West Asset Management - Key complaints and the ways to deal with them
Date: Mon, 11/27/2006 - 17:15
West Asset Management - Key complaints and the ways to deal with them
West Asset Management
1) Use w w w(dot)whitepages(dot) com to find the office that is calling you - the state & City. Use your caller-id to get their real number!
2) Go to w w w(dot)westassetmanagement(dot) com
click on work for us (what a joke!) and then click the locations button. You will see a list of all their offices.
3) send them a certified letter, return receipt to stop calling you
4) save the receipt & sue them for every call they make after that!
I had to call the police today to stop repeated calls to my home for a bill that is not even mine!
They called me too
Hi, this is Lisa trying to wrap of the estate of the late Kimberly "X". Please call us at 888-999-2156 and use REF# xxxxxxxx. I didn't know this person as a relative and only guess is that they found my # in the phone book (called my land line and it's a new #). When I called the 888 #, it answered as West Asset Mgmt, so I hung up and then did a search online and found all of their mischief. I'm sure they have caller ID and just add #'s to their databank as people call in confused as to the message. They are bait N switchers. They're so crafty, they might as well be a scam from another country.
West Asset Management
if West Asset Management or any other collection agency calls asking for someone you do not know and they continue to call for this person, tell them to "Cease and Disist". if they call after you tell them "Cease and Desist" that is grounds for legal action, but if it is you, just handle you debt, THEY WILL WORK WITH YOU!!!!! i use to work there, i know!!
I paid off a past due bill and they stopped calling but now anot
I paid off a past due bill and they stopped calling but now another company has called me trying to claim the same debt.
As a former employee, you guys need to write your congressmen and women, these people use very ugly collection tactics, we're pressured to call you guys 24/7, i'm just amazed at how many people actually pay the unsecure debt, WEST ONLY HANDED UNSECURE DEBT in regards to deceased accts. personally i believe it's unethical and i've writing to senator chuck shuman, because he made it illegal for us to leave messages in new york, i'm sure with a little bit more pressure you guys can get that portion of collections shut down, if you have any questions i can help you with, email me email deleted. former west asset management employee, i got fired but i've never felt so releaved.
[samebox:ae5fcbae2e="paulmergel"]sorry no personal or solicitory emails.[/samebox:ae5fcbae2e]
Another Address and Phone Number
West Asset Management has been harassing me over a disputed bill based on misrepresentation by Qwest Communications for DSL service and I notified them numerous times that the bill was not legitimate and that I had already filed complaints with the Washington Utilities Commission, the Washington State Attorney General's Office and the FCC and FTC regarding the original bill itself and told them not to call me again. They continued to call after I repeatedly told them not to ever call again. And interestingly enough when I returned their call on a phone with caller ID blocked they still could see my number so somehow they have been provided special access to that also, probably by Qwest.
They did however provide me with an address and phone number including a phone number to send a letter disputing the charge. They are as follows:
West Asset Management
7171 Mercy Road
Omaha, NE 68106
1-800-949-1385 and 1-866-512-8707
The number to fax letters of dispute: (402) 384-6649
Attention: OPS-West Asset Management
One final thing I learned from someone else is that if a collection agency calls you, tell them immediately that you are recording the conversation and you will find that either they have a big change of attitude or they refuse to talk to you if you are recording the call. That says a lot. And if you need to have a method of recording the calls do an online search using Google or Bing and there are free programs for your computer if you have a modem card.
Best wishes!
You have to request your Cease & Desist in WRITING in order for
You have to request your Cease & Desist in WRITING in order for it to be binding.
you sent me a check for 83.57 on 7/29/2009. Is this mine to dep
you sent me a check for 83.57 on 7/29/2009. Is this mine to deposit? please e-mail me with a reply
thank you
Email address removed by Shazzers per the TOS.
West asset management apparents had an old account that has been
West asset management apparents had an old account that has been settled with another company, however they have left the account open on my credit report. This is stopping me from getting a loan. I called them and have been given several numbers to different departments. I have been unsuccessful getting this off my credit any assistance will help.
[QUOTE=Anonymous;464498]As a former employee, you guys need to w
[QUOTE=Anonymous;464498]As a former employee, you guys need to write your congressmen and women, these people use very ugly collection tactics, we're pressured to call you guys 24/7, i'm just amazed at how many people actually pay the unsecure debt, WEST ONLY HANDED UNSECURE DEBT in regards to deceased accts. personally i believe it's unethical and i've writing to senator chuck shuman, because he made it illegal for us to leave messages in new york, i'm sure with a little bit more pressure you guys can get that portion of collections shut down, if you have any questions i can help you with, email me email deleted. former west asset management employee, i got fired but i've never felt so releaved.
[samebox:ae5fcbae2e="paulmergel"]sorry no personal or solicitory emails.[/samebox:ae5fcbae2e][/QUOTE]
Sorry for quoting the entire post... I believe that there are only six companies in the entire nation that handle collecting debts on deceased people. If this company is one of them, they should be brought to the attention of NBC Nightly News which did a report late last year on collection agencies who handled these types of collections.
Heirs are not responsible for the debts. If there is no money in the estate, then you need to notify the CA in writing and tell them to cease and desist.
I believe West Asset Management is owned by: West Corp. 11810 Ni
I believe West Asset Management is owned by:
West Corp.
11810 Nicholas St.
Omaha, NE 68154
That could be another avenue of attack against this company.
West Assett Management us calling me at work and leaving message
West Assett Management us calling me at work and leaving messages. I thought they could not do that? Also, I do not owe anyone anything (excpet the bank, but current).
West Asset Managmanet Montly Paytment
West Asset Management will refuse to work with people on payment plans. Be sure to include every expense large or small and if possible exaggerate on payments. They will expect you to pay 90% of your disposable income. That means if its the holidays they will expect you to not buy gifts for your family but instead pay them at 90%. They told me that I spent to much on food each day and that instead of buying Snapple to drink water!!!! They are a shady company with very unhappy individuals that work there.
Stop calling request
:confused:They have been calling my job for the past 3 weeks. I have received a call on 11/9/09 and today 11/10/09.
They leave me voicemail messages to give them a call. I have not spoken to them, but I would love for them to stop harassing me on my job.
West Asset Management
Quote:Originally Posted by jimbeemThe FDCPA provides for "reason
Originally Posted by jimbeem The FDCPA provides for "reasonable disclosure" for a collection agency's physical address. If you have a phone number they are calling from please post it here. finsfan13 is awesome with the info! |
Here's a number they've been using to call me. I've never done any business at all with the client they claim i defaulted on. Nor will they provide any documentation that I owe them money, yet they continue to harrass!
I received a letter from West Asset Management regarding a debt
I received a letter from West Asset Management regarding a debt from 2006 with the FDNY? I have no idea what this debt is. When I called to find out what was going on and to request more information about what the charge is they said they had ALREADY flagged my credit!!! The letter said we had 30 days to contact them or pay by a certain date or they would flag my credit...it has not been 30 days and the payment due date had not passed! They are rude and unhelpful and do not react to any request for anything. I'm scared and at a loss of what to do. My credit is currently prefect and we are trying to buy a home....this has to be illegal?!?!?! :(
send them a DV letter.send it certified mail return receipt.they
send them a DV letter.send it certified mail return receipt.they can't do anything until they validate the debt.including reporting it on your CR.get the letter out asap.
If you guys actually kept your bills up to date, you probably wo
If you guys actually kept your bills up to date, you probably wouldn't have to worry about the "harrassing calls." By the way, it's not cosidered harrassment unless the calling is an attempt to harrass, which means if you hang up on them, depending on which type of collections, they cannot call you right back. However calling 4 to 5 times a day is allowable. Also, ponder this. If you borrowed someone let's say 15,000 and they died, wouldn't you want that money back if they had the assets to cover it? That's the point of deceased collections. I've seen many times were greedy family members use the deceased persons credit cards and expect never to hear a thing, but they do. Also I've seen on several occasions them using the deceased credit card to pay for the funeral. Now that is wrong. I mean if they have no estate or any assets, we will leave it be, however if they have the assets they should pay for their debts they racked up while they were alive.
:DThe address on this site is no longer valid. Your homework needs to be done again. Your advise your giving these people is absolutly wrong. If you really need your questions answered you should contact the FDCP for correct ansers on the laws when it comes to collection agencies.
for one it's the FDCPA.the address is right.instead of trying to
for one it's the FDCPA.the address is right.instead of trying to spread misinformation you should go back to the phones.to the one above you.your post is the reason you should be sued out of business.talk about low.
Originally Posted by Anonymous One final thing I learned from someone else is that if a collection agency calls you, tell them immediately that you are recording the conversation and you will find that either they have a big change of attitude or they refuse to talk to you if you are recording the call. That says a lot. And if you need to have a method of recording the calls do an online search using Google or Bing and there are free programs for your computer if you have a modem card. Best wishes! |
This is not true, all calls from this office are recorded and you are told that when it is verified the correct debtor is on the line. So why would they be scared you are recording them?
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousThis is not true, all calls
Originally Posted by Anonymous This is not true, all calls from this office are recorded and you are told that when it is verified the correct debtor is on the line. So why would they be scared you are recording them? |
right,and if somebody where to sue you and want the tape of you threatening.what are the odds it won't be found?i'll wait for my answer.
Thats awesome!! Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI've been
Thats awesome!!
Originally Posted by Anonymous I've been getting calls from them for a while now, looking for someone with a different First name but same last name. Not sure if they just picked my number out of the phone book or if someone used my number when giving details for a loan. Anyway, I've asked them several times not to call to no avail. Really dont want to go down the legal route so I found an alternative. My phone provider (Lingo) includes advanced call routing. I can specify which callers are re-directed to another number I specify. So I put their number on the list and redirect it to another one of their callback numbers. Now they can waste their time talking to each other. :D |
West Asset Management took over a $50 account from an emergency
West Asset Management took over a $50 account from an emergency room charge, beyond my copay and without notification. West Asset Mgmt never contacted me, ever. I found out about the charge because I joined one of those credit report monitoring programs. West Asset Management placed credit-damaging entries at each of the 3 major credit reporting agencies and it took months for me to find out what the charge was and they did not respond to any of my letters, even the registered one. The telephone number for them What made them finally contact me was my complaint letter to the Federal Trade Commission where I listed all the steps I had taken in an effort to resolve the issue.
I had the same issue with a podunk local CA a while back. They w
I had the same issue with a podunk local CA a while back. They were reporting a SEVEN DOLLAR med copay on my CR, which was causing me all manner of consternation. They signed for and completely ignored two DVs and an ITS letter, all sent CM/RRR.
What made them decide to talk to me was service of my summons and complaint, seeking $4,000 for 1 FDCPA and 3 FCRA violations. The case settled out of court for just over $1,600.
It may behoove you to know that not everyone who calls you from
It may behoove you to know that not everyone who calls you from West is a collector, they have departments that help people who are disabled. If you have a student loan and are disabled you may be able to get the debt discharged for that reason, but you have to answer the phone call and verify your information before they can help you. You will have to prove you are disabled with the help of your doctor. Just thought you should know.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousIt may behoove you to know t
Originally Posted by Anonymous It may behoove you to know that not everyone who calls you from West is a collector, they have departments that help people who are disabled. If you have a student loan and are disabled you may be able to get the debt discharged for that reason, but you have to answer the phone call and verify your information before they can help you. You will have to prove you are disabled with the help of your doctor. Just thought you should know. |
All righty then... Thank you so much for that blatantly slanted commentary.
Thinking that anyone from West who calls is a collector is a perfectly logical presumption. West is a collection agency. Why else would they be calling?
As for them helping disabled people... I suppose they're all just sweetness and light, hmm? Yes, they will work with a disabled student loan holder. Because the United States Department of Education says they have to. Otherwise, they could lose the contract. Isn't that right? I don't suppose a disabled person being hounded for a delinquent credit card would be so fortunate.
By the way, the information about disability and other discharges for student loans is freely available from the DOE. It's not like West has a corner on the market.
Admit it, pal. You're a shill for West, and not a very good one. How about you go back to the phones, and let the big folks talk for a while?
they call all the time. We dont answer. they call from 703398000
they call all the time. We dont answer. they call from 7033980002. dont know who they are or what they want. they never leave a message
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousthey call all the time. We d
Originally Posted by Anonymous they call all the time. We dont answer. they call from 7033980002. dont know who they are or what they want. they never leave a message |
West Asset Management is a junk debt buyer and collection agency. Simply put, scum. They buy old, charged off debt for pennies on the dollar, and then try to collect on it at full face value.
Send them a demand for validation of the alleged debt. Send it certified mail, return receipt requested. Preserve the green return receipt card, against future need.
West Asset Management, Inc.
2253 Northwest Pkwy SE
Marietta, GA 30067-8764
supposeddly this company holds a lien on my grandmothers house..
supposeddly this company holds a lien on my grandmothers house...ive been calling them for over a month trying to find out information they have given me false law firms who they say are handeling the case as well as transfering me to 15 different people.....i asked them for the note on the acct which was originally with bank of america and they cannot do so...where do i go from here...i need this loan from my mortgage company but with this on my grandmothers credit i cannot get it..im lost.....
Evenin' Briana - If you're coming up dry with West, maybe it's
Evenin' Briana -
If you're coming up dry with West, maybe it's time to start digging from another angle.
Contact the county clerk's office (or whatever they call the place where deeds are recorded where you live) in your grandmother's county. They'll be able to tell you if there's a lein on the property or not. And if there is, they'll have all or most of the important details about it. From there, you can backtrace it into the courts easily enough. It works kinda like this:
Can't get a lein without a judgement... County clerk can point you to the judgement (they had to have it, as basis for the lein).
Can't get a judgement without going to court... The judgement will say on the face of it what court it was issued in, the plaintiff's name, etc.
Have to observe the niceties when you go to court... Check things like affidavits of service, documents produced to substantiate the claim, and suchlike.
See where I'm going with this? Look into it a bit, and let me know what you find.
Seriously people? WAM has a main office in Georgia and lots of o
Seriously people? WAM has a main office in Georgia and lots of offices throughout the United States thats why you see some many po boxes. 90% of WAM doesnt purchase bad debt and they arnt out to get you in anyway. They are more likely to take a settlement offer than anyone else and they wont take you to court for the money that you owe either. They are a very easy company to work with as far as collections go. The easiest that i have ever worked with... If you dont try to fight them all the time then you shouldnt be having any trouble with them. Yeah they may call everyday but what collection agency doesnt? If you want them to stop all you have to say on the phone is cese and desist all communication and they will, its their company policy to do so, its also law. So why dont all of you who have delt with them take a second and think about how your treating them too... If you owe money then pay it if you dont then work with them to get the situation resolved... dont just go straight to the yelling... its not the person on the phones fault if something got messed up, just keep that part in mind when you decide to go off on them their just trying to feed their family too...
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousSeriously people? WAM has a
Originally Posted by Anonymous Seriously people? WAM has a main office in Georgia and lots of offices throughout the United States thats why you see some many po boxes. 90% of WAM doesnt purchase bad debt and they arnt out to get you in anyway. They are more likely to take a settlement offer than anyone else and they wont take you to court for the money that you owe either. They are a very easy company to work with as far as collections go. The easiest that i have ever worked with... If you dont try to fight them all the time then you shouldnt be having any trouble with them. Yeah they may call everyday but what collection agency doesnt? If you want them to stop all you have to say on the phone is cese and desist all communication and they will, its their company policy to do so, its also law. So why dont all of you who have delt with them take a second and think about how your treating them too... If you owe money then pay it if you dont then work with them to get the situation resolved... dont just go straight to the yelling... its not the person on the phones fault if something got messed up, just keep that part in mind when you decide to go off on them their just trying to feed their family too... |
and just another quick note i have been sued by collection agencies without any notice ever that they even had my medical bills... and they won so obviously its legal... and they can garnish my wages and everything if they want to... so if you want to ignore your debts get ready to have your bank account frozen and your wages garnished
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousSeriously people? WAM has a
Originally Posted by Anonymous Seriously people? WAM has a main office in Georgia and lots of offices throughout the United States thats why you see some many po boxes. 90% of WAM doesnt purchase bad debt and they arnt out to get you in anyway. They are more likely to take a settlement offer than anyone else and they wont take you to court for the money that you owe either. They are a very easy company to work with as far as collections go. The easiest that i have ever worked with... If you dont try to fight them all the time then you shouldnt be having any trouble with them. Yeah they may call everyday but what collection agency doesnt? If you want them to stop all you have to say on the phone is cese and desist all communication and they will, its their company policy to do so, its also law. So why dont all of you who have delt with them take a second and think about how your treating them too... If you owe money then pay it if you dont then work with them to get the situation resolved... dont just go straight to the yelling... its not the person on the phones fault if something got messed up, just keep that part in mind when you decide to go off on them their just trying to feed their family too... |
All sweetness and light, huh?

109 complaints with the BBB?
FORTY-THREE reports on ripoffreport.com?
Charter member of Bud Hibbs' CA watchlist?
Sued ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHT TIMES in federal court, mostly for FDCPA violations?
Sorry, pal. But they're about as welcome as a dose of the clap. I stand by what I said earlier. Here it is again, in case you missed it:
[QUOTE=unclewulf;501806]West Asset Management is a junk debt buyer and collection agency. Simply put, scum. They buy old, charged off debt for pennies on the dollar, and then try to collect on it at full face value.[/QUOTE]
Prove me wrong.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousand just another quick note
Originally Posted by Anonymous and just another quick note i have been sued by collection agencies without any notice ever that they even had my medical bills... and they won so obviously its legal... and they can garnish my wages and everything if they want to... |
Now, that right there is proof positive that you don't know your ass from a teakettle. Thank you, for making my point so eloquently.
Originally Posted by Anonymous so if you want to ignore your debts get ready to have your bank account frozen and your wages garnished |
I have a better idea. How about we get together and give West the well-earned legal kick in the teeth that they deserve? That's what we do in this community.
And we stake shills like you out in the sun, over a fire ant mound. Run, boy!
in need of answers
heres a question i hope some1 can help me with.im reading all these posts about you getting harrassed by this company but in my case its the exact opposite, im doing the harrassing and trying to get answers out of this company and they wont give me anything and they wont return my phone calls for anything.i just recently tried to remorgage my house to get a better intrest rate and after being approved my morgage company told me i had a 20g lien on my house from 1995.after being directed to this company after being directed to numerous other collection agencies and law firms they have not answered any of my 5 voicemails i leave them daily for a request of a copy of the lien judgement and the note on the lien.if they can not provide me with this information i want this credited off my credit report so i can goahead with my remorgage.but the question is what do i do if they wont answer any of my phone calls or give me any of tis information?thank you in advance for your help
Another phone number for West Asset Managment
Originally Posted by jimbeem the fdcpa provides for "reasonable disclosure" for a collection agency's physical address. If you have a phone number they are calling from please post it here. Finsfan13 is awesome with the info! |
I have this number for West Asset Management. They are calling
I have this number for West Asset Management. They are calling the Senior Service Employmnet Program I am with and trying to get my Social Security number.
Repeated calls to wrong person
I received 4 calls on my new company cell phone over the last 4 weeks. They ask for someone I do not know. I have only had this phone for about 2-3 months. Every time I asked to not be called again. At this latest call I asked if this was a debt collection call, and was told it was not. I finally looked up the company and found out who it was and called back. When I called, the person who answered immediately put me on hold. The person who finally answered said they would remove my number. Now that I have this well documented, including call times and a few names, if I get another call, I will be sending a cease and desist and complaints to whatever agencies are applicable.
For those who may care, the calling numbers are 410-968-7961 and 716-213-4502.
Thanks for the nice site.
Larry in Texas
The address we are told to mail money to that we DO NOT OWE is:
The address we are told to mail money to that we DO NOT OWE is:
West Asset Management, Inc.
PO Box 790113
St. Louis, MO 63179-0113
Phone number 888-847-8072
Yup at it again with a debt already paid. Can't wait to contact
Yup at it again with a debt already paid. Can't wait to contact the bar associations of the states where they do business.
It is West Asset management. Called today. Looked up Asset Wes
It is West Asset management. Called today. Looked up Asset West Management on Google. See many lawsuits against West Asset Management here, see web link below. The lawsuits are for Fair Debt Collection Act.
other number: 1(800) 694-1502
West Asset Management
We are enrolled in a debt management program. We have been paying West Asset Management $119.00 every month since March of 2002. The original company agreed to the proposal from our debt management folks and then turned us over to West Asset Management.We have sent certified letter after letter to these people and have made phone call after phone call to try and get them to tell us how much we owe. The original debt was around $5000.00 and according to our figures,we have over paid them. Recently our debt management company tried to notify them and get information for us but West Asset told them that they would only disclose that info to the primary account holder. The Statutes of Limitation for our state is 6 years. Since West Asset Management refuses to tell us or our debt management folks anything,can you offer advice on how we can deal with them. The thing is,we only have WAM and one other to pay off and we're done.We feel like we have already way over paid them but feel lost as to what we can do. SO,please,if you can help,we would so appreciate your advice. I sincerly think West Asset Management needs to be turned over to someone in the federal system because none of this makes any sense.Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! We hope you can help! :)
Hello, Receiving messages from West Management looking for so
Receiving messages from West Management looking for someone who is managing my deceased grandmother's affairs. Do I just ignore, do I try to get off of their contact list, or do I try and get info?
They call me every so often. Will not send billing to substanti
They call me every so often. Will not send billing to substantiate the bill that is in another persons name. I told them not to call. If they call me again I told them I will call them every day and waste their time and money. I am retired.
Arrogant and ignorant people. Georgia should do something about this company.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousHello, Receiving messages
Originally Posted by Anonymous Hello, Receiving messages from West Management looking for someone who is managing my deceased grandmother's affairs. Do I just ignore, do I try to get off of their contact list, or do I try and get info? |
Are you the executor of your grandmother's estate?
If yes:
Send them a letter, certified mail, return receipt requested. In that letter, advise them that your dearly departed grandmother is, in fact, dearly departed. Tell them that you will accept mail at the address on your letter. Further advise them that they are not to contact you by telephone. Then hit them with a demand for validation. Offer to sue them if they persist in their folly.
If no:
Send them a letter, CM/RRR. Advise them that you are not the person they are seeking. Follow that with a demand (not a request) that they immediately cease and desist from any and all contact with you regarding this matter. Again, offer to sue if they continue to pester you.
Give them a forwarding address of the cemetary....they will get
Give them a forwarding address of the cemetary....they will get the point.