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yeah 4 down 3 to go.

Date: Wed, 10/11/2006 - 11:22

Submitted by jess
on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 11:22

Posts: 102 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 25

yeah 4 down 3 to go.

yeah i got 3 of my 7 online pdl's to copmpletley mark my account as zero. and one to take payment arrangments. now i am jsut waiting on my last 3. thanks for all the advise. if i hadn't of found this site i would still be goign crazy with these loans

The one's i got to mark it at zero was usa payday, one click cash, and arrowhead investment. The one taht would only give me a payment arrangment was nationwide cash. I got her to got her to give me 3 payments of $80.00 to pay off my $240.00 loan so that one will be gone on the 15th of november


Submitted by jess on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 11:41

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

How did you get cash net 500 to mark you paid in full?
I have sent the letter out and I have paid more than the principal plus interest. They sent me an email stating that they follow Utah laws, not NC. I made a complaint to NC Attorney General's office this week.


Submitted by jnmeads on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 14:01

( Posts: 40 | Credits: )

well i thought i had only one left come to find out that one click cash is telling me that they are taking back there promise to mark my account as $0. they sent me a letter on 10.10.06 telling me that my account was being marked @ $0.00 and to stop contacting them. well today out of the blue i get a fax telling me that there offer is now resinded due to my fraudulent actions. my first settlement letter went out to them on 9.26.06 telling them that they were not allowed to debit any more money from my account and they tried to debit my account on 10.6.06 for $175.00 and when my bank returned it to them they got pisseed off and is not rescinding the letter they sent me that my account is marked at $0. can they do this???? i told the girl that if she noticed at the bottom of the letters i sent them that they were cc: to my bank and they took it upon them selfs the stop payment on their debits. so now they are telling me that i owe them $435.00 when the original amount to pay off the loan is $390.00 but i have already paid them $500.00. but that they are willing to reduce the $435.00 to $115.00 if i pay them by 11.1.06


Submitted by jess on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 14:38

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

Stick to your guns jess. Did you file a complaint with your AG's office? I would do this and include a copy of the original agreement to mark your account paid in full, resend the original settlement letter and add another one that you have filed a formal complaint and have given the AG's office the original letter they sent you marking your account as paid in full. Stand your ground. Don't budge.


Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 14:42

( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Jess one click cash tried that with me too! HAHA to bad I have it in writing that you marked my account at zero!!! If they send you to collections all you have to do is provide proof that your account was considered paid in full!!
They told me that AFTER I told them they needed to give me a refund!!!! LOL Now I gave their threats to the AZ AG's office so they can deal with them!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 14:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

oh! i'm glad i'm not the only one. i thought i was going crazy. i most definitly kept the letter they sent me stating that it was marked at zero. i was flipping out though when they told me i owed the $435.00 on a $390.00 loan and they have some nerve because i have already paid them $500.00 on this loan in fees.


Submitted by jess on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 15:07

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

your language is fine. i agree with you. beleive me i sent them over a nacsty a** letter stating that they were informed as of 9.26.06 the original letter date that they had no business debiting my account with anything and the i was going to send a copy of that letter the letter stating my account is paid in full and this letter i recived today stating they were revoking the letter marking it zero the my AG's office and that i wasn't paying them another red cent. i told them that they got an extra $110.00 out of me and they should be lucky they got that and that i wasn't asking for a refund.


Submitted by jess on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 15:14

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

They tried to debit $480 on my account on a $300 loan. Have notified my bank to placed a stop payment on them. I have already paid them $180. Any of you have their information so i can file them with my AG's office in California?? Address, phone numbers, email, or website address?? Thanks guys.


Submitted by sammi613 on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 10:50

( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

does anyone have the adress or email to the Ca attorney generals office i can't seem to find my infromation. i just received another fax from one click cash stating that my balance is now $610.00 but on frinday they wanted my to pay them $435 do they think i'm STUPID!!!!!


Submitted by jess on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 09:35

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

Jess, I don't know if they can legally resind on a paid in full letter. It makes them look like they don't know what they're doing, that's for sure. I agree with Steelers1 and Guest. Stick to your guns, and you already have the paid in full letter in your possession, so I don't think they can do much.


Submitted by dbaker6 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 14:58

( Posts: 1600 | Credits: )

Jess, I am so glad that you got it stopped. I have warned before that they try the paper check routine. I hope how soon you are payday loan free. KYSIDE38 :D :D


Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 19:56

( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )