easy money
Date: Mon, 03/07/2005 - 04:49
easy money
$$$$$ Would you like to know how to make thousands of dollars using your Pay Pal account? $$$$$
I'm sure you've read these letters asking you to send $1.00 to 6 different addresses. Well, putting your home address or mailing address on the internet can be very risky. but through Papal all you have to provide is your email address. (so no risk is taken!) I'm not much of a gullible person, and I've always thought things like this were a bunch of nonsense... but my curiosity got the best of me, and I went for it! So I thought to myself, "What do I have to loose? It's only $6.00!" I figured at least six people would respond out of the millions of people that use the internet. You should give it a try, too! You have nothing to lose, and $$ thousands of dollars to gain!
Hi fabinhoc, Welcome to debt consolidation care and thank yo
Hi fabinhoc,
Welcome to debt consolidation care and thank you for the visit, as you can see our site is meant for debt solution, we cannot afford to welcome your interest in this matter. Pay pal is popular enough without our help, so please do not try to repeat such soliciting.
It'll be a pleasure if you could otherwise participate in the forum; perhaps you could be a wonderful contributor in debt related issues and make someone's life better. Thank you for your understanding.
With regards,
Hi fabinhoc,
Welcome to the debt consolidation care forum.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge on Papal but we can't proceed further as we deal with a different segment. :(
However, your enthusiasm to interact from this platform is highly appreciable.
We welcome you to join us and be an active member in our forum. Share your interests and experience in debt related issues with other members and become an active participant. :D