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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Hi everyone I'm back. I have been off because Hyla told me if I kept posting that she would not refund all my money to me. It is not right what she has tried to do to me and she has no right to hold my money like that. Hyla I know you are reading this, and I'm very upset with what you have tried to do to me. I've had enough, and have sent my attorney general, and my senator a nice packet of information to them on all of this. Next week February 3rd will be ONE YEAR since I've been waiting to get my money back. No more being patient, I'm done, had it... From now on my correspondence will be to them.....Keep writing everyone, don't give up...stay strong and keep pushing for your money... It belongs to you....

Submitted by swtgal77 on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 16:48


( Posts: 123 | Credits: )

Hello everyone, ok i got a phone call from the ftc today so keep sending in those complaints. They do look at them, all of you that are new please read all that we have went through and file a complaint with the ftc, stop sending them money now, all that have sent in complaints to ftc if nothing else send in an update that you are still waiting on your money and your situations,

Submitted by MadMom on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 17:59


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Welcome Garo! Thank you for joining us!
Garo, what state are you from? Can you PM me?

To those of you just reading but not leaving posts in this forum, Please GIVE yourself a chance to say something....and it can START simply with one word....and it GROWS. Alot of you are just WORRIED and NERVOUS about all the money that has been collected in your "trust" account...even if 1 or 2 accounts have been settled already...again, if you read further back on our posts, you`ll see it`s just a ploy. You`re NOT ALONE. Come on board and join...we hope to hear from you soon!

Swtgal77 , I need to reach you. Can you PM me? Thanks.

The House Of Dagger

Hmmm....where did I put my bunny slippers???

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 22:48


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Hello everyone, I got a letter from my senator with a copy of their response from the FTC where i filed a complaint with him and he in turn contacted the FTC,
They went
into detail of how they look at the complaints and evaluate whether to devote further resourses of the matter, they look at how the consumer is injured,and whether the practice appears to violate the ftc act and how the problem fits into our overall enforcement strategy. It went on to say that my complaint had been had been entered into the Commission's Consumer Sentinel database which is used for further enforcement initiatives and that i may be contacted in the future if additional information is needed, It went on to tell him about Ameridebt and the founder and what happened it that situation,This is a positive in my eyes so all of you find your local senator or congressman that you feel will listen to you and let the FTC know what you have went through and how you have been treated and whether this company has paid anything on your debts or if they took you for your trusting in them. Hang in here together everyone, Someone will listen if we keep putting the pressure in this matter.

Submitted by MadMom on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 15:51


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Hi Everyone,

I have been posting info here and there on this site and have a few things to say...

I finally got my refund back! I received the money in my trust (including the $250 cancellation fee for the untimely delay it had taken) but not the $699 in set-up and retainer fees. It took over 6 months from when I cancelled to get this refund and a lot of work writing and calling into state and federal organizations.... I am the one who posted I spoke with an attorney for the $75.00 consultation and urging that people need to talk with their state senator. I received the final check at the end of December and this month have called my creditors and settled over $14,000 worth of debt for under $5,000 (the money I got back from MMP/RMP). I did what I had paid them to do in less than a month and for less money than what they refunded me! If I can do this, what took them so long? To those still involved in the program, I have said this before and I will say it again, GET OUT! If I can settle my debt and not pay someone to do it, you all can too! The creditors want to settle these debts.

Also this is very important.... to all who has not revoked your Power of Attorney, I would suggest you do so. Log onto
and then copy the form and paste it into another document where you can type in your correct info. Get 2 letters notarized and send one to RMP/MMG. I recently sent mine certified to the Texas address and someone did sign for it. They still have Limited power on your credit cards until you revoke this. I am just making sure I am completely disconnected from this company.

Also, on pg 12 of this forum, Hyla logged on and stated to contact her attorney. He also logged on and posted the same thing. DO IT! And if he doesn't respond, keep contacting her. One of them should respond, either Hyla or her legal representative. I was threatened to be sued for harrassment and after speaking with my attorney, I knew that really wasn't going to happen. Her attorney needs to be licensed in your state to take you to court.

Good luck and keep writing your senators...

Link made inactive as per forum rules - Vikas

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 09:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Good morning everybody!

Mr. Saeang , Ml6636 , Craziet98, Louise F., BrokeInCali....Please PM me. Need to contact all of you.

Hyla Stanton....Please PM Oprah. Needs to shred you in a million little pieces.

The House of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 00:37


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

USDagger - I sent you my info - wanted to make sure you got it

Submitted by craziet98 on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 18:14


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

USDagger - Question -
On ml6636 post on page 50 -
Their post has your contact info attached to it??????

Submitted by craziet98 on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 18:22


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

To everyone - I have noticed on alot of the guest posts - that their contact info is that of alot of the most seen folks on here. What is up with that????

Submitted by craziet98 on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 18:25


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

Hey everyone i have noticed the same thing that craziet98 noticed, i have tried to pm a few times and it comes up with the wrong person, did you all hear what i said about the ftc? My senator did contact them and urged them to investigate this company and the people, the letter i got back from him had a copy of their reply and they did mention ameridebt in it and what happened to them so keep letting ftc know whatever you are going through, i did get most of my money from them but still lost my credit and some of the retainer fees, that part can never be fixed as far as my credit or it will take a lot of years to erase, i went through you know what with them and am thankful to be out of their strings that they dangeled over me for months, i still will be a part of anything that comes up against them,

Submitted by MadMom on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 18:45


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Good early Sunday morning everybody!

Hi Craziet98 and MadMom! Don`t even worry about the contact info. found in the profile section of other people. It`s some computer glitch in this forum.

Ken Dvorak has Citykid`s info , Kristie C. has MadMom on page 51 , Garo has USDagger , Worriedinaz has both Citykid`s profile (on page 49) and my contact profile as well (on page 50), Hyla Stanton has Martha Stewart`s profile................uh.............umm............let`s not go there.

Gotta get some Zzzzz`s. May Peace be with all of you this Sunday morning.

Thanks MadMom and Craziet98. Wait for mine later today.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 22:51


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I wanted to reply to Kristie's post. I am glad you managed to salvage some success from your experience with the Stantons. I am very happy for you, I know the emotional/mental scars will heal over time. When I worked for the Stantons, we received tremendous settlement offer all of the time on accounts in the program for 30-40% of the debt amount. The Stantons would not let us settle the accounts, always with some excuse about banking errors, account problems, etc.. At the end, before I quit, most checks sent to creditors or refunds to client would just bounce. The only mmg/rmp checks that didn't bounce were ones to the Stantons, even employee checks were bouncing at the end. I just wanted to concur with Kristie that creditors will negotiate with you if you find yourselves in hard times. If you pick up a phone and call them it shouldn't be too bad of an experience. debt settlement companies have too big of a chance to run into thieves like the Stantons. I'm very happy for you Kristie; please continue to monitor the site and help out with situations, share your successes with those who come here new. Please continue to help the others at this site. I salute you, Dagger, Mad Mom, all those who just don't quit after receiving some of their money back. Thieves like the Stantons will continue to prey on your friends, family and nieghbors unless they are stopped for good.

Submitted by on Sun, 01/29/2006 - 08:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

A quick Hi to everybody!

MadMom...Check your PM inbox. Craziet98...check your inbox. Thanks.

Mr. Saeang, BrokeinCali, if you`re reading this, I need a way to contact you please. Thanks.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 18:45


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

i need help. i have put in a good deal of money into miracle management and now dont know what to do. so far i have filed complaints with bbb, ftc, AZ & CA state attourney general. but what do i need to do to get my money back or my debts settled. haha boohoo

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 18:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

USDagger how do I contact you? let me know. I'm back to here. I got severely swamped with work. I need help ASAP.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 23:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To BrokeinCali.... I know you are concerned of your outstanding debt which is why you are still in the program. Did you read my post where over this last month I settled over $14,000 worth of debt for only $4,850! That means I did not have to pay the Stantons their 25% of the approximate $10,000 savings. You should get out now and try to do this on your own and really save some money. I now have no more credit card debt because I took my refund and settled with my creditors. I question why RMP took so long to do what I did in less than a month.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/31/2006 - 09:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have just realized that I am being scammed. I have given MMG/RMP over $7,000 over the past couple years. I haven't figured out what exactly I am going to do yet. I guess the first thing to do would to be to contact my bank, so they can't take the money out any longer. I believe I signed for them to be my power of attorney as well. How is that going to affect me? I would love to be part of a Class action lawsuit against this company. I just contacted the BBB today. I am so mad!! I need some advice.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/31/2006 - 14:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Min, there's a link on the page before this one that has a form to revoke your power of attorney. You need to contact MMG/RMP of course and then your senator and the FTC. If you have time, read this entire forum... very interesting, I have been following it for months and just recently got my money back. We have all been scammed! Good Luck

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 04:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Does anybody have the new address MMG/RMP have now in Texas so I can send them the REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY letter?

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 10:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I still keep getting a response from the Finance dept saying "Our department has not completed your refund process. We will contact you if we require your assistance and/or when your refund check is being issued. We have re-assure you many times that a refund check will be issued to you once we have finalized your refund process."

Now I just got a letter from the last creditor I had, THAT I SETTLED WITH MYSELF. How can I get a letter from them and still have my RMP account being processed?!

Side note, I spoke with the Senator's office and they are working on it, asking for more paperwork. Boy, do I have paperwork for them!

And a lawsuit filed in my own state is being filed.

Submitted by citykid on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 11:18


( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

Can somebody please help me out? I need to know how all of you that are still waiting for refund checks to arrive started your cancellation process and requested your refund. I can't get anybody by either phone or email. I want to send them a certified letter but the address I have for NV is no good.

Also, what are all the websites and the people I need to go to file complaints about MMG/RMP to get my money back?

If somebody is out there starting or doing a class action suite, please let me know because that might be the only way to get my money back.

Has anybody tried to check and see if their bank can help them get their money back?

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 11:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had 3 different creditors to settle with. My balances were all over what I had started off 3.5 years ago when I joined RMP in Feb. 2002. RMP settled 1 card in August of 2002... the first year I was in this program which is why I held on so long. Meanwhile I was dumping money in that b.s. trust account and my credit card accounts were being sold off to collection agencies, which is why the balances grew so high. I mean the balances were over $2,000 more than when I started.

Also, Read the forum within the last 10 pages or so.... I requested the address for Texas and someone responded so I sent my Revocation of Power of Attorney certified Mail to this address and someone did sign for my letter addressed to Hyla Stanton for RMP. As long as they get this letter and you have proof of this and you have a copy as well, then they no longer have any power on your credit or credit cards.

I suggest everyone send them a letter to Revoke this Power of Attorney. As shady as they are, I would not put anything pass them to use anything on their behalf to screw one over. DISCONNECT YOURSELVES NOW!

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 13:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

saeang, You need to write to RMP/MMG... all addresses you know of so they are aware you want to cancel, you need to call the FTC and submit a complaint to add to all of ours, and find out who your state senator is and write to them... the FTC has to respond to senators letters. My senator's office told me that the FTC will give them the name of the person investigating this as well as time line of resolution.

And to get the most info, take some time to start at the beginning of forum and read through. Read Hyla and her attorney's remarks on page 12 of this forum.. and then again Hyla responds on page 15 (I think it's that page) as 'Your nemisis'

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 13:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Please PM as soon as you can. Sign up with this forum so you can PM me. I need a way to contact you...

Brokeincali (or is that Brokeinmo? same person or different people)...Please PM me as soon as you sign up. I need a way to reach you. Thanks

The House OF Dagger

Almost forgot, Kristie C., can you PM me? Thanks

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 15:34


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Worriedinaz, I sent you an email just now. Please look into it when you have the time. Thanks.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 16:08


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I was checking out the BBB site just a little bit ago and I don't see Risk Management Partners listed in there anymore. I tried typing in the name and address and nothing comes up. Did anyone else notice that?? I know the address is 5605 N MacArthur Blvd 10th Floor, Irving TX 75038. Is there another name change again???

Submitted by swtgal77 on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 18:29


( Posts: 123 | Credits: )

If you goto the Tempe, AZ BBB and the Nevada BBB you can find the files


Submitted by craziet98 on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 19:06


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

Good morning Mr. Saeang! If you already signed up, you`ll have to LOG IN by entering your email address and your password. On your left side of the computer, click "log in" and enter the information. Otherwise, you won`t be able to privately message (PM) me and everybody else.

On your most recent posts, you`re listed as "guest" so try to "log in".

Min, if you`re reading this posts, please do the same. Sign up and you can start PM everybody in the forum. I need you to contact me as soon as possible.

This forum is growing steadily. To those of you who haven`t signed up and place posts in this forum......It`s TIME! TIME to be part of our group by VOICING OUT YOUR CONCERNS. We all work together and you`re not left alone. We support each other in this uphill battle...and we can win. Be part of us now and we can start sharing information/help each other.

If you want, you can JUST INTRODUCE yourself and start from there. You don`t have to explain your experience if you don`t feel comfortable. REMEMBER, we will only know you by madeup code name such as USDagger, Swtgal77, Citykid, little elmo, ummm....or....Biscuit Head(Hyla Stanton) :shock:. Ok.....who put DECAF IN MY COFFEE!!!

Anyway...Don`t delay...join now.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 23:59


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Good day everybody!

I have little time to type since I have to get ready to go to work.

Now listen up everybody...especially those who haven`t joined the forum yet....and we hope you do join us...... DON`T PANIC. IF you have money being WITHDRAWN from your bank account, go to your bank and sign an authorization form to freeze the automatic withdrawals.

Freezing your automatic withdrawals IS your VERY FIRST STEP to stop your loss. As with everybody else, begin calling and leaving messages on RMP voicemail system and emailing ust service as well. Now , all of us know they take forever (it would be a miracle if they ever come true "forgive the pun")to respond but keep contacting them.

Strongly recommend , for the mean time, to file complaints with FTC and definitely with the Dallas BBB...and other organizations.

To those of you who are informed about "something"....just wait for that "something".......Don`t panic.

To those of you have already PM me, I will respond (PM) you in time. I`m limited right now but will get a chance. Gotta go but will be back.

The House Of Dagger

I know I`m missing something...please add more to the forum instructions/process of beginning the refund process.

REMEMBER.....Just wait for the word............

Submitted by USDagger on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 10:11


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I did sign up and login, but I am curious where you go to read the forum once you are logged in. It seems like the only time I am able to read all the pages of forums is when I am not logged in. Is there a cost for using this website? By the way, I stopped payments from being taken out of my account by RMP. Another thing I am wondering about is what state BBB, senator, FTC, etc do you notify? I live in California, but when I started with RMP they were based out of AZ, then NV, and now Texas. Do I write to the senator of CA?

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 13:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello everyone, me again, i got another letter from my senator saying it was a pleasure contacing the ftc in my behalf and he would let me know if he recieved anything new from them, i look daily on the ftc sight to see if they have put anything on there against mmg/rmp but i do have faith that it will happen, they are getting swamped with complaints i am sure so they will take notice to them, any law suites that come up i am right in there with all of you or whoever gets it started, just let me know because i keep everything to do with mmg/rmp and what they have done to me and any responses that i get i keep also, keep pushing everyone,

Submitted by MadMom on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 14:09


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Dagger, i am trying to pm you. Tell what i need to do to contact you

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 14:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

A week ago I requested some information on the internet and I was contacted by a representative of a debt consolidation company called American Telecommunications Solutions, LLC (ATSL). Has anybody out there used them before or heard of them? ATSL is based out of Frederick, MD. Also a Richard A Brennan and Law Office Of Richard A. Brennan are included in the contract.

When I search for ATSL in the national BBB database, I get nothing and when I search for the Law Office I get a return for another Credit-Debt Consolidation Service company called CrediCure, Inc. which has the lawyer as General Counsel. Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s).

I'm trying to be very cautious these days when trying to deal with non-local business because of the problems I'm having with MMG/RMP and just like everyone else is having also.

The following are the websites I have for them:

First link made inactive as per forum rules - Vikas

Submitted by saeang on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 16:42


( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

Good Early Friday Morning everybody.

To David (the one with the chipmunk picture), we appreciate your help for guiding the new individuals to sign up to this forum. We know you`re overseeing this forum daily but again Thank you.

Hi swtgal77. I`ll have to get back with you about the RMP licensed in Texas. I promise. Also, you can add me to your Yahoo IM buddy list so we can communicate soon.

Hello Ml6636! To PM me, go ahead and log in since you already signed up. Once you log in, look for my most recent post (such as this) and click PM button below. It will bring you to a page where you can type the message and send. The cost to join is FREE.

Hello Min! After reading your post, File your complaints out there AS MUCH as you can such as the FTC. Filing a complaint to the California Senator won`t hurt because you`re a resident there plus you are a victim of a financial fraud scheme regardless where the company is based. The California senator can help by contacting the FTC (I learn something new..thank you MadMomma) The idea is to build the AWARENESS of this pathetic build a comprehensive history of this company which can be used in a FUTURE COURT ACTION. Since you`re from California, try to file a complaint to the Dallas BBB since the office is in Texas. We`re happy to hear you stopped payments to RMP.

Hello Saeang! I will send you a PM in your inbox as soon as I can. As far as American Telecommunications Solutions, LLC (ATSL) is concern, I don`t think anybody in this forum may have any knowledge about this. Did you contact this company "for more information" and now they are responding back to you quickly? Miracle Management Group was very quick to respond after contacting this company "for more information". Seems like DeJaVu all over again.....especialy when you discovered that the said company has an unsatisfactory record with the BBB. It`s good you are cautious...just don`t repeat the SAME mistake. If I were you, I wouldn`t consider joining American Telecommunications Solutions, LLC (ATSL) at all....I wouldn`t. Remember Mr. Saeang, History repeats itself.

Getting sleepy right now and will need to doze off to a far enchanted land...and the tape can`t hold my eyelids up any longer...

This fourm is growing! Have many of you noticed? Thank you new folks for coming on board! To those STILL reading and not leaving any messages(posts) at all.....What is keeping you from just saying "hi"? There are plenty of people in this forum who is willing to help anybody including you if you just stop by....You`re always welcome to come in! There is NO COST to you.

Please LISTEN, IF you CONTINUE to do the SAME THING (Allowing RMP to withdraw funds from your bank), you WILL CONTINUE to get the SAME RESULTS (LOSING your money FOR GOOD...even with just 1 or 2 settlements). Do you STILL want to remain quiet? Join us now.

It`s 3:30AM early Friday. I`m about to hit the sack so chow baby! Can anyone of you read me a bedtime story?? Let me know.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 01:32


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )