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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Is there a new number, address and/or e-mail where Hyla and her band of thieves can be contacted? In early december I rec'd the letter stating I would get my refund in 4 - 6 weeks, but still haven't rec'd anything.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 11:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To mavric and Leigh Ann, here's the address/phone/email for Hyla at RMP

5605 N. MacArthur Blvd. #10
Irving, TX 75038
866-948-9222, extension 104 for Hyla or 100 for Finance
hyla(at) or finance

Keep sending those emails, this stupid B**** is going to get what she deserves!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 13:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well, I just got served with an order to appear in court next week. I am being sued by one of the credit card companies that RMP was to be handling. Do I need an attorney for this? I am really clueless about this, and a little scared. I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 14:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello everyone, I got mine by ups but I see that Kristec got hers different, don't count on anything from this company , they lie about everything to you and the 4-6 weeks turns out to be months and months so don't think it will come in that little bit of time, I emailed everyday and called and left messages every day and I mean every day , I didn't stop sending them , don't let them fool you into thinking that they will send it right away, to all the new comers, get out however you can.

Submitted by MadMom on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 15:06


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Leigh Ann

I was in the same position you are about 2 months ago. I did not get any response from RMP to help, so I contacted the attorney who was had filed the suit. If you have the ability to pay anything they may settle for a lesser amount, or in my case they weren't will to do that but were willing to set up a payment plan with them which satisfied the judgement.

Hope this helps

Submitted by slburs on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 18:23


( Posts: 9 | Credits: )

Leigh Ann,
Don't Panic and don't feel guilty (you are the victim of RMP). Some cities have communty agencies that provide free legal assistance to low income victoms of fruad. Try Tell them about the Arizona Banking Commision action.

Link made inactive as per forum rules-Mike

Submitted by on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 19:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To all the new people on the board. Please post your complaint at - Goto complaint center and then Finance - then Credit and debt services. There are only 9 complaints on there - I know there is more of us than 9 - If you haven't filed the complaint - please do so.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/03/2006 - 13:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I noticed that right when they moved to Texas, there were some also some other phone numbers on the BBB website. I called all of them and none of them claimed to know what I was talking about. I don't know if they really didn't know or were just playing dumb. I called one of the numbers twice and asked both times if I could speak to someone in regards to my MMG/RMP account and neither one of them knew what I was talking about. I can't remember the names of the ladies that answered, but I didn't recognize either of the names from anyone at RMP.

Submitted by hclunie on Sun, 03/05/2006 - 13:08


( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

I just stumbled on this site looking for information about this company. We cancelled with them on August 22, 2005. We have received NO refund from them and now nobody will even call me or email me back. It is very frustrating because we have $5411.00 coming back to us and that is after they keep there retaining fees or whatever they call them. We have now waited almost 7 months for our refund. I have an appointment with an attorney here in Missouri where I live and I just am mad that I have to spend money on an attorney to get back money that is mine. We started with them in August 2003. I have filed complaints with the BBB of AZ and then they fowarded it to the State Banking Dept. and they forwarded it to the Federal Trade Commission and this all took place in or about January 2006. Anyone that can give me any info would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted by on Sun, 03/05/2006 - 20:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Has anyone that has actually got their refund got it all back or did you have to abide by the bend over contract that you had to sign in order for them to do nothing but take your money? They say that the retainer and set up fees are non refundable and on top of that there is the $250 cancellation fee. Any way of getting out of letting this pole dancer keep my money? Or am I just another sorry sole donating to the augmentation fund?

Submitted by mavric on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 06:44


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

Has anyone tried to file a complaint with the Texas Attorney General or the Texas Department of Banking since this is where they have set up shop?

Submitted by on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 07:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Lets bombard their office as well. Theys guys need to go down.

Texas Department of Banking
Special Audits Division
2601 N. Lamar
Austin, Texas 78705-4294
The Banking Department can be reached toll free at (877) 276-5554

Submitted by mavric on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 08:44


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )


I got my cancellation fee back but not the retainer fees. I am still trying to bring these people down too for screwing me out of the set-up and retainer fees and the additional $3,000 my debts accumulated to since they did not pay on them.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 13:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Here is a Address for Risk Management Partners
5605 N. Macarthur Blvd, 10th ,Floor
Irving Texas TX 75038 FAX 1 888 649- 5171 I am going through the same thing I canceled and the sent me a letter to sign and send back But I am sending a copy to my Attroney General

Submitted by on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 14:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Has anyone on here hired an attorney and gotten results? I am about to pull my hair out! I emailed them and told them that my next step was to get a lawyer and I got a big "nothin" from them. No response at maybe when they here from him they will take notice...I hope anyway... :(

Submitted by lewisjl1 on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 20:46


( Posts: 6 | Credits: )

Just FYI...when I actually was able to speak to Mike in customer service (a while back obviously), I was told that the $250 cancellation fee was only if they had settled an account for you. Since many of us didn't have any accounts settled, that $250 cancellation fee does not apply to us. That is straight our of the mouth of our infamous "Mike".

Submitted by hclunie on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 04:26


( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

I also notified the Texas Attorney General's office and will try to find out from the IRS if the money tha MMG was drafting from my back account is tax deductible. I remember reading back in the forum someone said that the IRS told them that MMG should report that money to them as income. Has anyone gotten any feedback from the IRS?

Submitted by on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 05:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Do you believe this?

The time frame for you to receive your refund will depend on the
amount of time it take to legal remove our power of attorneys from each

Thank You,

Finance Department
Risk Management Partners, LTD.

How can there be power of attorney when all accounts have been settled and closed? There is no power of attorney if I am no longer a client.

Submitted by citykid on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 07:05


( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

I would think we would have more complaints on Hoping we could get noticed on that site. Maybe there are more Hyla's on here than we think.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 18:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

There are 15 complaints for 'risk management'on law cash

Submitted by on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 20:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am going out of my mind!!!!! :evil:

Our company sent out a revocation letter to ALL your creditors requesting
them to remove our Power of Attorney from their office/files. The only
thing your creditor has to do is actually legally remove our Power of
Attorney from their file, sign our letter that confirms they have
successfully removed our Power of Attorney and return our letter to our

Seems like an easy task to us!

RMP is a third party. My past creditors WILL NOT speak or converse with them. What the hell am I supposed to do?

Submitted by citykid on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 13:20


( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

Citikid... they are screwing with you. I'm sure you have done all you can but the 'Easy task' would be for them to give you back what is rightfully yours. You need to send them your creditors letters showing that the accounts no longer exist as you have settled them yourself therefore RMP can not be removed from any account because there are no accounts. Get a copy of your credit report if you have to and send that to them showing closed accounts. What has your senator's office said?

Also, I tried to make a complaint on lawcash but it seems like you have to pay to become a member to even make the complaint.... is this true? Or did I do something wrong?

Submitted by on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 15:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well today I went and talked to an attorney. The news for me (I am in Missouri) is that he would send a demand letter and he said it would simply say that they demand that they contact him within 10 days or he will file suet. He said that they would know probably that he can't actually sue them in another state besides Texas. This is depressing! We are going to find someone there or take a road trip to Irving Texas and do a drop in.

Submitted by lewisjl1 on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 18:12


( Posts: 6 | Credits: )


If you do make road trip, please let us all know the outcome.

Submitted by slburs on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 19:10


( Posts: 9 | Credits: )


I'm with you.

I am settling on my own with the creditors and am going to tell them that I have revoked power of attorney. With this being said, and by the way, I see nothing in the so called "contract" that says anything about the creditors having to sign and return anything to them upon revoking the power of attorney. In my opinion they're purely stalling and they don't have a leg to stand on.

Submitted by slburs on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 19:18


( Posts: 9 | Credits: )

Well, I sent out today copies of all the paperwork from my previous creditors to RMP. Showing them that all accounts are, in fact, closed and that there can not be any power of attorney. I sent copies to Hyla, the finance dept, and the legal dept. I am now taking bets on how much I will be ignored. :roll:

Submitted by citykid on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 15:21


( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

I received a partial refund today - Everyone keep their hopes up

Submitted by on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 15:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been waiting since May 2005. I complain on whims - Some weeks I don't do much and some weeks I e-mail daily.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 19:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received my letter from them asking me to sign to acknowledge that I want to cancel my account and that I understand that the set up fees and retainer fees are non refundable and that there is a $250 cancellation fee. I don't really agree with either statement, although, they are saying if I sign and return that the refund would be processed in 4-6 weeks, which is hard to beleive.

Any suggestions.

Submitted by slburs on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 20:10


( Posts: 9 | Credits: )

I had to sign the same thing. 4-6 weeks is an "estimated" which ought to be a year longer. The check I received did have the Texas address on it

Submitted by on Fri, 03/10/2006 - 04:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had to file bankruptcy because my debt that MMG/RMP was suppose to settle with my creditors was more than when I started with them. My bankruptcy lawyer said one you file bankruptcy your accounts are put into the bankruptcy plan. He also told me the companies like MMG/RMP are SCAMS. He is going to look into some things for me to see what he can do to help me get my money back. He also thinks they are in violation with the IRS for not reporting the money they get from us.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/10/2006 - 10:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Please ask your attorney to make sure because I think MMG can be sued in the state that you did business with them in. If you did business with them in MO, you should be able to sue them there.

Does anyone know what happened to worriedinaz?

Submitted by on Fri, 03/10/2006 - 16:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Glad city kid and guest got some of their refund, the nasty little note was un called for though, it was and is your money so they should just pay it and let it go, I know what you are going through, still would like my 299.00 that they kept but we all know how that goes.

Submitted by MadMom on Fri, 03/10/2006 - 18:59


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

I have no clue why an "installment" check was sent to you. Maybe to stall a little longer. Maybe you struck a chord with someone at MMG/RMP, it's really a impossible answer to give. Maybe they are taking the few refund money sent out in a list based on cancellations. I doubt that though. Probably more that you struck a chord with someone with something you've said. Just be grateful you've received something back. It looks like the Stantons are working with the payroll co in AZ to settle the lawsuit in typical Stanton fashion. That's more of your money probably not going to be returned. The day will come when they can't pay anything.

Submitted by on Sat, 03/11/2006 - 19:47

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