Surprise settlement from xpress cash. Thanks to this website
Date: Tue, 11/07/2006 - 03:54
Surprise settlement from xpress cash. Thanks to this website
cancelled my bank account sent them debt validation letters, tried working things out with Princeton Harris. I must have sent them 5 or 6 Letters numerous e-mails finally I said I had enough gathered all my information together forwarded everything over to the Attorney Generals office and Yesturday 11/6/06 I received a cashier check in the mail for a settlement of $240.00. What a surprise and here all I originally wanted was just to have my account paid in full. Thank you to all of the people on this site that have helped me along the way. I have had nothing but good things come out of all the information that everyone has provided me with. Aside from this one I had OK payday loans consider my account paid in full also. One more to go!
Yes it does and thank you. I just really appreciate all the help
Yes it does and thank you. I just really appreciate all the help I received on this site. I have used this site in the past to file a complaint about what a cellular company did and I received a 309.00 credit from them. I have had nothing but good luck with all of the information that is posted here.
Great job! Online pdl defeated once again. Some people think t
Great job! Online pdl defeated once again. Some people think these complaints go unnoticed, but here is another success story from filing a complaint.
Your exactly right some people think these complaints go unnotic
Your exactly right some people think these complaints go unnoticed and I was one of them at one time. I think the Attorney General's office in most of the states are taking care of the complaints against the pdl companies since they are in violation of the most if not all of the laws.
Congratulations, I wish Wisconsin had stricter laws regarding pa
Congratulations, I wish Wisconsin had stricter laws regarding payday loans. Good luck on your last battle.
Thanks - from what I understand and have been reading Arizona is
Thanks - from what I understand and have been reading Arizona is trying to get rid of all pdl companies making it illegal for them in this state.
By the way Pink Lady I owe you a thank you because you helped me
By the way Pink Lady I owe you a thank you because you helped me with this also - Thanks again you gave me some good advice!
Congratulations! I have also had great success with several of m
Congratulations! I have also had great success with several of my payday loans, thanks to this site. I think pdls should be illegal in every state.
Your welcome, I know one thing we all learned from these things
Your welcome, I know one thing we all learned from these things is to STAY AWAY... I'd rather eat pickled pig feet for a week and walk to work in a blizzard before I get one of these things again. :D
(no offense to those who actually eat pickled pig feet)
Pink Lady - I am done also I will not get another one of these p
Pink Lady - I am done also I will not get another one of these pdl's It has been nothing but a pain. It would not be bad if they were all straight up and honest and worked with you but they double dip your account and do as they choose. I know I did not know any better when I took out my loans (in regards to the fees that is) I do not have a problem paying what I owe but when you start screwing with people it is a different story.
WoW!!! Great job!! It feels good when you go in to battle arme
Great job!!
It feels good when you go in to battle armed with the proper information, doesn't it?
You are right that is what it is all about. I would tell anyone
You are right that is what it is all about. I would tell anyone that they need to search this site and gather all the information that they can together and follow the suggestions that some of the people make. The ones that you are comfortable with and go for it what is the worst case you are back were you started from but that is unlikely to happen at least in my eyes because this is the 3rd sucess I have had with the information on this site so I am 3 for 3 !!!!!
payday loans
Congradulations all your hard work paid of. I am with Pink Lady never again. Dont care if I had to eat turnips lol. These complaints are definately working. Best Wishes KYSIDE38
Congrats. I have also have settled with some paydayloan scum tod
Congrats. I have also have settled with some paydayloan scum today. IT is so awesome isn't it.