am I wrong?

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 09:07

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She just does not get it, stupid, stupid!! If she pays up what she owes, everyone would leave her alone, no more harrassment. Wake up Hyla!!

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 11:06

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Insiders tell me they are flat broke. The money is gone. You all need to find out if they took the deposits to keep their companies (mmg & rmp) going or if they took the deposits for their own use without payrolling themselves (i.e. funding their other business ventures). If they did the latter it seems there is chance that criminal charges could be applied. You all willingly gave your money to mmg/rmp and since you did that I think criminal charges are going to be tough to apply. True the Stanton's didn't do what they said they would do, but that is where the civil part comes in. If it is a civil matter all you may be able to go after is mmg/rmp which likely have zero assets. If a criminal conviction is made victom restitution would likely be part of any sentencing agreement. In the big picture this is all small potatoes to the Feds. One way to get some action by law enforcement is to put the whole case together for them and lay it on the table. No sob stories, just pure facts and REAL, court presentable evidence. But to do this is going to take money, time and brains which something that everyone taken by the Stanton's don't have (with the exception of the brains part). You all have to get into their books and track the money flow. You have to show that the Stanton's stole the money from mmg/rmp. It is going to be difficult because the likely can show they spent a lot of money running their failed business model (rent, payroll, counsel, supplies etc). However, that is where you need to start. In the end, you can't get blood from a turnip.

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 12:07

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Chrome Lotus Wheels, Chris And Hyla Stanton Aka Risk Management Partners
21628 North Central Ave. Suite 6
Phoenix Arizona 85024
Phone Number:

Chris and Hyla Stanton have scammed me through EBay and their Chrome Lotus Wheels. I paid Feb. 1, 2006 the amount of $1774 for custom motorcycle wheels, that I have never got. They have repeatedly lied, changed their phone numbers, changed their user name on EBay and I continue to find them. I have reported them to EBay, PayPal, ICT, BBB, law enforcement, attorney and so forth.
Then to my astonishment I find the same people have scammed others through miracle management group and the debt consolidation care. Yes, the same exact people. So my question to society is why are these criminals not in jail for ripping off innocent people? It is amazing that the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer, Chris stated on the phone at one point to us he was a millionare, I wonder why?

Every other week when he has answered the phone it has been one promise after another and other times he hears our voices and hangs up on us. I have three current working numbers for the Stanton's so anyone else who has gotten ripped off feel free to call them: 1-623-****, 1-972-***-****, and 1-866-***-8888. Eventually those numbers will also be disconnected. I will not stop until they are in jail for what they have done to everyone.

Morgantown, West Virginia

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 12:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It seems we don't have one person who will collect all the fraud reports and submit together. If anyone wants to volunteer--it would make a world of difference in our complaints. One powerhouse report of multiple victims versus many little ones. Are there any volunteers?

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 12:51

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The same laws do not apply from state to state (I don't think) but the bottom line is she ripped us off and is doing illegal banking across state lines. When I spoke with the FTC some time ago, the person I spoke with said they track complaints by coding them according to what the subject is.... then a group of investigators look through the complaints and when they see enough of the same codes, they act on it by further investigating it. We need to gang together and come up with a date in which EVERYONE who cares strongly about this submits a complaint BASED on facts and NOT emotions. At the same time that the FTC recieves all these complaints on the same day via web, we need to also send a written letter, again based on facts and not emotions, and coordinate it so their offices receive these letters around the same time that they are receiving these complaints via web. A big enough impact might, I stress might, bring this into light. I suggest the letters going to Ms. Deborah Majoras office because then it is impacting one person, who happens to be a chairman of the FTC. I would not want to invest into a class action attorney if there is no money to be won.... probably false hope and maybe a waste of time and more money. I just hope to see them in jail...

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 13:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I agree, lets figure this out. I am happy to do all the things kristie suggests. I tend to believe there is NO money and won't be but the Stantons need to be punished. Can everyone have all their paper work ready to go by say July 5th. that is the day we could all e mail and mail out our contracts and proof of payments with letters explaining what happened.

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 16:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I met with a channel 12 news reporter in Cincinnati Oh today. He was very interested in the story. I showed my signed copies of my contract and the instructions I received from Miracle Management Group / Risk management Partners. I showed copied of the contract where it ststed my money would be placed in a settlement requiring permission from an officer of MMG and myself or us to withdral money to pay settlements to creditors in my best interest. I showed copies of the contract where it states I was intitled to a refund of my money if there were notified in writing I wanted to cancel my contract. I also showed copies of noterized letters that were sent certified registered return receipt mail and the singed receipt that was signed for and accepted on 6-13-2006 in the Irving Texas Office. I have several copies of my original comtract, all instructions received with contract, copies of emails including the last reply from customer service RMP on logging into there member page where thank God I went to every day from 5-14-2006 thru 6-03-2003 and copied the web page that was leading me believe they were still working on my accounts. The web page saying they received my request and were in process. Never once they say there company was in trouble. Never once did they say they were going out of business.
The state of Arizona Attorney has received my copy with the facts. Only the facts. I have copies ready for Texas, Nevada, and my State Ohio, for FTC in Washington. I an Mailing those tomorrow. The News reporter will all be calling some of these agencies to see if he can get any answers. I will let you all know when the story is going to go on the air in the Cincinnati Tri State. He has helped many people, I hope he can help here to. The facts show beyond doubt RMP was leading clients on they were still working on settling credits. That If the money is gone out of the settlement accounts it was done without client approval as it states in my contract. That they received and signed for my cancellation letter. I am also making other copies to send to the FBI and The IRS. Is there anyone else I should send them to.

Submitted by choerlein on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 17:26


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