OK - rehab is over - what about credit report?
Date: Wed, 11/22/2006 - 17:57
OK - rehab is over - what about credit report?
It is ironic that they bought it back; but since it constitutes
It is ironic that they bought it back; but since it constitutes two separate credit transactions, it is probably legal for them to report the first transaction as a chargeoff.
You might ask them, directly, to remove the original chargeoff since they are now being paid as agreed. But I would ask them in a nice way... if you come off as condescending, they might leave it on there just because they don't like your attitude.
Or you can try disputing indirectly throught the credit bureaus. Since their new tradeline is a different subcode, the person who validates that dispute might be in a totally different state than the division that has your account now. You might get lucky and they will just delete it.
Charge offs
Charge offs are only a creditor's means of posting your loan as either sold or paid off. That's all. You did do very well. Don't be discouraged. My rehab was a long time coming & with my record I couldn't apply for alot of good jobs for at least 5 years. I agreed to make $20 a month payment with Sallie Mae which I did. Then, I sent them an 18 page typed letter elaborating on my recovery and the forseeable future & stated that it would be at least 2 years before I could even consider increasing my payments at all. I continued to make my $20 monthly payments and what do you know!?! Sallie Mae stopped dunning me and took it all completely off my credit report--they've obviously written it off.
mzlizzy2006 ... If Sallie Mae was holding your loan, you did not
mzlizzy2006 ... If Sallie Mae was holding your loan, you did not complete a rehab. You have to be in default to do a rehab. Sallie Mae also never writes anything off...the loans are guaranteed. They would have just filed a claim with your guarantor.
Sallie Mae Charge Off
Don't worry anything about it - a charge off just means it has been sold, paid, or transferred. It is actually to your benefit. I thought the same thing when I defaulted and my loan(s)and they sold them but as it turns out, I had a beacon score on my credit report because of it and was able to by a brand new car. It was the only thing on my credit report. This is what 2 different dealerships who got me financed told me. O.K.?