Garnishment of school loan
Date: Fri, 11/24/2006 - 20:57
Garnishment of school loan
i owe about 40000. to college foundation..but i am unable to make the min monthly has been consolidated once... my forbearance is about to run out and they tell me that i cant put in back into forbearance until i meet satisfactory payments. Do you have any suggestions of what i can do. I can make a paymetn just not the amount they say that i have to. Can they garneish my wages for this in the state of NC?
Unfortunately, yes, they can garnish for student loans in NC. Co
Unfortunately, yes, they can garnish for student loans in NC. Consumer debts are not allowed to be garnished, but a student loan is a federal debt, so you CAN be garnished up to 15% of your disposable earnings.
Disposable income?
How is disposable income determined? Do they consider what your obligations are? I'm in default but I've been laid off and so has my husband. Will they take 15% right off the top or will they consider that we have to live?