student loans
Date: Mon, 10/02/2006 - 14:21
student loans
Have you tried consolidating them? It could possibly lower your
Have you tried consolidating them? It could possibly lower your payments. Here is the number to talk to somebody about the William D. Ford Student Loan Consolidation Program: (800)557-7392. Hope this helps.
I'll pass along a great student loan consolidating site that I c
I'll pass along a great student loan consolidating site that I came across. I've consolidated my student loans and got a 2.67% interest rate on them. I have about $27,000 in student loans. The name of the company is American Education Services. They are located in Pennsylvania I believe. So if anyone is looking to consolidate their student loans, try this company. Very good customer service and obviously, I got a very good rate too.
Call your Lender
Congress passed special provisions for deployed troops, which included loan forebearance and deferment. If you qualify for the deferment, then the government will pay the interest for you on the unsubsidized portion of your loan balance. The best thing to do is call your lender for the details.
Here is some information that might help
Military Options
Based on the status of the account, AES offers a variety of options to assist in managing Title IV student loan debt for U.S. military members who are serving our country.
Borrowers with Accounts Currently Due for Payment
If you are on Active Duty and your account is in repayment, we may be able to suspend your monthly payment if you meet certain eligibility requirements. Based on your specific situation, you may qualify for either a deferment or forbearance. In most cases, all we need is an e-mail or phone call advising us of the situation and the date service began. Please call our office and a representative will assist you in determining if you qualify for payment suspension.
Borrowers Who Left School Due to a Call to Active Duty
We can maintain your account in an in-school status while you are on Active Duty. Requests may be made verbally or in writing by you or a reliable source without documentation, for up to 1 year. If you are eligible beyond 1 year, we must receive supporting documentation (i.e. a copy of the orders). If you have subsidized loans, the government continues to pay the accruing interest during your service.
Borrowers Who Left a Graduate Fellowship Due to a Call to Active Duty
We can maintain the account in a Graduate Fellowship Deferment status during your service. Requests may be made verbally or in writing by you or a reliable source without documentation for up to 1 year. If you are eligible beyond 1 year, we must receive supporting documentation (i.e. a copy of the orders). If you have subsidized loans, the government continues to pay the accruing interest during your service.
Armed Forces Loan Forgiveness Program
Borrowers who served in the Armed Forces in an active duty status between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2006, may be eligible for one-time loan forgiveness benefit up to $2,500. They must have an eligible loan and meet eligibility requirements.